hahahaha ... you really do not want to know .... hahahaha! good luck with you efforts. thanks for dropping in 'n'visitin .... I had thought it was hijack too .... interesting huh? (I really doubt there is any even slight relation)
I hope English is not your native language...hehehe
I am @ 64 days also...the tops have hairs receding back into the buds with the lower buds still foxtailing a little with big white hairs. She started to through out bananas yesterday and if it gets too much I will not see her get much older...previously had done this @ 7 weeks and again @ 9. Did not see the week 7 (Headband did though right on schedule

) I thought the trait was going away...temps have been high in the early light on (our evening) and may have been a factor.
I think I read that Hijack never stops with the new pistils...and just from memory they look similar (sure I'll get slammed for that one


hey man thanks for stopping by. Yea its one of those BloomBox's from Vancouver (BC NortherLights). Fabulous n'fully hardcore plug'n'play. Wonderful folk they are. Right and proper in there business management, and customer service. No I don't work from them. They dun me right. I give back. maybe one of these days I'll actually figure out the hydro component and further imrpove my results, but I really just do like the soil.
badass Tahoe.......what r u growing in , one of those cabnets?
many thanks for kind and thoughtful words. Most appreciated. I am here for the joy of it.

good day to you tahoe, you have come a long way, your grows are getting better and better and thats saying something.
this has been a very enjoyable thread, with all the light hearted banter mixed with generous amounts of help and information, a bloddy good read i say !
excellent man, thanks for dropping by - and for your wishes. It is great to hear of the value you receive from the site .... its the first mj soite I joined and the community is second to none.

Hell yeah man this is some gorgeous stuff! Excellent bud to leaf ratio, dense, compact, complete forming main cola suggesting near perfect manicuring....I could go on and on!
Very awesome! I have been reading this thread and learning alot from you throughout this grow! There is some sifting to do, sure....
But it's worth it for
SURE! Keep it up and best wishes and positive vibes for your harvest as it approaches!

hahahahahahaha! you gave me my first laugh this morning .... like a god dam christmas tree ...listen to me fur crissakes! hahahahahaha luvin'it!
Daz wat im waiting for right now my buds to look nice and frosty like a god damn christmas tree
many many thanks to the originator of the Equus Phallus Monstros . hahahahaha!

and to my literary genius colleague, ACROSS da pond no less, and I'm sure VERY close to ..ahh ...hmmmm... Cambridge, yes of course. wait, possibly Oxford? yes, maybe Oxford. Listen to the slight gargle inflection in how he pronounces his ... ah .. hmmm .... k's. yes the k's, that's it ... its Oxford. Ok...dumbass, now that we've figured that out, now what ... nuthin man nuthin, it's all groovy ..... it's all part the plan man .... thanks Austin ...
even better from the floor looking up lol. Managed to jump on this fast moving merry go round, had to take a run up. Now im here and bedazzeled by the funky skunky sparkely twinkels.