All leaves are dying and now even bud leaves are going fast. HELP!!!

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Hi all! I've been cruising around here for a while and finally signed up because I have some serious problems that I need help with, fast! Hope you all can help, I know you'll try. ; )

You'll see from the pics below that basically all the leaves are dying from the top down. the bottom of the plants are not that bad, but the tops are almost gone. I'm about to harvest just to salvage what I can keep now unless anyone else can come up with a better course of action.

These girls are C99x[NL#5xWhiteRhino], they're 5 weeks in, and the yield is obviously been drastically reduced due to the problem. The 400w lamp is about 12" above the tops. They are in Roots Organics soil with chuky perlite added, and I've been using all FoxFarm nutes. I've been growing for 2 years not and I've never had anything like this happen before. The plants are in extremely small pots (.5 half gallon I think)...

So is this just a symptom of being root bound, phosphorous def/toxicity, or something else??? I’ve got about 3 days before there’s next to nothing left…

Thanks in advance!!!!


fried at 420

Well-Known Member
wow well i dont know how to cure this cuz it looks like alll the leaves are browning
id harvest now ud end up with alot still

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's happening all over, but from the top down and worst by far at the top. These girls are 3 feet tall, but i'm not going to get that much off 'em if I chop now. I think that's what i'm going to have to do though...unless anyone can conjure up a fix?

Thanks Fried!

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Bump for help please! Need a fix fast friends...

When was the last time you flushed? I'm thinking toxic salt build-up.

I would wait until they are dry and then flush with very dilute fertilizer.

I would also remove the dead leaves so you don't have other problems like pests or mildew/mold.


Wow sorry? Maybe rootbound? I think I would harvest also because leaves are normally going to start to die off as it gets close to time of harvest! But not die like that!


Active Member
I would trim all the dead and dying leaves (50 % dead or more) you can, this will allow for all energy to go to the leaves that actually have a chance. If you haven't tried flushing yet i would asap. Top leaves dying first makes me think nuts. or high heat in grow room.


Well-Known Member
Yes remove all dead leaves proto. Only fresh water for now on. This is what I call a ten day problem. Meaning whatever caused this was probally 10 or so days ago. Did they dry out? Rootbound plants seem to need water way more often. Almost daily. A plant can tell if there is a problem with the water supply and kill its leaves off as a mean to survive.

As messed up as it sounds and if you are convinced they are dying I would unpot one to see the roots. and even try to repot.


Active Member
I'd flush then transplant
As doing both might cos the plants too much stress
Seeing as their changing enviroment a bit more than just if they were to transplant

Good luck man, looks like a nice crop too :(

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I'd flush then transplant
As doing both might cos the plants too much stress
Seeing as their changing enviroment a bit more than just if they were to transplant

Good luck man, looks like a nice crop too :(
That's not a bad idea - transplanting after the flush - if they are severely root-bound - but it has to be done carefully - without causing a lot of stress.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help everyone. I really like mambokabui's response, that sounds about right. They did grow up into the T5's once about 2 weeks before I flipped 'em because I was so busy trimming up the 9 oz's I got off the previous harvest that I just didn't have the time to keep an eye on them like I should have. There were a few burnt leaves at the top, but (unfortunately!) I've seen a lot worse than that before and they never had a problem coming back after I raised the light. These girls however, seemed to just give up after that and somehow a small portion of affected leaves has somehow now spread to the entire canopy. I am very diligent not to over-fertilize, and I even suspected that at first so I've not been giving them very much nutes (i.e., plain distilled and maybe Big Bloom) anyway.

I hate to say this but I think I'm going to cut all the tops (the affected areas) and salvage what I can so it 's not a total loss, and then maybe let whatever's left of the plants go for another week or two and see what happens.

I've already taken the Roots soil back to the shop and traded it for some Happy Frog (wanted to try this instead of OF this time), and this time I guess I'll put the HPS bulb in to flower with instead of using the MH (although a lot of people are in favor of using MH to flower, and I just wanted to experiment with it for once). I'm also going back to using the little white hydro buckets that I used to use that I believe are 1.25 gallons.

Thanks for the help everyone, and I will still entertain ideas for a while here if anyone has any since I'll be busy trimming for quite a while with this mess! Good luck with your grows!

P.S. - Here's a pic of the exact same strain last time around, which is why this is so disappointing! I was hoping they would yield like this again! :joint:

