Soil help. +rep


Well-Known Member
Morning all. Few questions. Im at work atm so i will post some pictures tonight. But i have recently found out i have a female :) yay. My baby is about 10" tall just turned into flowering but my soil started acting funny when i transplanted it. It acts as if it rejects water. Like the water sits on top for a little bit before it soaks it in. But my plant is Dark green and seems to be very healthy.

So i have three questions.
1. Any ideas about the soil? Its just MG soil with added nutes. Says it feeds the plant for 6 months.
2. With this pre-nute soil should i use flowering nutes or hold off? I used some in veg once and it killed the plant and somehow it regrew lol.. lost every node. It sucks.
3. The very tips of my leaves make a 90" turn stright down. Its not from overwatering cause the leaves dont sag. They actually almost point up. But some at the very tip of leaves points straight down.

Please help :P


Well-Known Member
1. its probably MG moisture control with time released nutes, and maybe packed down a little tight. dose water like, pool on top of the soil?

2. i would hold off on the nutes until the plant shows signs of deficiencies and then feed something that treats that deficiency

3. i have no idea if its not over watered


Well-Known Member
yeah water kinda pools on the top of the soil. And it acts a little wierd. Like wants to run away from the plant. But if i stick my finger in the soil near the stem the soil is like rock hard around the plant.


Well-Known Member
Turnong of the leaves could mean overwatering,but not necessarily,you can cultivate the top of your soil,with a small 3 pronged
rake to help with drainage,you could also try pushing a thin stick thru the soil at the edges away from the root's to encourage new
drainage routes thru the soil,and loosen it up a bit it sounds like the soil is too tightly compacted!!


New Member
Morning all. Few questions. Im at work atm so i will post some pictures tonight. But i have recently found out i have a female :) yay. My baby is about 10" tall just turned into flowering but my soil started acting funny when i transplanted it. It acts as if it rejects water. Like the water sits on top for a little bit before it soaks it in. But my plant is Dark green and seems to be very healthy.

So i have three questions.
1. Any ideas about the soil? Its just MG soil with added nutes. Says it feeds the plant for 6 months.
2. With this pre-nute soil should i use flowering nutes or hold off? I used some in veg once and it killed the plant and somehow it regrew lol.. lost every node. It sucks.
3. The very tips of my leaves make a 90" turn stright down. Its not from overwatering cause the leaves dont sag. They actually almost point up. But some at the very tip of leaves points straight down.

Please help :P
dont use that soil (M.G).transplant if you can into a no nutes soil.for best results(my opinion) i use a regular top-soil or potting-soil mixed with perlite.those soils have no added nutes and a soil ph of (7.0 neutrall).and if you cant transplant dont add any nutes to the M.G. soil as its overloaded with nutes.another alternative is to flush your M.G. soil and get ridd of the added nutes and then start with flowering nutes at a low dosage.and if M.G. feeds the plants for 6 months then flush the soil as it only takes 3 months from seed to harvest.4 weeks vegg and 8 weeks flowering.LUDACRIS.


Well-Known Member
Ludacris is right mg suck's,you can however if you are mad enough to do so,pick out all those little green balls in the soil,they are the mg time release feed capsules,go soilless mix the next time,like what ludacris said,i use 1/3 peat moss 1/3 perlite 1/3 vermiculite,ph is alway 6.6 when i mix it,and then just use a nute regime of your choice flower and veg,way less hassle and way easier to control!


Well-Known Member
people harsh on MG but if you know what your doin its not bad.

DO NOT FLUSH THE MG SOIL! it is the opposite of a flush and it will release a whole bunch of nutes into your plant


Well-Known Member
oh and def poke some drainage/irigation holes in your soil

do your pots have drain holes? this could be why you think your not over watering but the plant is showing signs of being over watered


Well-Known Member
Morning all. Few questions. Im at work atm so i will post some pictures tonight. But i have recently found out i have a female :) yay. My baby is about 10" tall just turned into flowering but my soil started acting funny when i transplanted it. It acts as if it rejects water. Like the water sits on top for a little bit before it soaks it in. But my plant is Dark green and seems to be very healthy.

So i have three questions.
1. Any ideas about the soil? Its just MG soil with added nutes. Says it feeds the plant for 6 months.
2. With this pre-nute soil should i use flowering nutes or hold off? I used some in veg once and it killed the plant and somehow it regrew lol.. lost every node. It sucks.
3. The very tips of my leaves make a 90" turn stright down. Its not from overwatering cause the leaves dont sag. They actually almost point up. But some at the very tip of leaves points straight down.

Please help :P
You can also try watering with a couple of drops of liquid ivory dish soap. It helps the water penetrate overdried soil easier.


Well-Known Member
OKay guys, i got a few different opinions. So far i have have alot of issues with the MG so next grow i will definitly go regular soil but for this time i will just let it continue to go and not add any nutes and see the outcome. Thanks guys for the help. As for the leaves. Im not sure cause the leaf itself doesnt droop like overwwatering plants. Its perky, but the tips just point down lol


Well-Known Member
I know people are harsh on it but you have to admit it is a whole lot easier to f**k things up with it,especially when it come's to flowering and adding nute's!! And it's dam impossible to flush it,picking out the ball's is the only way i know of getting rid of the nute's out of it ;(


Well-Known Member
You can also try watering with a couple of drops of liquid ivory dish soap. It helps the water penetrate overdried soil easier.
No shit for real? never heard that before lol.

And for the drainage holes ill poke a few in the soil. Close to the plant or farther away? And yes my pots have holes for drainage.


Well-Known Member
On another note i noticed alot of guys adding molases? i think thats how u spell it lol. To thicken the buds. That wont screw with the nutes/PH will it? Also when should i add it? How often and how much?


New Member
Ludacris is right mg suck's,you can however if you are mad enough to do so,pick out all those little green balls in the soil,they are the mg time release feed capsules,go soilless mix the next time,like what ludacris said,i use 1/3 peat moss 1/3 perlite 1/3 vermiculite,ph is alway 6.6 when i mix it,and then just use a nute regime of your choice flower and veg,way less hassle and way easier to control!
dam right mate.



Well-Known Member
farther away you don't wanna damage the root's,dish soap works too but not for penetration of the soil,it make's the water "wetter" believe it or not,and allows it to be absorbed quicker by the root mass,use a bio degradeable fragrance free soap if you can to be on the safe side,but it can play havoc with your ph,just a few drops is all you need in 10litres of water!!


Well-Known Member
okay sounds good on the soap issue and ill set a few holes in the soil away from the plant. About my molases question. Any comments?


Well-Known Member
molasses would be good in your situation. i can never find the stuff at my local store(if i do find it its like a stupid amount i would never use if i was feeding 20 plants) im always on the lookout to "borrow" some for my next grow