new at this and i need some help

ok so i just germenated 2 seeds and i planted them this morning im using regular growing soil i have been keeping them outside most of the day and watering them 3 or 4 times a day just to keep the soil wet i water them one last time before i bring them in at night im growing one in a bean can and one in a cutin half water bottle (im broke and new at this haha) but any help would be good am i doing this right? when should my plant start to sprout over the soil?



ok so i just germenated 2 seeds and i planted them this morning im using regular growing soil i have been keeping them outside most of the day and watering them 3 or 4 times a day just to keep the soil wet i water them one last time before i bring them in at night im growing one in a bean can and one in a cutin half water bottle (im broke and new at this haha) but any help would be good am i doing this right? when should my plant start to sprout over the soil?

you should look in the newbie section. it has some really good info. I have posted questions and havent had real good responses. if you look through all the threads on here its not to hard to find someone that has asked a simular question. hope this will help you out.
good luck man


Well-Known Member
one thing to change is the watering, don't water more than once a day normally
once every 3 days is usually plenty, though this can vary depending on soil and pot size


Active Member
yea you shouldn't have to even water your plants more than once every two days unless your plant is in bad conditions or is a beast
yea you shouldn't have to even water your plants more than once every two days unless your plant is in bad conditions or is a beast
so if it's outside and i water it, but in like 30 min the soil is completly dry is that ok? or do i need to keep it wet?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
get a spray bottle ,an old windex bottle make sure you wash it out good and spray mist the soil if they stay too wet it will rot the roots ,its called damping off...did you cut drain holes in the containers they need to drain and check the weight of the containers water when they are light,like the first time you added the soil


Just put your finger in the soil a couple inches down if dry water. The top of the soil will dry out because you are growing outdoors. If you continue to over water your plants will suffer. Just mist them.


Well-Known Member
pots probably no more than a quart size?
a number of growers i've scoped over the net use 1/4 the size of the pot for the watering
so if those are 1 quart containers, 1 cup of water should be good
water slowly to make sure the water is penetrating the soil evenly, and you should see 10-20% runoff out the bottom

zerran elar

Well-Known Member
I would invest in Foam cups, Those will be hard to get your plants out of. Foam just rips right up, Always cllean up your grow site though, Helis looked for trash!!