hps and powerbills


Well-Known Member
i was just thinkin... 2x2 is pretty tight, so make sure u buy a reflector that will fit in there and plan on it getting hot in there fast... so some sort of good ventilation will be needed.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
how much space do you have and what size pots?
2x2? ok just use the 400 4 sure than.
can you set up sum sort of automated irrigation ?... if so u can use really small pots or rockwool cubes. like 4-6 inch pots/cubes.

or do u plan on hand watering? if so u will need a little bigger pots and may want to use soil if you cant water often.

give them little or no spacing depending on ur pot size and flip to 12/12 around 6 inches.

no no! i have a 6x6 area i can use but i want like a sea of green look i would like to keep my plants short about 2-3 ft i thinking 16 or 25 plant at the most, going all the way to harvest . im thinking hydro or 1gal pots if i go soil. all this under a 400w hps,
1 could it work
2 what could be the yeild


Well-Known Member
6x6, yaaa!

get the 1000 watt hps with the xxxxL reflector hood is what i would do... if you did that than you would be making pretty good use of your space and your yield would probably be twice as much as with a 400.

you could do just what you explained under a 400 or 1000. go hydro if you have the experience.

in a 6x6 i would expect to pull:
under a 400... depending on what strain and ur skills/nutes... 1+ oz. per plant in the center 3x3 and dwindling down to a half oz. per plant at the outer edges.

under a 1000... same deal... 1+ oz. per plant wall to wall. or at least for 5x5 of it


Well-Known Member
or better yet two 400's if your room is shaped right. more efficient and cheaper to run.
trust me, you want to just spend the extra money the first time, other wise you just end up upgrading down the road and buying everything twice.
also when you dont have the best set up than you dont have the best results.
all the expensive lights,fans,bills, will pay for themselves.


Well-Known Member
Hps all the way,The other day i moved from my girlfriends to my own house and i worked it out by takeing a reading before i went at 7.00 pm went back at 7.00 pm the next day it had used £1.15 for all the 24 hours.That reading was of a quantom metre whitch is alot more exspensive than haveing a bill sent to your house.A quantom you pay for electric has you need it.THAT IS FOR 2/250 WATT HPS ON 18/6OFF


Well-Known Member
Yeah i use a 400w HPS for flowering and there is hardly a change in the bill at all


I got a 1000 watt and it runs me about 30 -50 bucks more than what my 500 watt mh did but all in all it worth it...Good luck


Active Member
I have been monitoring my electric bill, it only went up 20 bucks a month on 16/8. That was with 600w HPS and a circular fan taking 50 watts.

I am not into 12/12 and added a de-humidfier.


Well-Known Member
its lookin like if you only add one light or so, than you likely wont start to break any of the limits set by the power company.

but at some point, if you do break your limit, the rate is said to start being multiplied. if you run several lights than the power co. starts to charge the hell out of you. i cant remember how many times my power bill gets jacked up but i know i get (8) penalty increases in my rates for the water bill. i have a drain to waste system and r/o so i use a lot of water. all the bills are well worth it though.

everyone should just buy the correct watt lights/fans for their space, and you WILL reap the rewards.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
6x6, yaaa!

get the 1000 watt hps with the xxxxL reflector hood is what i would do... if you did that than you would be making pretty good use of your space and your yield would probably be twice as much as with a 400.

you could do just what you explained under a 400 or 1000. go hydro if you have the experience.

in a 6x6 i would expect to pull:
under a 400... depending on what strain and ur skills/nutes... 1+ oz. per plant in the center 3x3 and dwindling down to a half oz. per plant at the outer edges.

under a 1000... same deal... 1+ oz. per plant wall to wall. or at least for 5x5 of it
great post bro this is what i needed if any one else wound like to make a plan out like this, that would be great.

hey this design you laid out is great, would it be best for, 16 or 25 plants, and how long should i veg ( 1 gal. pots; 6x6 space)


Well-Known Member
16 for 2gal. or bigger
25 for 1gal. or smaller... which will probably need to be watered at least once a day.

i personally shoot for 3/4 of a pound to a 1 pound per square meter of grow space depending on strain.

i also keep my plants under 3 feet fyi

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
16 for 2gal. or bigger
25 for 1gal. or smaller... which will probably need to be watered at least once a day.

i personally shoot for 3/4 of a pound to a 1 pound per square meter of grow space depending on strain.

i also keep my plants under 3 feet fyi

WOW, teach on bro, dont stop now you gat me breathing heavy with that type of talk. thats what i would need to maintain a personal stash tell next grow


Well-Known Member
okay well is there a reason why only 25?
bcuz if u have a solid 6x6 grow area with no other junk in the way, thats 36 sq. ft.
i would do at least a plant per sq. ft. in one gallon pots (2 gal. spaced 1 per sq. ft. would be a lil better imo)

i would also suggest a soilless medium like readygro or something like that and to water/feed everyday if possible, but thats just my style. everyone grows different.
i use plain coco personally. but i suggested readygro or likewise cuz i believe u can use a wider range of nutrients with it and its probably a bit less complicated and expencive nute wise.

for sativa flip'em over to 12/12 around 5-8 inches
indicas prolly 6-10
thats to keep them small like you want and just a rough guideline, it really depends on your strain.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
okay well is there a reason why only 25?
bcuz if u have a solid 6x6 grow area with no other junk in the way, thats 36 sq. ft.
i would do at least a plant per sq. ft. in one gallon pots (2 gal. spaced 1 per sq. ft. would be a lil better imo)

i would also suggest a soilless medium like readygro or something like that and to water/feed everyday if possible, but thats just my style. everyone grows different.
i use plain coco personally. but i suggested readygro or likewise cuz i believe u can use a wider range of nutrients with it and its probably a bit less complicated and expencive nute wise.

for sativa flip'em over to 12/12 around 5-8 inches
indicas prolly 6-10
thats to keep them small like you want and just a rough guideline, it really depends on your strain.
i was just thinking the math would be even so like 16= 4x4, 25= 5x5, but i guess i could do 6x6 =36, but i wasn't growing for commercal reasons so i didnt need that much, i just wanted to keep my stash good until next harvest without doing a perpetual harvest type of thing (i think its better to just grow all you need then just start over after you harvest, working from clones instead of taking up space trying to setup your grow to har. every 2 weeks, but thats just me) and the way i smoke i would need about 3oz's a month. so i figure that a harvest take about 4 months to go from seed to harvest the frist time around you have to include sexxing, then revegging, then over vegging to get enough clones, then puting them into 12/12, then harvesting, but each har. after that should only take about 3 month or less ( just take clones from the plants in there last 3 wks of 12/12, by the time they are ready to root , the fower roomshould be ready to har).
how does that sound?
still kind of perpetural. but not like some of these guys on here they got a harvest every 2 - 3 wks going, ive never tryed it but it sounds like it takes up to much space when you could just grow all you need at one time


Well-Known Member
sounds good... i harvest all at once too, but for security reasons, and i just think its a smarter route to go.

i would just fill the available space with as much light and plants as possible but thats just me. = 6x6 = me doing at 3 600's or 2 1000's. i know it seems like a lot but thats how you get a pound from a 3x3 foot area.

using 2-3 gallon pots i know i could pull your "9oz. goal" (3oz per month for 3 months) in a 3x3 using just one 600 easily...
just do that if you are not interested in maxing out your crop/space. you should have no problem reaching your goal in that area, you can probably do it with a 400 but i would get the six to be safe.

but yea you could pull a couple of P's if you went big.


Well-Known Member
( just take clones from the plants in there last 3 wks of 12/12, by the time they are ready to root , the fower roomshould be ready to har).

...wait, are you gunna make moms?
cuz u cant take clones from a flowering plant without having a grip of problems... for starters they will take forever to go back into veg. stage and may be hard to root... you kinda need a mom, if you plan on using clones (which i suggest doing)

also you may want to concider "sexing" clones taken from the plants instead of sexing the actual plants you started from seed... this way you dont have to revert the plant into vegging after sexing. make sure to label everything!!
hope that makes sense?

one last thing i suggest is when you grow out your seeds, make sure you pick the best plant (or two) for turning into your mothers.