Need Help Real Bad.

Ladies and Gents, she is going to die, and I don't know what to do.
You can see what they are in.
400w MH 15 inches away, just moved it to 19 inches last night, thinking it was to close for their age.
Over watering with rainwater. Also stopped that.
No nutes
10 days old.
I am begging any one please. Will she be able to pull through??:cry::cry:



Well-Known Member
It should survive just give it some tlc for a few day's,lay off the water and spray it about 4 times a day lightly,
the inner growth still looks ok so i reckon it will work out!!


Well-Known Member
Keep that light at about 20 inches for a week or so. Let it re coup. Just don't let it strech.


Well-Known Member
Ladies and Gents, she is going to die, and I don't know what to do.
You can see what they are in.
400w MH 15 inches away, just moved it to 19 inches last night, thinking it was to close for their age.
Over watering with rainwater. Also stopped that.
No nutes
10 days old.
I am begging any one please. Will she be able to pull through??:cry::cry:

its a weed it will survive you can grow it in gravel so jus give it a few days and dont mist it durin the light cycle because water acts like a magnify glass and will create hot spots and if you mist do under the foliage= leaves


Well-Known Member
Those leaves at the bottom will dry up and die but the new growth looks okay. Just make sure you stay on that light. Its easy to burn seedlings with hids.