water plants with pharmaceuticals? let's discuss


Well-Known Member
I started growing about 4 years ago and I have never done much experimenting. I have stayed pretty traditional with my grows and I have always had a good crop. But here is the topic I would like to discuss:

What would happen if some pharmaceuticals were dissolved in water and then that water was given to the plants?

Let's say I dissolve some Ambien in water, and feed it to a plant. Will that plant absorb the Ambien and have some of the effects of Ambien when smoked?

What about adderall dissolved and fed? Would that give a speedy high?

Benzos... Even more mellow high?

What would the impact be on taste? Would the smoke be harsh and taste like chemicals? Could the plant be flushed and taste good but still retain some effects of the pharms? How would feeding pharms alter the health of the plant? Maybe if I gave it benzos it would be a super chill plant. haha

Would anyone like to discuss? I am considering taking a clone from a strain I am familiar with and doing some experimenting.

Sorry for such a long post. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I started growing about 4 years ago and I have never done much experimenting. I have stayed pretty traditional with my grows and I have always had a good crop. But here is the topic I would like to discuss:

What would happen if some pharmaceuticals were dissolved in water and then that water was given to the plants?

Let's say I dissolve some Ambien in water, and feed it to a plant. Will that plant absorb the Ambien and have some of the effects of Ambien when smoked?

What about adderall dissolved and fed? Would that give a speedy high?

Benzos... Even more mellow high?

What would the impact be on taste? Would the smoke be harsh and taste like chemicals? Could the plant be flushed and taste good but still retain some effects of the pharms? How would feeding pharms alter the health of the plant? Maybe if I gave it benzos it would be a super chill plant. haha

Would anyone like to discuss? I am considering taking a clone from a strain I am familiar with and doing some experimenting.

Sorry for such a long post. :peace:

it wont work because i tried that with metabo boost and time released steroids caspsuls and shit and it just killed it off and it was a female plant to haze to be exact and i was pissed so its a waste. u can use lsd in your plant towards the end of flowering lol you can do stuff like that , but none of the other b.s


Well-Known Member
it wont work because i tried that with metabo boost and time released steroids caspsuls and shit and it just killed it off and it was a female plant to haze to be exact and i was pissed so its a waste. u can use lsd in your plant towards the end of flowering lol you can do stuff like that , but none of the other b.s
Something like a benzo would kill it off? We are talking pretty small amounts of active ingredient with that class, mostly some binders and fillers. Would the binders and fillers be killing it? If so, sometimes extractions can be used to get rid of that junk.


Well-Known Member
Lets say the plant did take in the said drugs, surely any residue left in the plants would diminish when the plant was flushed? Why would you want to do it anyway if you want benzos go take a handfull of valium mate.


Active Member
What if you dissolved a centrum in water and gave it to your plants? It has lots of essential vitamins and minerals for growing weed. Everything from A to Zinc.

But seriously, I wonder if this would be effective. :hump:


Well-Known Member
What if you dissolved a centrum in water and gave it to your plants? It has lots of essential vitamins and minerals for growing weed. Everything from A to Zinc.

But seriously, I wonder if this would be effective. :hump:
I actually did try this on my very first grow. I only did maybe 5 feedings over 2 weeks until my nutes arrived. I really can't say whether it helped the plant or not, but it certainly didn't kill them or give any nute burn. The 'vitamin water' smelled like nasty. :spew:


Well-Known Member
Lets say the plant did take in the said drugs, surely any residue left in the plants would diminish when the plant was flushed? Why would you want to do it anyway if you want benzos go take a handfull of valium mate.
That's more what I was wondering about. Would any effect be leftover?

Yea for a benzo cruise nothing beats popping a few, but i think it would be cool to have a plant that just had a little something extra. Maybe I'm trippin.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I read a study that if you feed this one plant that produces amino acids or was some form of terpenes or oils, nah, no ils, somethig else scientific that maybe could get you high , if you fed it another amino acid or chemical of the same family but difernt and that was what you wanted more of then that first plant would begin to produce that other chemical you fed it. Like a host plant that changes it's own to the stuff being fed. Crazy shit. Not realistically apllicabe. You can guess why, lol. Try we would probably need an opiate factory

However, if yougot the goods and are just looking for some qulaity stuff in one for fun then why not water cure in a mix of the pills. Do a cold water extraction of vicodin them place your bud in that water. Boom! you got it easy.


Well-Known Member
I read a study that if you feed this one plant that produces amino acids or was some form of terpenes or oils, nah, no ils, somethig else scientific that maybe could get you high , if you fed it another amino acid or chemical of the same family but difernt and that was what you wanted more of then that first plant would begin to produce that other chemical you fed it. Like a host plant that changes it's own to the stuff being fed. Crazy shit. Not realistically apllicabe. You can guess why, lol. Try we would probably need an opiate factory

However, if yougot the goods and are just looking for some qulaity stuff in one for fun then why not water cure in a mix of the pills. Do a cold water extraction of vicodin them place your bud in that water. Boom! you got it easy.

Sounds like an interesting article, Ill have to look around for that.

I would love to do a CWE and water with hydrocodone water but I dont have a good enough connect for those.

Other stuff that I have scripts for might work however. For example Ambien I pay $13 for 30 10mg tablets. 2 vike 10's would cost me $15. Too many damn junkies in my town.


Well-Known Member
I would also imagine that if you watered with benzos, it would retard the growth of the plant as the drug slows everything down in humans, stands to reason it would have a similar effect on the plant?


Well-Known Member
xanax weed would be the shizznit!
:clap: I agree.

I would also imagine that if you watered with benzos, it would retard the growth of the plant as the drug slows everything down in humans, stands to reason it would have a similar effect on the plant?
The plant won't metabolize it the way humans do however so there might be a different effect. If humans eat plant nutes, we don't grow better.

So anyway, I think it might be worth a test. It could be a total bust and do nothing, it could retard the plants as you say, or it could offer up an unexplored frontier.


Well-Known Member

eat some plastic. no harm
smoke some HUGE diff. things change chemical make ups when burned.

but wadda i know? try it.


Well-Known Member
Dont believe this thread has got me so intrigued! Point taken bout us not growing any if we took plant nutes! Lol. How about feeding the plant with another plants produce? I would not do this myself and it is purely hypothetical. How about dissolving some raw opium into your feeding water, with this being plant matter it may bind to some of the plants molecules and upon harvest i would imagine you would get an opiate buzz?


Well-Known Member
Dont believe this thread has got me so intrigued! Point taken bout us not growing any if we took plant nutes! Lol. How about feeding the plant with another plants produce? I would not do this myself and it is purely hypothetical. How about dissolving some raw opium into your feeding water, with this being plant matter it may bind to some of the plants molecules and upon harvest i would imagine you would get an opiate buzz?

I love the opium and nugget combo already, and it would be amazing to have a great MJ smoke with subtle hints of opium.

Not sure if feeding raw opium would cause the alkaloids to accumulate in the MJ, if it does that would be kick ass.

I am by no means an expert on growing MJ, but I know the basics and I'm satisfied with my nuggets, which has me thinking if I can produce my own weed, why not try growing other things/ do a little experimenting. I'm going to try growing poppies outside in the spring, so if all goes well and I get enough opium, I may try feeding a little to one or two indoor MJ plants. Sadly I won't have a report for almost a year, it would be too costly for me to do this wiith opium from the street.


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the rep mate. How bout this one, get a hold of some peyote and make an infusion with this and feed the plants with it. Now that i am thinking, there are so many naturally occuring substances that this could be tried with. Think i need to go and study plant biology and chemistry a bit, be able to find out if anything that has been discussed would actualy work, if two plants had a similar genetic makeup surely there would be a way to introduce the genetics of one into another? Away to do a bit of research!


Well-Known Member
Let's say it's possible... How would you control dosage in the final product? Also, many (a majority) of pharmaceuticals won't survive being burned (or even cooked) when consumed. A lot of practicality issues with doing this and even major health issues.

But just hypothetically, if I were going to try - I'd probably extract and concentrate the drug in a glass of water... and after harvesting the cola I'd cut the stem like a clone cutting and place it in the glass of water for a number of days. Capillary action would directly draw the water (and drug along with it) into the cola (and hopefully the still living bud) with just a little time.

That would serve to both save on the quantity of drug needed (getting it right to the bud and not to the plant as a whole), and give better control over the amount (dosage) that may be present in the final product.

Opiates can be burned if all the APAP/Ibuprofin is removed first. Not sure about benzodiazepines.

[Just throwing opinion out there - I've never done this before and have no real idea about what would and would not work.]


Well-Known Member
u can use lsd in your plant towards the end of flowering lol you can do stuff like that , but none of the other b.s
who told you that? :lol: acid-weed.

some people will believe anything. :dunce:

even if it was absorbed lsd is measured in micrograms and would be distributed throughout the whole plant diluting your LSD thorougly. then when you burned the herb you would completely destroy any LSD present.



Well-Known Member
That is a really good point about dosage. It could become quite a dangerous experiment to try especially if trying it with opiates. But if you really gotta put any of this into practice, you are gonna have to be real carefull, might just destroy your plants but you could potentially create a monster!