Fertilizer question

i have a
all of which are for plants
then the 19-4-10 for grass

are these good enough to grow a couple of plants with?


Active Member
yes they are.... remember this up, down, all around. n-p-k n=plants grow up.... p=helps the roots (down), and k=all around...

high n for veg, and high p and k for flowering..

Does anyone know if like a 10-10-10 fertilizer is better then a 5-5-5...same ratio... but the #'s are supposed to represent the percentage that is in found in the fertilizer so it lookes like the higher the numbers, the more npk you are getting... so i am wondering why like fox farm a 2-8-4 for flowering... but then some others like maxsea has 3-16-16 for flower... i know that fertilizing with less but more often is better.... but just trying to figure out why i should pick one company's fertilizer over another...

how can one company say they have the best fertilizer, and another say the same thing, but have way different numbers... i have noticed that it seems the ratio is consistent more than anything.


Well-Known Member
yes they are.... remember this up, down, all around. n-p-k n=plants grow up.... p=helps the roots (down), and k=all around...

high n for veg, and high p and k for flowering..

Does anyone know if like a 10-10-10 fertilizer is better then a 5-5-5...same ratio... but the #'s are supposed to represent the percentage that is in found in the fertilizer so it lookes like the higher the numbers, the more npk you are getting... so i am wondering why like fox farm a 2-8-4 for flowering... but then some others like maxsea has 3-16-16 for flower... i know that fertilizing with less but more often is better.... but just trying to figure out why i should pick one company's fertilizer over another...

how can one company say they have the best fertilizer, and another say the same thing, but have way different numbers... i have noticed that it seems the ratio is consistent more than anything.
A lot of the major companies use a lower amount of N-P-K because they're making a better all around product. say the numbers are 4-6-9 that's 19% and that leaves 81% left. Other Macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins and minerals, along with organic compounds suspention agents and preservatives for shelf life make up the rest.
now that i have decent enough ferts

which ones should i use for each cycle?
i'm thinking something like the 19-4-10 for veg, the 1-2-1, 6-12-6, and the 13-18-14 for flower
then what about the 13-13-13, use that whenever? or late veg, early flower as a transition? or should i just lose that one?

also how often should i fert?
i've heard every other water, every other day, and once a week, which one?
can someone please answer my questions. . .

now that i have decent enough ferts

which ones should i use for each cycle?
i'm thinking something like the 19-4-10 for veg, the 1-2-1, 6-12-6, and the 13-18-14 for flower
then what about the 13-13-13, use that whenever? or late veg, early flower as a transition? or should i just lose that one?

also how often should i fert?
i've heard every other water, every other day, and once a week, which one?


Well-Known Member
i have a
all of which are for plants
then the 19-4-10 for grass

are these good enough to grow a couple of plants with?
use the 13-13-13 which is good for a while thats your best bet and then for flowering use either the 1-2-1 or the 6-12-6


Well-Known Member
yes they are.... remember this up, down, all around. n-p-k n=plants grow up.... p=helps the roots (down), and k=all around...

high n for veg, and high p and k for flowering..

Does anyone know if like a 10-10-10 fertilizer is better then a 5-5-5...same ratio... but the #'s are supposed to represent the percentage that is in found in the fertilizer so it lookes like the higher the numbers, the more npk you are getting... so i am wondering why like fox farm a 2-8-4 for flowering... but then some others like maxsea has 3-16-16 for flower... i know that fertilizing with less but more often is better.... but just trying to figure out why i should pick one company's fertilizer over another...

how can one company say they have the best fertilizer, and another say the same thing, but have way different numbers... i have noticed that it seems the ratio is consistent more than anything.
Glad you asked that question, mine 6-5-4 canna coco and the fella at the hydro shop told me it was the dog boll**s but never thought it was any good due to the numbers.


Active Member
so 13-13-13 for veg
and 1-2-1, 6-12-6 for flower, sounds good enough

how about these questions?

w/out burning your plants....

it's better to fertilize with less but more often... at least every other watering...

start out with like maybe 1/4 or 1/2 strength of what the fertilizer instructions are and then work your way up every week...at least that's how i did it, and my plants grow 2-4 inches a day depending on strain and if the outdoors conditions are good...(clear sky)

i water my plants twice a day....i took the medium i was using (fox farm ocean frost) and filled it in a 5 gallon bucket that i cut a SHIT load of small holes in at the bottom for drainage. I didn't pack in the soil but did just like i did the holes my plants are in.... then i used that as my tester...i figured out how much water it took to fill that 5 gallon bucket before it would start to drain...i know now that with the medium i have and with my weatehr conditions it takes 1 gallon of water/ 5 gallons of soil to get a good saturation.... i water my plants at about 645 7 in the morning when the direct sunlight is just about to hit my plants... and then again at 5 o clock... the top couple inches of my soil has started to dry out by 5 o clock which is why i water it twice a day...

this allows me to fertilize every morning!!!!!!!!

main thing to keep in mind is your plants will tell you when they need water... the very very very tips will start to turn yellow when drying... the leaves on the plant generally curl up when it is too hot... and when the top couple inches are dry...water... use like a yard stick and stick it a couple inches into the soil and soil should pretty much always stick to it... but if its dry soil sticking to it water...if its wet soil or pretty moist, leave it and check in a couple hours


Well-Known Member
so 13-13-13 for veg
and 1-2-1, 6-12-6 for flower, sounds good enough

how about these questions?

you do it like this feed, water water,feed and it depends on how many times you water your plants to be honest .

the water,water part is flushing it for you actually so thats how u keep from havein nute lock and build up


Well-Known Member
please someone?. . . anyone?
IDK how anyone can answer this question properly. You haven't provided ANY info on your growing methods. Feeding plants is not a one size fits all deal. How rich is the soil you plan on growing in? How big is the pot? Sativa or indica? Chemical ferts or organic? Did you decide on the grass fertilizer or??? My plants have vegged for 4 weeks and have been flowering for almost 4 weeks and i have not fed them anything but water. And they are cruising! I grow them in rich organic soil.
You would be well served by reading more on growing methods and mediums and aquire enough knowledge to formulate your OWN feeding schedule.
But if you want to just do what everybody does because thats what they were told to do...feed every other watering. That seems to be a very popular technique.
IDK how anyone can answer this question properly. You haven't provided ANY info on your growing methods. Feeding plants is not a one size fits all deal. How rich is the soil you plan on growing in? How big is the pot? Sativa or indica? Chemical ferts or organic? Did you decide on the grass fertilizer or??? My plants have vegged for 4 weeks and have been flowering for almost 4 weeks and i have not fed them anything but water. And they are cruising! I grow them in rich organic soil.
You would be well served by reading more on growing methods and mediums and aquire enough knowledge to formulate your OWN feeding schedule.
But if you want to just do what everybody does because thats what they were told to do...feed every other watering. That seems to be a very popular technique.
i'm growing one plant, doing a stealth/closet LST cfl grow
i'm using earth's finest professional potting soil, 100% organic and ready to use (according to the bag)
i don't know how big the pot is, i think it's around 2 gallons
it's a mostly indica strain
chem ferts
i decided against the grass fert since its a slow release and i would have to dilute it down so much so it won't last so long, but then it'll have almost no nutes


Well-Known Member
i couldn't find "earth's finest professional potting soil" Is that an actual brand of soil or....? I was going to look to see what was in it. But if its organic I like it!
If it says ready to use that means its ALMOST ready LOL.
IMO if that soil is anything close to what the name says, i would probably add some perlite to it and not feed my plants at all during veg. Your not going to be vegging very long in a closet anyway are you? i would water some molasses in at some point during veg and again during flower. (to feed the soil more so then the plant). If you grow in rich soil like that (& again I'm assuming its rich) and then go adding more fertilizer to it, even if you dont "burn" your plant, too many macro nutrients can give you a micro nutrient deficiency. https://www.rollitup.org/view.php?pg=faq&cmd=article&id=102
Then I would look to add an organic fert containing p and K to feed a few times during flowering. I'm going to be using bat guano and FF big bloom.
Most everybody overfeeds their plant bigtime. Thats why everybody and their brother is always flushing around here lol. Using rich organic soil allows your plant to use what it needs and leave the rest. So if thats what you are using i would not add fertilizer unless the plants ask for it. Like ceiling beds said you WILL learn to listen to your plant when it speaks to you. And it will tell you if its hungry.
Thats how I roll.....peace and good luck.
i couldn't find "earth's finest professional potting soil" Is that an actual brand of soil or....? I was going to look to see what was in it. But if its organic I like it!
If it says ready to use that means its ALMOST ready LOL.
IMO if that soil is anything close to what the name says, i would probably add some perlite to it and not feed my plants at all during veg. Your not going to be vegging very long in a closet anyway are you? i would water some molasses in at some point during veg and again during flower. (to feed the soil more so then the plant). If you grow in rich soil like that (& again I'm assuming its rich) and then go adding more fertilizer to it, even if you dont "burn" your plant, too many macro nutrients can give you a micro nutrient deficiency. https://www.rollitup.org/view.php?pg=faq&cmd=article&id=102
Then I would look to add an organic fert containing p and K to feed a few times during flowering. I'm going to be using bat guano and FF big bloom.
Most everybody overfeeds their plant bigtime. Thats why everybody and their brother is always flushing around here lol. Using rich organic soil allows your plant to use what it needs and leave the rest. So if thats what you are using i would not add fertilizer unless the plants ask for it. Like ceiling beds said you WILL learn to listen to your plant when it speaks to you. And it will tell you if its hungry.
Thats how I roll.....peace and good luck.
its more of a local soil
but i plan on vegging for about 3-4 weeks
do you have any links to adding molasses?