

Well-Known Member
so last night some one who owed me money gave me a suboxone as a way to start paying me back. i dont do heroin and dont need to clean anything, i do perks here and there, but im not an opiate addict ano only have a small tollerance. i did it like a year ago and i did like 1/3 of one, i was jammed bannans for like an hour or so and then i was throwin up, real bad. like exorsist vomit. last night i was up untill 4 am jamed off my ass off of half of that suboxine that guy gave me, i didnt puke untill atleast 3am. before i puked i felt like i was dope sick or having withdrawals, but jamed at the same time. i was itchy and shaking and puking. it was a good fucked up, but not worth the side effects. ive been puking all day still

i guess my question is when will i stop puking? if i ate a little sliver of the suboxone will i feel better or worse? i really wish i had a little pot to settle my stomach, anything i eat comes up within 10 mins (maybe i should market suboxone as a diet pill...)


Well-Known Member
its for people getting over heroin withdrawal, so they dont get dope sick or relapse. it fucks with opiate receptors in the brain and makes you feel really fucked up, especially if you dont do heroin

i know, im stupid, and didnt need to do it but it was free, and i did


Well-Known Member
ya its like methadone, but different, never done methadone so i cant tell you how but....


Well-Known Member
i just puked twice since posting this

i strongly advise that no one dose suboxone unless they plan on quitting dope


just smoke some weed and try to sleep it off doesnt sound like a plesant experiance


yeah im out to i gotta go grab a half 1/8 of some shit that you can smell threw 2 bags and out your pocket


Active Member
My old roommate and his friends thought it would be a good idea to snort a bunch of saboxon one night. They offered me some and I laughed at them.

My advice would be not to take even a sliver to try to make yourself feel better. Thats how you get on the road to addiction.


Well-Known Member
ive had power plant i could smell it as soon as i got into my house if it was tripple bagged in ziplocks, in a wooden box in my night stand


Well-Known Member
My old roommate and his friends thought it would be a good idea to snort a bunch of saboxon one night. They offered me some and I laughed at them.

My advice would be not to take even a sliver to try to make yourself feel better. Thats how you get on the road to addiction.
i appreciate the advise, but my research says suboxone isnt psychically addictive, and i dont want any to get fucked up again, and im literally sick of it so im not worried about becoming mentaly adicted. i was just seeing if anyone who dose it thinks a little piece would make me stop puking but ive decided, i already know it wont


Well-Known Member
i havnt smoked or seen any power since last year, but it was stinky and wicked fluffy and an amazing high. its probably on my top 5 or 10 weeds ever smoked


Active Member
i appreciate the advise, but my research says suboxone isnt psychically addictive, and i dont want any to get fucked up again, and im literally sick of it so im not worried about becoming mentaly adicted. i was just seeing if anyone who dose it thinks a little piece would make me stop puking but ive decided, i already know it wont
I wasn't aware that saboxone wasn't addictive, but I suppose that makes sense since its made to get people off heroin.

I'm pretty excited for that Power Plant. I also have Papaya and Aurora Indica.


kaleo, suboxone withdrawal is worse than heroin withdrawal sometimes man im sorry to hear your sick that shit is the worst thing is the world,that shit is the devil, personally if i were you i wouldnt do more suboxone i would try to get an oxycodone and ween yourself off that way, you only done 1? it shouldnt be hard to come off and by monday youll feel a little hungover but at least you wont be sick sick like today, ps that shit is the devil though dude trust me