DWC Lowryder - Attitude Seed Bank


Well-Known Member
lol when i go up to the hempfest ill make sure that I stop by and get them cuttings from you and sit down and smoke smoke blunts. I would like to get a small ass mother plant going but i dont think there is any way to reverse the autoflowering genetics of a lowrider plant with only my small experiece in horticulture. But soon ill be upgrading my system and getting a fully functional light and ventilation. At that time I might consider getting a small ass mother plant growing in some dirt and just clone her whenever i feel like growin. BTW im prob going to turn my system on in a few more days. everything is lookin good so far. When should i add nutes?

That thread does look interesting. I'll check it out for sure. It's been a long minute green. It doesn't take much room to start clones. Just a small cabinet somewhere with one small cfl. 2 to 3 sf maybe, and it can be quicker than starting from seed. Plus you know exactly what you are getting. I'll send you some cuttings from my purple plant?

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
We want pics man!!!! I believe your right about the auto flower. I don't know much about them, unless the shock from being cut would slow them down. Don't know just a guess. In rock wool I would start with a little right off. But something mild, maybe a little organic mix. I like an even N-P-K to get them started, they need P-K as much as N. Your using Foxfarm right? Start with a 200 or so ppm and just watch them close and see how they do. I like to let them show me what they need, Every strain can be a little different in what they like. That is one nice thing about clones, they'll pretty much all act the same and you can get a good program going and make it a little easier. I have not started any seeds in about a year so I haven't done any in a while. You could do a little ass mother plant, I keep the cfl's close and keep the nutes as low as possiple and she won't grow to fast. Where is hempfest going to be? Ya, stop by anytime for some clones and smoke. I always have at least a 1/4 pound stash for myself so there's no shortage. You could help me sample some that have been curing. I have 5 different types of smoke on hand right now with more coming in a couple weeks. Plus some hash too. and I have a couple OZ's of some shitty looking buds to make some more hash. My stepdaughter is a pothead and always leaves here happy.


Well-Known Member
Today has been a good day because my seeds are pushing through the top of the rockwool. One of them is already showing green leafs and is pushing the seed shell off of its new growth. the last one i can see coming through the surface. The third picture is where i currently have my seedlings but im going to move them into the grow room maybe tomorrow.

EDIT: while typing this my gf named the first the seedling that poped through the rockwool "Aurora". Also i noticed a 1/4 cm long white root stickin thru the bottom of the rockwool. So this sun of a bitch has grown a cm in the last 2 hours since i put nutes on it. I forgot how freakin fast they can grow durin this stage. I bet its going to be nearly an inch tall by tomorrow night.



Well-Known Member
I was using regular bathtub water (200 ppm) with a little ph down to balance the ph but tonight i added some fox farm grow big to bring the ppm from 200 up to 300 and then i poured some on top of each cube so they could soak it all up. Tomorrow ill prob go get some distilled water so i can really get this bitch to grow big and tall.

I do have 2 free dinafem seeds here that ide totally like to grow sometime. I dont know much about them but i assume they are feminzed because of the name "dinaFEM" but i really dont know. Ill probably set those to the side and reserve them to be my mother plants once my lowriders are all done and cut up.

So how do i grow a mother plant? I have some bags left around from my first dirt grow which really sucked because alls i grew were mushrooms out of the side of the bag. So ide totally need to learn how to grow with soil. I have a local hydro shop that has foxfarm dirt and Ide probably just use that soil.

the hempfest is in seattle washington.... http://www.hempfest.org/drupal/
This is going to be my first major vacation in another years time. Im saving my money and goin up there for a few days to party it up and hopefully get on medical marijuana.

We want pics man!!!! I believe your right about the auto flower. I don't know much about them, unless the shock from being cut would slow them down. Don't know just a guess. In rock wool I would start with a little right off. But something mild, maybe a little organic mix. I like an even N-P-K to get them started, they need P-K as much as N. Your using Foxfarm right? Start with a 200 or so ppm and just watch them close and see how they do. I like to let them show me what they need, Every strain can be a little different in what they like. That is one nice thing about clones, they'll pretty much all act the same and you can get a good program going and make it a little easier. I have not started any seeds in about a year so I haven't done any in a while. You could do a little ass mother plant, I keep the cfl's close and keep the nutes as low as possiple and she won't grow to fast. Where is hempfest going to be? Ya, stop by anytime for some clones and smoke. I always have at least a 1/4 pound stash for myself so there's no shortage. You could help me sample some that have been curing. I have 5 different types of smoke on hand right now with more coming in a couple weeks. Plus some hash too. and I have a couple OZ's of some shitty looking buds to make some more hash. My stepdaughter is a pothead and always leaves here happy.


Well-Known Member
I just moved my babies over to there new room. Im using 2 gallons of distilled water and 1/2 gallon of filtered brita water, 1 tbl of grow big hydro foxfarm. All together my ppm is 330 and my ph is 5.8. I just turned off my light then turned it right back on and heard some crackling noise and the light didnt turn on. So i waited a minute then cranked it back on and the light came on. Does this mean that my light bulb is burning out? Or is it because I need to give it time between turning the light on and off?



Well-Known Member
lookin good greenearth.....about the light...i would not think it good for a bulb to turn on and off like that, i may be wrong though...i already burnt out the bulb i got with my 600....it was making a noise all the time while it was on, almost like a hummmmming sound, comming from the bulb not the ballast...then i shut it off and noticed there was black ash like stuff toward the end of the bulb.....turned it back on and nothing....that sucked....had to go up to the hydro shop and get a new one right away.....luckily i got my light from HTG supply...called them up, shipped the old bulb back and within a week they already shipped me a new bulb!! now i got a backup...


Well-Known Member
I checked my bulb and it doesnt have any black on it plus i whiped it off with my sock before i turned it on for the first time in months. Also i put my cacti in the closet with the plants cause they are dieing.


Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Hey guy's, I read that you should wait 30 min. to turn on an HID light after it has been shut off. But I have'nt always waited myself but have not had any problems. I also read that you should change one about every 8-9 months because the useable light is reduced with time. What brand bulbs do you guy's use? I would not want to use tap water that was 200 ppm to start. Do you have clorine in the tap water? To me your putting in to much stuff that you don't know what it is and seems to be a waste of ppm's. I do add Cal-Mag to the water also. I know AN sells something like it and will change when the Cal-Mag runs out. I'll post a thread on it for you. A mother is pretty simple. We can work on it once you get one going. I would get new soil for sure. I really like the Foxfarm Ocean forest soil. I don't bother with the seed starter one myself, the ocean forest does just fine. With that you don't really need any nutes for the first 3-4 weeks and it has really good stuff in it to get a seedling started. The ones I started in it looked fantastic. (I've found that with clones they want some nutes right away). Once the seedlings start showing a little yellowing I started them on nutes. I like starting with nutes a little higher in the P-K range, The P-K is good for root and stalk growth. Just because it say's bloom on it doesn't mean it's only for the bloom cycle. I add some Tiger Bloom into a young plant mix or Big Bloom if you want some organic in there too. Just remember that the chemical nutes are available right away but the organic takes a while. If I have a yellowing starting I go with the chemical to get it into them quicker. Looking good though, looks like it is starting to come together.http://boards.cannabis.com/hydroponics/155387-if-you-use-ro-distilled-water-you-need-calmag-plus.html


Well-Known Member
I got 2 gallon of distilled and 1/2 gallon of brita water in there now along with a tbl of grow big. My ppm is 330 and ph is 5.8. I have the original bulb that came with the ballast but probably should get a backup bulb sometime.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
What is the ppm of the Britta water? I don't think it could be much after you cut it down with the distilled. What about chlorine? I've read that a good bulb can make a difference. The grow hps bulbs have more blue in them than a standard bulb. They make a 1000w hps now that is a 400mh and 600hps in one bulb. I'd like to see something like that in a 600w bulb. For my space I would rather use two 600w instead of one 1000w. I could spread the light better with smallish plants and have it closer to more tops. The 1000w is almost $200 though. I've also seen where people put one mh bulb and one hps for flowering. You might want to try a product called Superthrive. I've heard good things and add it too. I can't say how it works because I have been using it all along. I also have some Mega Grow that I want to try again. I used it on an outside grow to try to make feminized seeds (didn't work for me). It did seem to make a big difference in growth though. I want to try it on my next grow but only on one plant to start with. And since they will be all clones it will be a good test to see how it works.


Well-Known Member
The britta water is 136 ppm when its filtered once. I dont think there is any chlorine in the distilled water and the britta water sat in the fridge since this morning so it should be fine. Plus the plants roots arent even close to touchin the water yet. So by the time the roots hit the water then the chlorine should be gone. I would pay big bucks to get a 400HPS bulb that works in my 150HPS system! I wouldnt even need to upgrade except my bulb. Ill totally be getting a new system or new bulb in another month. Once i do then ill look for those bad ass bulbs.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Ya, there's no chlorine in distilled. I meant the tap water. That ppm seems high even after being filtered, my city tap water is about 80 ppm out of the tap. I still don't like to use it though. I want to know exactly what I give the plants. I don't think you will find that bulb. You might be able to get a MH conversion bulb that you could use in that ballast for veg growing though. But they are not cheap.


Well-Known Member
i got that hortilux 600 bulb too...it seems to work great....the bulb i got with my light and now my backup is a agro max 600

thats some good info on the water, very intresting....my tap water is 180ppm and 9.0ph, thats all ive ever used....i keep a 20gallon container always filled and just use what i need out of that....i never need ph up it seems


Well-Known Member
Let us know how the bulb works for you and if its worth the price...

I just redone my water... i felt that 360ppm was to high for these young seedlings so i got some more distilled water and put a few drops of big bloom in and now my ppm is 160... I heard lowriders are very sensitive to nutes... hope im doin this right cause one of them doesnt have any roots yet

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
i got that hortilux 600 bulb too...it seems to work great....the bulb i got with my light and now my backup is a agro max 600

thats some good info on the water, very intresting....my tap water is 180ppm and 9.0ph, thats all ive ever used....i keep a 20gallon container always filled and just use what i need out of that....i never need ph up it seems
I've found that most nutes lower the ph and can go down quite a bit when using distilled. After putting in the nutes most times I start with about 4.5 ph. And then adjust the ph.


Well-Known Member
It seemed to me the ph was harder to control with fox farm nutes rather than the AN im using now.......ive been using AN voodoo juice, trantula juice and bud candy and my god the roots are freakin huge and thick and huge!!!! This thing grew over 2ft in like 3 weeks........ i may post some pics.....time to start flushing.....and choppin.....i love it!!


Well-Known Member
Do you guys ph your water when flushing.....ive read some do, some dont....just curious?

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Do you guys ph your water when flushing.....ive read some do, some dont....just curious?
I don't ph the flush water. I figure what's the sense. There are no nutes in there to get locked out and they will still take up the water they need.