Right, lol.Hahahaha god damn it reminds me of Lake Elsinore. Poor bike.
HAHAHAHAHA everytime I see the last jump I die laughing.
He is one of the best riders I know of. You have to be VERY good to fuck around that smoothly and not kill yourself.i dont get it, is he bad or something? i know he is better then me
no, the reason to hate on him is because he looks like a moron.He makes enough money not to have to worry about it. He pulls this shit in big races too. He'll do his rodeo clown thing as he hauls ass fools.
The only reason to hate on him is cuz ya can't do it..
Fact.travis owns it all anyways, ................
Its funny you posted that video of yall in fountain hills.....I've tripped on acid chillin exactly where you filmed that shit at the beginning. Drove up there from Tempe just to trip haA few of us from where I was @ in AZ. I'm wearing all black. This was a year or two ago...I'm pretty much always on one of my bikes, super high. The thumper or the 20" -- either one.