greetings and welcome to the room DG - glad to have you come by. That Giirl (Top 44 strain), she is a muthabiatch or was her sister ...... and so far ... this girl just keeps swelling. I do not know if she will ever stop ..... and I really want her to finish.

Setup - BloomBox (Steel cabinet with two chambers - vege and flower) Vege side has 200W CFL. Flower side has 400W Artemis Son Agro HPS.
Ventilation is from a variety of fans. one in the vege room. one in the flower room. The HPS is seperated by a sheet of glass, and the heat is exhausted with one intake and one exhaust fan for light compartment.
Fully integrated electronics for full hydro operation ..... but I grow in soil, because I like soil. Maybe some day I will utilize the hydro compnent to this contraption.
The BBox as I refer to it has fully integrated CO2 injection .... that is designed to maintain 1600ppm (ambient 300-400ppm). Never measured , but you can hear it release and shut off about every 15-20 minutes .... a 20lb tank last 4-6 weeks.
This time around I also added 2 x 160W SolarGlo (Hagen Exo-Terra). They apparently have be designed to mimic the sun .... I read that their uvb output was very good.
I veged that maturing girl for 26 days .... and she's been in the flower chamber for 64 days today .... she showed pistils at about 7-10 days into flower. So she's about 54-57 days flower right now. I have no idea how long she will go. I remember som other growers have certain strains that just seem to go on forever cranking out more and more calyxes and pistils .... but there's gotta be some point when she stops. Heaven knows when that will be.
I use 2 gal pots. I think they are a suitable compromise between larger and more root mass and space restrictions. The soil I use is premium garden store potting soil. Its not great .... but it seems to work well. I do not add or amerliorate it with any supplements. The nutes I use are Advanced Nutiriet SensiBloom Part A and B. I also have VoodooJuice which has been added in the last couple of weeks. I also use molasses at 1 tablespoon per gallon. In previous grows I have used up to 3 tablespoons per gallon.
My temps have been generally 70-85F though some extremes have occured. I have had grows go from like 50-95F. The humidity has generally been 40-50% again with some days beyond those extremes.
I use tap water into gallon jugs that generally sit open for 24+ hrs to release the chlorine. I water as much as is needed. It generally reaches a max of three waterings a day during full on flowering growth ..... except when they start to slow down at the end. If there was one thing that I am going to change .... it that. I want to use water from a groundwater well or rainfall - from preferably my new home in the country. Some alternative (untril then) still has to be chosen. I see too much evidence of "salts" during the course of the grow.
I've tried to cover off the details ... I hope this gives you some of what you are after. Just let me know what I might have missed. Thanks again for dropping by.

after a slow dry (7-14 days) ... and then letting it sit for maybe another month in a sealed place. probably not what you wanted to hear

but its like fine wine and gets better with some age.
she's a beauty, for sure. i guess you have a couple more behind her ... ('fraid i only made it back a dozen pages). Could you possibly offer a re-hash of ur current setup as well as possibly prognosticating on what the future may hold? It would be hard to believe that she was grown under a 400w HPS... so i'm sure i've missed something.