hey man .... it was a lifetime treat to be there ..... I have waterskiied since I was 6 ...... much less recently. But the facility has a summer program for training and just skiing. Fpr demo they had a n 8 yr old girl do the slalom, it was amazing. I'm a gonna look into it.
love the ski pics. dude's get some serious extensions on those turns. they make it look easy.
many thanks for your visit. Much appreciate the kind words of support. Walk on!!~~~
Like Your Work. Best of Luck! Peace always . . .
Fly low, stay high!
hey there drG .... hahahah ... funny how that happens .... sometime I know I feel like that over at your place ....
Damn Tahoe!! your thread ALWAYS blows up when I'm not logged on and then I always have to play catch-up

Dude, those pics of the dude throwing some chunks is MEAN!! awesome pics Tahoe, enjoyed it. your plant is looking diggitty dank too! life must be good my friend.....
many many thanks for one of the true masters ..... the master of ..... of ...... the Cheese! Walk on!!~~~~
outstanding lol mucking farvolouse
good to see you, always a chair available and I try to keep the fridges stocked. Traffic has been a little higher since the bitch is ready to fall on the sword. O might have tup deliveris of room supplies for a short nit here. I'f I'm missing anything give me a holler and I'll see if I can have it brought in ..... Walk on!!~~~~~
Damn Tahoe, its only been 4 days since I last checked your journal.
And wow, amazing ladies you got there.
Ill be checking in more frequently awaiting your top 44 harvest. Looks delicious my friend
many many thanks man, your visit always appreciated.
Is it ever gonna stop? Great work man
hahahahah .... excellent .... ya know I just have not got around to that .... I guess I sort bin tinking dat better left unsaid .... you know, in their sleep kinda ,fade away as a monstro memory and montstro pictures. hahahaha! Good one buddy!! Walk on!!~~~
I think we may be onto the NeXt horitcultural revolution. The spoken word. Done with love and caring, but they ll know what our ultimate goal is ..... we speak as we brandish a torch ... eyes glazed over and in sum mute stare off into neverland. Walk On!!~~~ the plants will be encouraged inj full bud growth, but given no expectation to live beyond that stage. It is brilliant (said only as Mugatu does in Zoolander!!)
yeah Tahoe, maybe hayduke is right,,,,you need to pull the girl over on the side and have a little talk with her about the birds and the bees

love to have ya come by for a visit anytime ....

this thread cracks me up... in the humorous and sexual sense. that woman is smokin hot!!
hahahaha ... anotehr different perspective of what to do with those buds .... shrink and sink into them .... sticky freakin place that would be .... could make a cartoon about that!@ hashahaha!
oh yeah, i woud definitely shrink my self (if i could), to sunk into that bud for a few minutes.
widow is always good .... it was on the grow to do list but keeps getting bumped .... right now I have GreatWhiteShark on the list ... but lots more Grow to Do, I ain't quitting any time soon .... this is way too much fun .... keeping it small and all has its advantages ...Walk on!!~~~
Love the way that girl looks. Wana trade for some Widow??? JK. I think your over seas and customs is a bitch. Keep up the great work.