Canadian pot laws


Active Member
Hi to all

Just a question to all you Canadian specifically in Ontario.

I was wondering if someone could tell me the consequences with gowing x number of plants

example: 1-3 plants get you.......

I've asked this in several forums but nobody can give me an answer.



Well-Known Member
Hi to all

Just a question to all you Canadian specifically in Ontario.

I was wondering if someone could tell me the consequences with gowing x number of plants

example: 1-3 plants get you.......

I've asked this in several forums but nobody can give me an answer.

no one can give you an answer cause there is no answer, penalty, depends on

4- Crown
5-and how you get busted


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
If you are growing personal use plants, they aren't even concerned with you. They are after the commercial growers, dealers, grow-ops stealing hydro and wrecking houses and shit. If you are growing personal, why are they coming to find out anyways? There should be no reason for them to even find out about you growing personal plants in your own home. If they did find them for another reason being in your home, they would just take them away and that is that. Same as if you get caught with less than an ounce on you. It is not worth the time for paperwork and stuff so they just take it away from you. Most of the cops will keep it too, Bastards!
Keep your grow to yourself and make sure it is vented out right out of your house, keep the cops and other unknown people away from your home and stay out of trouble, you should be fine. :peace:



New Member
This is highly unlikely.
I've never been busted and don't plan on it either.
Doing jail time for pocession. Not in Canada in this century. Come on now???
i believe from what I heard is that if you grow more than 3 you will go to jail....


Well-Known Member
This is highly unlikely.
I've never been busted and don't plan on it either.
Doing jail time for pocession. Not in Canada in this century. Come on now???

exactly they put no effort into personal grows, unlees its "bait" there using there time for thoose 4.7 million dollar crops like the one in the news today and the other 5000 plant busts ive posted this season in my area


New Member
Check out the new medical marijuana laws.
Go to either health canada . ca or medical marihuana . ca
You'll be surprised how slack Canada has become. We are one of the first countries to legalize marijuana for medical purposes. (and the amounts you can grow are unbelievable). That's IF you want to go that route.
I so think this it's cool. It's amazing what you can legally do.


Well-Known Member
Chiceh and Dursky nailed it.
1st time - The girlfriend caught me with another woman, ratted me out and I got probation. That was the 80's at the peak of America's war on drugs. I had 8 plants and a QP dried. I'm sure some of my past encounters with the Canadian Justice System aggravated the overall situation.
Fast forward to 2003, 2nd time - House got burglarized and bless their hearts, the neighbors called the cops. 4 plants and the remainder of a baggie while they swept the house. They took it all.......lights, buckets, tubes, baggie, pipes, .......everything. No charges as I guess they figured the burglary was enough. Had there been more plants......... I don't know; but 4 and the gear required didn't seem to be worth their time.


New Member
Yeah, this is a new century for Canadians.
They have bigger fish to fry.
Chiceh and Dursky nailed it.
1st time - The girlfriend caught me with another woman, ratted me out and I got probation. That was the 80's at the peak of America's war on drugs. I had 8 plants and a QP dried. I'm sure some of my past encounters with the Canadian Justice System aggravated the overall situation.
Fast forward to 2003, 2nd time - House got burglarized and bless their hearts, the neighbors called the cops. 4 plants and the remainder of a baggie while they swept the house. They took it all.......lights, buckets, tubes, baggie, pipes, .......everything. No charges as I guess they figured the burglary was enough. Had there been more plants......... I don't know; but 4 and the gear required didn't seem to be worth their time.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Well lets just wait to see after this election eh? What the fuck is going to happen if there is a change in government? And just what kind of government do you think we will get?