Actually it is more evil than coke to them...but turn that coke into some shitty crack and now it is not longer rich and white and deserves more jail time.
Like I keep saying, pothead republicans make as much sense as the gay log cabin republicans...not to mention out of work union and farm workers in Kansas...and anyone outside of the top tax bracket.
Voting against your best interest...And don't give me any shit about money being spent on this or that, when a freaking trillion dollars has been spent in 6 lousy years on a foreign war. Tens of millions of dollars handed over to Pakistan of all places, for nothing...another trillion being handed out to the people and businesses that need it the least, to be paid back by those who do not get out of paying taxes by making charitable contributions.
But even a discussion of spending tax dollars in the US for the benefit of US citizens brings out the freaking nuts, shouting whatever they have been told to regardless of how ridiculous it sounds...Cries of "
SOCIALISM!" if tax dollars are not being spent on bombs or bankers...WTF is wrong with you people?
Do I think we should have big gov and lots of social programs. Absolutely not, I want the gov to stay the f out of my life and I will do the same respectively...But this is not reality. Reality is that large corporations are the recipients of huge tax breaks and incentives, subsidies, which by the way is purely corporate welfare...these recipients of corporate welfare also have their thumbs up the asses of senior members of congress on both sides of the aisle and essentially direct whatever favorable legislation they need to increase profits...all the while completely hijacking our system of checks and balances.
And on top of all that, they use fear, religion, and out right propaganda to get the brainless masses to shout the ridiculous mantra that has been spoon fed by big bizz masquerading as grassroots coalitions of concerned voters....Bullshit!
So if tax dollars are going to be totally thrown away, into the silk lined purses of the already filthy rich...well by damn it would be nice to not have the entire country HAVE to ignore the massive #'s of citizens who do not live like they are in the greatest country in the world. But instead we let our cities crumble in poverty and just move further out into the burbs, converting the now tree farm forests to cheap ass huge houses within spitting distance of each other and paint the whole damn place beige to further numb the soul.
How can a network that broadcasts such "anti-family-values" shows as Family guy, the simpsons , and american dad...and in my market now shows South Park re-runs at 5pm!!!!!!...have a news division which is so right of sane conservatives? It is almost like it is the media further discrediting the republican party. Don't get me wrong I have no problem with any of the aforementioned shows as they all fall under free speech...except for if my children were younger the 5pm south park is not cool!