"Querkle" my new pink toed taranchula


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to see changes! Happy about the new little ones, too! Hey.. on your seeded stuff, did you just get a few seeds or such? I just did my first breed in a pc case and got more seeds than nugs! Like 100 seeds from 2 Auto White Russian parents. The male was VERY tall. Sounds crazy to say, but we were lucky to get 3 males simultaneously. We nabbed the tallest one and ditched the other 2. ;)


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to see changes! Happy about the new little ones, too! Hey.. on your seeded stuff, did you just get a few seeds or such? I just did my first breed in a pc case and got more seeds than nugs! Like 100 seeds from 2 Auto White Russian parents. The male was VERY tall. Sounds crazy to say, but we were lucky to get 3 males simultaneously. We nabbed the tallest one and ditched the other 2. ;)

been slacking but ill try to get pics up soon. biggest one was a male.. its out. 3 left.

yea i only got a few seeds. i really tried to only pollinate a very small part so it worked out good.


Well-Known Member
here you go v. new pics finally. ive pulled a few males already. one confirmed female in there.. lets hope for more.

this is blueberryxak looks more to the BB side of things.. i hope its female.

this is the other BBxak shes more to the ak47 side of things. this one is a female for sure.

got a first feeding yesterday when i noticed the leaves goin yellow..

if you look close you can see the pistil sticking out... yeeee

this is a BBxak47 x lemonxak47... the first one i sprouted in the bonsai pot was a male hopefully this one is female and i can sample the cross.

Querkle's getting ready for a molt...



Staff member
oh man thoes photos justgave me the chills man, eeek!!!! spiders but i like the pink toes on it those do make it really cute:D


Well-Known Member
Nice show fs :)
Dude, get your toenails cut! :)
The plants are all really dense & stocky so they should do well again. Any of them from your own seeds?


Well-Known Member
aww man had to call me out on that... hahaha. i got the clippers in hand.

yea they are all from my seeds. i thought i had put it in somewhere. but yea the 2 plants in the party cups are blueberryxak47, and the other is a cross of BBxak47 and Lemonxak47.


Well-Known Member
i do not like insects, i like reptiles, dogs, cats, and most other animals. insects are too sneaky for me and get in my house through the smallest cracks and i dont know if they crawl on me while i sleep. i might one day have a spider but only if he stayed in the cage which is sealed twice over.


Active Member
I just gotta say, querkle is an awesome name for a pink footed tarantula, looked through a good amount of pics, lookin good


Well-Known Member
i hear you cypros i hate shit crawling on me when i sleep and i dont really like bugs. but im dam sure Querkle is not gonna get out of a glass tank with a sealed screen lid and two lights ontop. my friend had a python in the tank before and it couldent get out.


Well-Known Member
Sorry bout the toenails fs. Couldn't resist :)

Bet you are so made up to be growing your own genetics. Maybe I will be buying from the the Querkle seedbank in the future :)