The biggest thing is that pure socialism does not work. And also that is not and will not be the American way. There are some things that we do as a nation to better our standing since we cannot just let people die in the streets. Cooperation helps us to advance as a nation.
If we pool our money we can get a lot more done than by having thousands of individuals constantly disagreeing on what would benefit 'communities'. Things like where should this road go, can it connect to this communities roads, ect. Also we need the government to protect us from people that would want to take us over.
Over the years we have added more and more into what our government covers, which usually will start to jump into the realm of invading our rights. Sometimes those invasions are usually due to the voice of the upiddy people that think they know better than you on how you should live your life (Abortion, gay rights, slavery, marijuana laws, come to mind). And sometimes it is very benefitial and much needed invasions (Medicines that need to pass certain criteria to not be dangerous, speed limits, stop signs, come to mind).
Most are somewhere in the middle.
But it really comes down to how to best work as a group for the betterment of the community. If we can put some money here how will it benefit us all.
This gets to the gist of the insurance plan the government is trying to put together. If we that have insurance are able to get the care we need, then we are fine. But the people that don't are not dismissed if they need care. So we end up having to pay for them anyway through our insurance, or taxes that pay for reduced price care, or bankruptcy laws that we pay for them not being able to pay thier bills.
At least this way it could help clean up the system a bit. If everyone has access to an insurance plan it will help to keep them from using the emergancy room and putting that cost on us indirectly. Also it may help them to become more healthy meaning that when they get the care they need it won't cost as much.
The people that have insurance won't see any difference due to grandfathering that is in the bill. But it will force the people that don't to either get the insurance even if it is subsidized through the government, or to pay 2.5% in taxes because eventually they will need care and it shouldn't be put on just all of us that are responsible.
So anyway the big thing is she is wrong in thinking that socialism works, but you are wrong in thinking that this is socialism.
The talking heads on tv, news, and blogs want people to watch them, and since a trainwreck is a lot more exciting they make it seem like it is a trainwreck to keep people watching.
I call it the 9/11 syndrome. After 9/11 almost everyone was glued to the news. Since then if you think about it the news has stopped even trying to produce good news and decided to become the news. It is so bad that cnn just talks about what people are tweeting to them, Fox searches the conspiracy nut websites to find things to scare people against Obama (like cnn/msnbc did with bush), msnbc is just against whoever is in power to keep the pot stirring, and shows like the Daily show just make fun of them all.