top 20 mysticclown150 quotes

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im tryin to take steps to be less hood but its so damn hard.for instance, on saturday my plans for the day include selling 3 ak-47s to buy more grow doesnt get any more gangster than that.
^^ That picture makes me laugh harder everytime I see it I dont know if i can give rep points but if someone helps me get that photo into my sig i will give them some.
nah the reason I find his photo so funny is cuz I have a buddy that looks exactly like that has far as how he dresses and looks so I have to show him that sometime and tell him he has a long lost relative and tries to act gangsta just like this kid. on second thought they have to be related somehow


Well-Known Member
THis is like the gayest thread ever. Not bashing anyones orientation but how could you not like woman? There so soft and warm. Almost like rabbits but less furry. I don't think I could ever let a guy put anything in my buttox. It's just not right. Then again I haven't even had sex with a chick yet so what do I know? Good luck :peace:

"that's a classic"


Well-Known Member
THis is like the gayest thread ever. Not bashing anyones orientation but how could you not like woman? There so soft and warm. Almost like rabbits but less furry. I don't think I could ever let a guy put anything in my buttox. It's just not right. Then again I haven't even had sex with a chick yet so what do I know? Good luck :peace:

"that's a classic"
lol all i can do is laugh!!!


Well-Known Member
this thread just saved my day! i was in such a shitty mood but now i can't stop laughing. im looking through my old threads right now, i know he left some gems in there.
people who dislike this thread-we arent making fun of him...we are admiring his unique character. lol
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