How much longer must I wait ?! This is killin me!


Active Member
Just harvest them on Friday. It'll give them more time, as people suggested, but give you a nice, tidy goal that gives you the weekend to clip and start aging those babies.


Active Member
Thanks for the suggestion JWhitevsIggyPop.. that makes a whole lot of sense. Good plan. By friday things should be plenty ripe.


Well-Known Member
personally, i like an "up" high more, so if i were you , i would be harvesting in a week, so start flushing now, especially if its an indica since it is naturally a more stoney plant. but if you like a more stoned effect, like it go another 2 weeks and you will get much more bud, but again, an increased stoned effect when you smoke it.

one last comment. you look like you have a 50/50 hybrid. i would recommend fertilizing one last time (today!) if you do another 2 weeks. if you are doing inorganic fertilizer (eg miracle gro), i would say water it with 1/4 to 1/2 the strength recommended. if you are doing organic fertilizer, i would say one last regular dose. then, with the last week, flush it once or twice (with about twice as much water per pot gallon size), then the rest of the week, do regular waterings to get the rest of the fertilizer/salts out of the soil to get rid of the chemical taste when you smoke it


Active Member
I tend to agree with you poutineeh, I prefer an "up" high... otherwise it's just a sleep aid for me. So basically I should continue as planned and chop somewhere around friday.. However, if I was going to fertilize, what brand would you recommend? Yes, I am using MG. Although the bag says "3 month time release" I get the feeling it's already tapped out (those lying bastards at MG.. lol)
if ur choping soon dont bother ferting again, its a waste of time, just flush!!! remember to leave the plant to dry out completely before u chop!!! if u cut soaking bud u have more chance of mold and itl take longer to dry whilst hanging!!


Well-Known Member
also...give her 48 hours of darkness before you chop...nice job and please do a smoke report when it's all done drying and curing...about 3-4 weeks from chopping...peace:leaf:


Active Member
if ur choping soon dont bother ferting again, its a waste of time, just flush!!! remember to leave the plant to dry out completely before u chop!!! if u cut soaking bud u have more chance of mold and itl take longer to dry whilst hanging!!
well, I watered last night, so if I wait until Friday or Saturday, it should be pretty well dry don't you think?

Also, I was just curious about the fert for future reference. I don't plan on doing anything to this one.



Active Member
also...give her 48 hours of darkness before you chop...nice job and please do a smoke report when it's all done drying and curing...about 3-4 weeks from chopping...peace:leaf:
So if I plan on chopping Saturday, then I should have the lights off by Thursday- got it. What does that do again? I know it's supposed to stress the plant, but why is that important?
dry till sat, lights off thurday mid-day, by turning the lights off the plant has a last ditch effort to reproduce and will throw the last bit of thc into the trichomes. good luck


Well-Known Member
you feeding it molasses with your waterings too? They can plump your buds up by about 20% the last few weeks, plus they make it taste sweeter and smoother. from the looks of it, i say you could let it keep going for another 5-7 days. this is bud production time, and harvesting too early can rob you of getting more mass and more potency.

molasses! in case you arent doin it :) this is the time you get most antsy, but just think how long you have already waited and how just a few days in the grand scheme is nothing. you'll be enjoying that smoke for a few months to come


Active Member
overall I'm pretty happy with where it's at. Plus I think the MG is mostly tapped so if I want to go any longer I'd have to nute then flush, etc... which is more than I'm up for... my luck I'd fry it. Besides, the pistils have since browned nicely and she's looking plump and ripe to me.

Basically I'm going with bigbud's suggestion.. lights went out today at noon, will chop Sat at noon regardless.

I'll probably start another grow soon.. maybe next time I'll try some nuting. I will say the "Buds For Less" book is a pretty good starter.


Active Member
Nice buds
Molasses is always a good idea. I agree, those plants look done though. Any longer and you would be getting serious couch weed.

Although you wouldn't have to add more MG if you wanted to grow longer. Molasses has plenty of nutrients the plant would use. Also even a plant grown with just soil and water will produce fair sized buds. It's not like it will die if it doesn't get it's MG, lol. Next time give it some organics during flowering, bra.