Micheal Jackson!!!


Well-Known Member
Check out Mike. I can just begin to either see some balls and it's not a girl or I'm looking at the tiny little node that the hairs will sprout from. Hope it's a female because I just pulled 4 clones.

Check this...the 4 clones were cut out side and placed directly into this compost mix and put in the shade under a tree. I mist them in the afternoon and make sure the soil stays moist.

If they are females...One of these 4 clones will be the Mother and beginning of the original strain that I develop into MICHEAL JACKSON. LOL

Now it's going to be a hermi.




Well-Known Member
Oh ya. May want to compost a bit longer, looks a bit chunky. Looking good though. Does your Mike wanna be like Mike?


Well-Known Member
Oh ya. May want to compost a bit longer, looks a bit chunky. Looking good though. Does your Mike wanna be like Mike?
yea, the compost has some pine bark in it. I have a much better batch going now. Vermacompost and check out my DIY bin in my sig.

Mike wants to be like Mike Tyson and fuck everyone up.LOL:hump:

Let's everyone keep their fingers crossed and pray it's a girl so this project can begin. :clap:



Well-Known Member
Why do you call it MJ, because it's so skinny? Looks kind of male-like to me. A female would probably be bushier than that. I wouldn't try to start a cutting in compost, too much bacteria and stuff in it to rot the stem before it roots. Might work though. You also have to put a humidity dome over them, meaning a plastic sandwich or freezer bag put over it upside down with one corner cut off for slight ventilation. You might need to tack it in place with tooth picks or something to keep it from blowing off since it's outdoors.


Well-Known Member
my take of MJ is if he smoked very good weed vs. all those pills for sleeping he would be touring right now. Sad....Thriller and many others are timeless classics... RIP


Well-Known Member
Why do you call it MJ, because it's so skinny? Looks kind of male-like to me. A female would probably be bushier than that. I wouldn't try to start a cutting in compost, too much bacteria and stuff in it to rot the stem before it roots. Might work though. You also have to put a humidity dome over them, meaning a plastic sandwich or freezer bag put over it upside down with one corner cut off for slight ventilation. You might need to tack it in place with tooth picks or something to keep it from blowing off since it's outdoors.
Yea, I new someone would come along and fill me in on what you have said.

I have an indoor room with 1000K HPS for growing quality under controlled enviro. This is more of an experiment and the clones, they will just have to fend for themselves. I'm looking for resilience in a mother or father. If they pull through, I may use to cross breed for a very adaptive strain regardless if it is male or female. This sativa has some very close internode spacing also.

The plant is 2 months old but it was under that Sago palm/Cycad and got very little light. I just trimmed it so the conditions you see it growing in are much diffrent than 2 days ago as the palm wasn't trimed.



Well-Known Member
I moved MJ indoors to my grow room for flowering. See my first hyperlink in sig to see my grow room!!!