2 years of probation with random UA's



lol i k now exactly how you feel. them bitches got you too huh?


Active Member
hey man, hope for a cool PO. when ya'll get to know each other they might start warning you about when the next UA is. just gotta build that trust, sorry to hear that though.


hey man, hope for a cool PO. when ya'll get to know each other they might start warning you about when the next UA is. just gotta build that trust, sorry to hear that though.

yup if its not felony probATION or a small felony u should have just taken your time probation sucks ballz. parole is easier. if you know when your next test is and have time to prepare for it u can sneak a toke here and there


Active Member
yea they fuckin got me and i already fail a UA for them for thc and benzos cuz i took some zanis b4 i wne to court cuz i thought i was going to jail so i ate like 4 rigt b4 i went to court