Well-Known Member
So everything was going well, plants where coming on beutifully, i got three female out of four and as it was my first time, i have over vegged them so i have three monsters.
Then it happen, one of my boys turned the cicuit breaker off at my grow room so i lost light for three hours when they where supoosed to be on.
Then today (5 days later) the timer blew so the light went 24 hours for a couple of days i think, so i imagine that it put them back into veg.
Everything has been going amazing and this shit started, do you think these plants will be alright and how tollerent are they with shit like this
Love the forum by the way, all the help that people get is brilliant, i do try and give out advice but being a noob it is hard, i am a electrician so any problem with electrics i will probably be able to help even though i am from the uk.
Please dont read this and not post, i know how this forum works with rep (unlike a lot of people).
Then it happen, one of my boys turned the cicuit breaker off at my grow room so i lost light for three hours when they where supoosed to be on.
Then today (5 days later) the timer blew so the light went 24 hours for a couple of days i think, so i imagine that it put them back into veg.
Everything has been going amazing and this shit started, do you think these plants will be alright and how tollerent are they with shit like this

Love the forum by the way, all the help that people get is brilliant, i do try and give out advice but being a noob it is hard, i am a electrician so any problem with electrics i will probably be able to help even though i am from the uk.
Please dont read this and not post, i know how this forum works with rep (unlike a lot of people).