
Well-Known Member
I agree with you cracker, You know something else that bothers me? Why in hell would you spend nearly a MILLION DOLLARS in legal fees keeping those documents secret. Why not just save yourself the money AND all the trouble by just letting them out in the open. I mean he has nothing to hide right? He says he has nothing to hide so now he needs to prove it. He needs to be transparent!!


New Member
Here’s a list of documentation that, as of 2008, was “unavailable”:
1. Occidental College records—Not released
2. Columbia College records—Not released
3. Columbia Thesis paper—“Not available”
4. Harvard College records—Not released
5. Selective Service Registration—Not released
6. Medical records—Not released
7. Illinois State Senate schedule—“Not available”
8. Law practice client list—Not released
9. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate—Not released
10. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth—Not released
11. Harvard Law Review articles published—None
12. University of Chicago scholarly articles—None

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Dethroned and then deported...Find you a grass hut in kenya dude. ...........in my fondest dreams. Ahhhhhhhhh.


Active Member
Why don't you actually try and read serious papers for a change? This is not news.....this is not being denied.....:roll: Try and stay current ppl!

spouting hot air and posting smilies is not evidence. if the internet is overloaded with evidence that obama spent millions in a campaign to keep his birth certificate a secret, the where is this mile-high mountain of evidence that my poor little uneducated brain can't seem to find? let me guess...infowars? youtube? an old 'john mccain for president' ad?


New Member
Just run down the list and check them off for me...thx. :roll:

You seem to be unaware of common knowledge. It is that which led me to post my last comments. You would do well to upgrade your reading material.


Active Member
Just run down the list and check them off for me...thx. :roll:

You seem to be unaware of common knowledge. It is that which led me to post my last comments. You would do well to upgrade your reading material.
so basically you have no evidence.


New Member
So basically you cannot understand or refuse to address the issue. That list doesn't put up a red flag for you? My evidence is NON Disclosure.

You're just drifting along....uninformed. Now the only question is, are you misinformed on purpose?


New Member
Wow, duh....

Let's just all put on our thinking caps. That is not the Original. There IS an Original. It is the ORIGINAL which OBAMA refuses to release!!!

Maybe this learning curve is too steep for you guys?


New Member
Wow, duh....

Let's just all put on our thinking caps. That is not the Original. There IS an Original. It is the ORIGINAL which OBAMA refuses to release!!!

Maybe this learning curve is too steep for you guys?
Thinking caps, I think you birthers need more than that, dunce caps would be my guess. Talk about conspiracy theorists, Why don't you tell me about your experiences with little green men. I've seen some idiots in my life, but you birthers take the cake.

again, read the fine print.


Well-Known Member
Anyone could place those announcements. No doubt the grandparents did it wanting it to be announced.

This is a moot point anyway. A newspaper clipping does not satisfy a legal question (even a legal question so apparently minor as the constitution). Imagine you are audited by the IRS. Try saying, "I'm not going to give you the official records you want, but you can have this old newspaper clipping. OK?" See what happens.
A newspaper clipping does NOT fulfill any legal requirements but a fucking CLOB DOES. How do you not understand this? The CLOB is a legal document proving the birth of someone. Obama has this and has released it. Period. A CLOB is issued exclusively in many states now and is the standard. What else do you fucking want? I bet if I find a youtube video of a baby being birthed, tell you it's Obama and post it up here, then you'll be satisfied. You nut cases only respond to one media - YOUTUBE!

Illegal Smile

Thinking caps, I think you birthers need more than that, dunce caps would be my guess. Talk about conspiracy theorists, Why don't you tell me about your experiences with little green men. I've seen some idiots in my life, but you birthers take the cake.

again, read the fine print.

Not a bad attempt, but FAIL. If a federal court were to subpoena the birth certificate, nothing Hawaii has imprinted on a colb makes it a substitute. Think what you will, y'all are sounding pretty desperate to me.

On your way out maybe you would like to explain why Obama's lawyers didn't simply show the judges in all the lawsuits so far the fine print instead of making tortured arguments against plaintiff standing which are now wearing out? Is it really going to be your position that over a million dollars has been spent by Obama and gosh, it all would have been unnecessay if only someone had read the fine print? LOL!


New Member
AND....since Obama FAILED to produce the ORIGINAL in MILITARY court a fortnight ago, your COPY is obviously insufficient. That was to coddle the head bobbers and folks who don't read much.... (that would be you)


Well-Known Member
And on and on it goes........

Maybe it's all a part of Obama's plan. If he doesn't release the 'original' (whatever the fuck that means) then all the nut jobs and whackos are kept busy. Keep them boys runnin'. It's certainly working. It's all I see on this forum. Where's Obama's birth certificate? Where's Obama's birth certificate? Where's Obama's birth certificate?

If people post the same damn things over and over in other forums, they get castigated and told to use the search function. But here - every damn thread reads "where's Obama's birth certificate?" It's completely fucking obtuse and silly. At least write your damn senator or something because no one here is concerned at all. Go cry somewhere else please.

Illegal Smile

Anyone even talking about the colb anymore is totally out of touch with what it happening, or is spinning to those who are. If Obama's team had had a document that they for one second believed was a case closer, they wouldn't have tried to stop all these actions at pre-hearing with arguments against standing, they would have gladly let the first case proceed and, had they been correct, they would have gotten a precedent-setting ruling that the colb proves Obama's natural born status.

The fact that the colb proves squat is borne out by the fact his lawyers didn't use it.


New Member
I think Obama very much wants this to go away, but until he can figure out how to do it and keep his true identity a secret, he's stuck. The polls are starting to tip into the majority now, so time is running out for him. If he is going to make a bold move at the cover up, it will be sooner than later. Tick tock...

Illegal Smile

And on and on it goes........

Maybe it's all a part of Obama's plan. If he doesn't release the 'original' (whatever the fuck that means) then all the nut jobs and whackos are kept busy. Keep them boys runnin'. It's certainly working. It's all I see on this forum. Where's Obama's birth certificate? Where's Obama's birth certificate? Where's Obama's birth certificate?

If people post the same damn things over and over in other forums, they get castigated and told to use the search function. But here - every damn thread reads "where's Obama's birth certificate?" It's completely fucking obtuse and silly. At least write your damn senator or something because no one here is concerned at all. Go cry somewhere else please.

When you reduce yourself to calling other posters nutjobs and whackos you not only violate riu rules, you demonstrate your own lack of a reasonable argument.