3 ?'s on plant budding?

1. will my plants bud natrual or do i have to make them bud?

2. can they bud anytime of the year?

3. how long after i plant my germenated seeds will they bud (im growing outdoors)


Well-Known Member
1. 24 hours of light during vegitative stage. 12/12 to make the plant flower or "bud". 2. depends on where you live. 3. depends on how long you vegitate plant. expect 9 weeks to finish in flower and whatever amount of time you give it in vegitative cycle. good luck... and read up on growing! :)


Well-Known Member
germinate seeds in a dark, warm place. wrap seed in moist paper towel and put is somewhere dark and warm. check it a few days later and hopefully it popped. take that, bury it an inch down in your container with soil, give it 24 hours of light, and your growing cannabis.


Active Member
thanks im gonna go move my plant outside
you have plant your seeds in the spring or else when the light gets to be around 14-12 hours or less it will start to bud, so unless your in the southern hemosphere, you have to wait until next year to grow outside. Or you could grow inside all winter :hump: