My very first post but many more to come


Active Member
After Joining this site about a mounth ago, ive been scrolling through the forums and i have learned alot of new refreshing shit. Mad props on the site...I need to formally introduce my self and get active in the forums, so here it is.
My names Derek and i from Cali, where its always geen if u kno what i mean, im jus a hella chill and laid back guy, if u really want to know more just ask. I aiming to refresh my memory on what i know and learn as much as i can and give my two cents about what i kno to anyone who needs it. Ima try to get sum pics up of my outdoor three headed beasts asap. Untill then ima soar... Peace


Active Member
hello im new to having trouble navigating site or forum
If your in a topic and want to go back to the forum interface go to the top left and click the forum button.

If you want to look at threads you have already posted on go to "my rollitup" on the left of the tabs, from there you can check your rep, your details, your posts, and your threads :leaf: