Cali Kush 1st Grow


Well-Known Member
Do i really have to be the one to say it?! Dont add anything to a plant that you wouldnt SMOKE. God knows whats going to happen if you smoke food colouring, full of chemicals and carcinogens. Come on...

One last time:

What you put in your plant, is what comes out. What do you think THC is ?! It's a complex molecule of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Where does it get it these emelemts from? Carbon dioxide (c02) and water ? (H20), to form
C21H30O2 which is THC.

Hopefully , now you boys and girls can understand that adding shit to your plant will complicate this process and you WILL be consuming whatever you put in there.

Dont do it, unless your ready to smoke it.


Active Member
Ya when i first started i wattered to much, but now i dont water unless the soil is dry.[/QUOT

I think from the pics above, she does look a little overwatered. You can tell, because of the really droopy leaves from a side view....... This is a number one indicator of overwatering, not here to argue just give my thoughts and help if needed. Other than that she looks OUTSTANDING, perfect node spacing and everything......

I really do not think she is to young to begin bending, but you are bending her wrong. You are bending her at the roots and not by the "MAIN STOCK".

When you first begin bending your plant you always tie between the second or third NODE and tie it to your bucket, but the point of this tie is just to keep the "STOCK" from bending and not the roots.

Then you take another tie and place it around the fifth node and pull in the opposite direction and tie to bucket..... Here is an example!!!!!
Ok well shes already bending up towards the light so how should i change it like you say it needs to be done? How do i do what ur sayin when shes curved like she is?


Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
Thanks, but like i said how could i even fix her if shes already doin her thing haha. Ill work it out
ya if you just put her stem back were it would be notmally and bents the stem a lil intill its straight than re train it, she will go for the light in like 5 hours


Well-Known Member
Ok well shes back to norm. now and i will start training her in a few days so she does not get 2 stressed. Let me know what you think. :weed:

Your plant looks good, but when you do tie her again you will need to do exactly like the pic on your previuos post with the 2 strings. Then you need to bend her, I mean really bend her. Yhis will open up alot more potential budsites and give you a even canopy. This is my plant 7 days into flower and it has been LST'D actually all 4 have been LST'D and topped accept 1 I have is growing in a 16 ounce cup, LOL, but I have pinched the shit out of her you should see her trunk. Check out my grow iournal... Its in my signature....:weed:


Active Member
Your plant looks good, but when you do tie her again you will need to do exactly like the pic on your previuos post with the 2 strings. Then you need to bend her, I mean really bend her. Yhis will open up alot more potential budsites and give you a even canopy. This is my plant 7 days into flower and it has been LST'D actually all 4 have been LST'D and topped accept 1 I have is growing in a 16 ounce cup, LOL, but I have pinched the shit out of her you should see her trunk. Check out my grow iournal... Its in my signature....:weed:
I wanna start LST her but im not sure where to start, any comments.
More pics shes a darker green now and shes lookin good, let me know what ya think. :joint:
Really nice man...thanks for posting in my thread so I can compare with mine. I'd say I'm pretty good on mine too a week and a half I should be about where you are too....Thanks!!!