First Hydro Grow


Active Member
First off this is my first hydro grow and am very excited. I am building an Aero/NFT sysetem similiar to SOG. My first question is what medium should I use rocks, clay pellets, coco dan croutons, or something else????? Second what Nutes should I use any help would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
First off this is my first hydro grow and am very excited. I am building an Aero/NFT sysetem similiar to SOG. My first question is what medium should I use rocks, clay pellets, coco dan croutons, or something else????? Second what Nutes should I use any help would be greatly appreciated.
i use hydroton and techna flora nutes
its up to u really
i only suggest to pick ur nutes wisely cuz clogging misters is a bitch


New Member
what do you mean will you please elaborate? i have heard good things about techna flora
i mean to either have good nutes that wont clog ur misters
or have misters that wont clog as easy
clogs r inevitable
technaflora will clog most misters
i learned from experience
trial and error
a shrub sprayer is the only thing i found that it doesnt clog as easy
i heard advanced nutrients r very good for misters