2cb Anyone tried it?


Well-Known Member
I agree.... MDMA is so epidemic... hate to use that word.. but its so large on a grand scale for one reason... it's the only drug that users actually fall in love with... when they explain their rolling experiences their eyes almost glisten and their lips moisten... the empathogenic effects are unmatched. It is said that 2cb could be the next ecstasy but I'm unsure of that because 2cb causes visuals and most consensus do not like that effect- it makes the experience odd and foreign to them... mdma in all its qualities is a total feel good drug. Although these theme belongs in another thread.

Yes, I believe 2c-b and 2ct-7 are the only 2c's that are officially scheduled making them as HOMEGRWON said illegal to posess... well as the others are illegal for human consumption.
as a consumer i agree 200% as well. but looking from the money/legal side of things and just plain looking around you its plain to see MDMA is becoming a rarity in pill form. 2c-i is readily availible to anyone with half a brain, a prepaid visa, and dialup.


Well-Known Member
I agree Slikwill...btw hit me up dawg...I haven't from u in a few days!

It all depends on your location...from my standpoint...I reside in southern cali which is the epicenter of getting the best mdma! Northern cali has gone to shit as they are carrying more of research chems...preferrable bzp/tfmpp shit..which if any of u don't know is pressed legally in cananda...where peeps can send it pills and get them stamped...that's why u see those weird stamps coming out all of a sudden, such as: bart simpsons, transformers, outpressed pills of numerous kinds! As I see it right now...mdma here is still high in quality and quantity...but in other regions of america...it has hit rock bottom...such places like new york, florida, and texas which used to be the hot spots for such E luxury!

Research chemicals are more readily available due to their legality and the precursors which are easier to attained...and a far more easier synthesis than lsd!
LSD isn't a hard synthesis.... The precursor though is getting increasingly more difficult to obtain.... Look at the synthesis for LSD than 2C-T-2 and 2C-E and judge which is most difficult.


Well-Known Member
LSD isn't a hard synthesis.... The precursor though is getting increasingly more difficult to obtain.... Look at the synthesis for LSD than 2C-T-2 and 2C-E and judge which is most difficult.
im sure thats what endanger meant, he really seems to know his shit.

ndanger- just been freaking out all day over a lost bowl. smoked out of it this morning, took the kid to school, and its gone. ive gone over the house half a dozen times in its entirety. the car, the fridge, the growroom, the dresser, the bathroom...hell i even made a thread about it and had guys helping me look! i think gypsies stole it while i was transporting the kid.:evil:
No :-), I thought that to before I posted. He did say the precursors are easier to obtain, then said 'and are easier to synthesize'. Just wanted to point out several popular research chems are a lot more difficult than LSD.

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
I like 2C-B a lot for getting a good trip in but still letting me be able to be more "THERE" in the head. It seems like when I take 2C-B at stronger doses, the visuals are similar to LSD but a little more patterned (hard to say what i'm thinking) but your mind is more focused than LSD at strong doses.


Well-Known Member
Playing with PEA's:

If you read my post carefully... without trying to jump the boat you would of noticed that I said that research chemical precusors are far easier to get... which also makes them less detectable on the DEA list of known percusors. I am sure their are research chemicals out their that have a more intricate process of syntheize... but look, the plain and bold point here is that the DEA is all over LSD... like flies on shit! LSD has been studied long no other drug and its popularity is far outweighed by any STP or FOXY that has hit the underground psychedelic world. No one in their right mind would try to produce LSD, since the penalty when in possesion of it is of high convictions. Ever since the big drug bust in KANSAS which DEA confiscated over 2lbs in blotter... and that is a shitload. The (2) people who were the ringleaders of the production are facing life in prison without parole... so do the math!

And Slikwill I hope you find your stash... their is nothing worse then dropping your load. Ive had it occur on (2) occasions when i had some e tabs... once at a bar in hollywood and was trying to push their... and in the attempt i got drunk that nite... and somewhere along the walk to my car... i lost 50 tabs. Then another occasion when i went cosmic bowling... i bought 25 in total... and my friend and I decided to walk home... well as i was walking over a bridge.... i was floooooored... like major eye wiggles and and unbelievable body high... on most of the walk home was a blur... when i got home i searched my pockets... and low and behold my parents were empty... besides a quarter and a bottle opening. I was disgusted for the next 3 days or so.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
And Slikwill I hope you find your stash... their is nothing worse then dropping your load. Ive had it occur on (2) occasions when i had some e tabs... once at a bar in hollywood and was trying to push their... and in the attempt i got drunk that nite... and somewhere along the walk to my car... i lost 50 tabs. Then another occasion when i went cosmic bowling... i bought 25 in total... and my friend and I decided to walk home... well as i was walking over a bridge.... i was floooooored... like major eye wiggles and and unbelievable body high... on most of the walk home was a blur... when i got home i searched my pockets... and low and behold my parents were empty... besides a quarter and a bottle opening. I was disgusted for the next 3 days or so.

Good luck!
yeah, i always have the most confusing pockets when im tripping/rolling. but that wasnt the case here. its still lost and ive been everywhere. bullshit, i just bought the matching piece too.

heres the matching one. the other one is exactly like it except its orange where the other one is green.



Well-Known Member
Misplaced the greens!

Geez... I was a big potsmoker a few years ago... but it became to much of a habit- and i was losing and breaking shit all the time. I broke a bubbler, a steam-roller (was a multi-chamber system with a bubbler release on top), and a small toker piece... geez that was about 350 bucks there! On numerous occasions i lost dubstacks! It was great to pass time... but now i party on few occasions... maybe roll a few times a yr.... im trying to find these 2c's...so i can have some revitalized fun!
Playing with PEA's:

If you read my post carefully... without trying to jump the boat you would of noticed that I said that research chemical precusors are far easier to get... which also makes them less detectable on the DEA list of known percusors. I am sure their are research chemicals out their that have a more intricate process of syntheize... but look, the plain and bold point here is that the DEA is all over LSD... like flies on shit! LSD has been studied long no other drug and its popularity is far outweighed by any STP or FOXY that has hit the underground psychedelic world. No one in their right mind would try to produce LSD, since the penalty when in possesion of it is of high convictions. Ever since the big drug bust in KANSAS which DEA confiscated over 2lbs in blotter... and that is a shitload. The (2) people who were the ringleaders of the production are facing life in prison without parole... so do the math!

You don't have to explain shit to me. I've lived it.


Well-Known Member
Damn Slikwill you werent that slick with that maneuver... you found it on your kids dresser? What an ignoramuses move... lmao... just messin man! Im glad you found your load!

Ahhhhhh so PLAYING WITH PEA's... you have lived the plot twisting life of an "Electric Kool Aid Acid Test Kit" boy? Amazing! You must have plenty farfetched stories to tell... but please, I love the way you replied, "You don't have to explain shit to me. I've lived it. "... Short and sweet- the way all Americans love it!


Well-Known Member
LMAO! Dude I love the way you replied! Not that it fuckin' matters, wouldn't matter to me, but you just went up a notch in my book. :-)
No problem PWP! Anytime I have the chance to use some sarcasm... i smoother it like butter on bread! So you just joined this forum in August and your over a 100 comments deep... congrats! What attracted you to this site? I would love to PM you and talk some RC's... not to be mistaken for RC COLA... lols!;-)
Yah, I've got a history or so to speek with this forum. I'd like to talk too. Think I could help you with your little 'search'. I love RC cola. Drinkin' it right now. Love there 'new' vintage design.


Well-Known Member
Lmao...RC cola can be found in many 99 cents stores in Los Angeles...reminded of that Family Guy episode where Stewie and Brian are lost in the desert without food and water...and they stumble upon a RC cola machine!


Well-Known Member
Does anybody have any old references to reliable vendors in the past who supplied pure 2c-b? I wouldn't see this as harmful since none of these sites would still be in business. Is anybody old enough to remember when this RC become prevalent as a legal ecstasy replacement?

...and which one would you prefer... when compared to the side-effects... and tolerance wise?