Medicinal Garden [WhiteWidoW] 6clones-Outdoor Monsters in ground w/ Organic soil(PIX)


Well-Known Member
thanks erkelgoos420 stay tuned for more pix and flowering coming up.

thanks again GT for the tips im prob gonna do two more feedings with the high N feeding cuz thats about all i got left anywasy and then ill focus on the bloom feed. ill pull the leaves tomorrow. think i should b pullin and clippin more of the bottom leaves and branches on the mnster plants in the garden box or just leave em? cuz they prob wont get much light and will take up more energy and nutes. plus its hard to inspect and avoid stepping on or watering lol. man alot of complaints. but anyways thanks for the tips


Well-Known Member
well depends on ur strain. ive got white widow which is 60;40 percent sative to indica hybrid mix and flowering is 10 weeks. so id think in the next couple weeks it should show buds developing but just depends. the horomones are prob in the process of changing so im gonna start my bloom tea and feed them high P from now on


Well-Known Member
well depends on ur strain. ive got white widow which is 60;40 percent sative to indica hybrid mix and flowering is 10 weeks. so id think in the next couple weeks it should show buds developing but just depends. the horomones are prob in the process of changing so im gonna start my bloom tea and feed them high P from now on
I wouldnt wait too long boomer. Do a back calc for 10 weeks in bloom and see where you end up. Are you going to flush? Add that too.

As far as triming the lower leaves you could trim some of the lower branches for clones but the rest I would leave them alone unless you need airflow. If they dont get light they will turn yellow and you can pull them. Now you see why that box is kinda small for 4 plants, <nudge> :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
oh shit ,:shock::!: you have nice monster plants my man! sun is shining and everything is oky toky:clap::!: :peace:
BTW. this tomato cages are tha bomb:!::!::!:


Well-Known Member
thanks tony theyre the biggest i could get

and thanks GT haha u were right shouldve done only 2 in the box if that but i really didnt have much of a choice lol. id rather have a crowded monster garden then in containers on the side yard cuz thats like the only place for them haha. oh well lesson learned! but im still shooting for sum pounds!

ya im flushin at least 2 weeks before harvest.


Well-Known Member
thanks tony theyre the biggest i could get

and thanks GT haha u were right shouldve done only 2 in the box if that but i really didnt have much of a choice lol. id rather have a crowded monster garden then in containers on the side yard cuz thats like the only place for them haha. oh well lesson learned! but im still shooting for sum pounds!

ya im flushin at least 2 weeks before harvest.
give them 16 days flush ;)...... and..... next year put 4 boxes all along the back of the yard ;)...... and grow 4 plants again (each in their own box ;) ) to compare. Sativa's require a longer flush I have noticed, :), for the full effect.... that and your root crowding will hold a lot in place as you flush....


Well-Known Member
well im moving bak out finally now that ive recovered from my knee surgeries so ill be doin monster indoor trees under 600w hps lamps next so stay tuned for that show :) i still might decidee to do an outdoor grow next season if i have a good spot at my new pad tho. thankas for the flush tips!


Well-Known Member
so i inspected the garden today and did a water on the pots. but i was lookin at my wat was stunted plant in the garden box and the tips are like dark brown or a black??! fukn weird never seen that anywhere or in my books. and the leaves looked darker green and like kinda mushy? idk how to explain it but not like strong as the others in the box were. the black tips are at all levels bottom mid and top gorwth on the fan leafs. anyone know wats up? i did do a heavy spray two days ago with neem oil and dishwasher soap and did NOT wash it off. but idk if thatd be why? thats the only thing thats really changed besides the continuing high N nute feeding til next week when i switch to bloom feed. so any advice let me know tomorrow im gonna take pix to show since i ramble haha


Well-Known Member
so i inspected the garden today and did a water on the pots. but i was lookin at my wat was stunted plant in the garden box and the tips are like dark brown or a black??! fukn weird never seen that anywhere or in my books. and the leaves looked darker green and like kinda mushy? idk how to explain it but not like strong as the others in the box were. the black tips are at all levels bottom mid and top gorwth on the fan leafs. anyone know wats up? i did do a heavy spray two days ago with neem oil and dishwasher soap and did NOT wash it off. but idk if thatd be why? thats the only thing thats really changed besides the continuing high N nute feeding til next week when i switch to bloom feed. so any advice let me know tomorrow im gonna take pix to show since i ramble haha
WHen did you spray the neem with soap? If you did it and the sun hit that plant differently than the rest it could have reacted differently. You can possibly flush and spray the plant off but if it's burnt, what is burnt is burnt, it won't come back.


Well-Known Member
yah gotta wash it off........

take off dead growth as you find it....

Keep truckin.....

give them a shower before flower in the evening so the lights are dim.........


Well-Known Member
i sprayed them when the sun was down. i know that rule but idk its weird ill go outside soon and take sum pix. it doest look like a burnt issue. maybe sum weird nute deficiency or overfeed idk


Well-Known Member
k so if u read my post above a lil bit ago about my leaves curling at the tips and turning black brown idk why im thinkin nute overfeed? the leaves arent yellowing so idk if its cuz its goin into flower and using diff nute now or wats up but if u guys can help me out look closely at the pix ull see wat im talking about. but this issue is only on the one stunted smaller plant in the corner of the gardenbox in the ground. so im not sure wat to think cuz the other 3 in the ground r fine. thanks guy

the last pic is me standing in front of the gardenbox to give u a better idea how big everything is. im 6'1"
(looks like im huggin my babies :hug: )



Well-Known Member
i hope its not rot but i fear thatd be the best explaination cuz even just lookin at the leaves they look droopy sad and fukd up. so let me know wat u guys think from the pix i posted up


Well-Known Member
Im guessing you left the neem oil on for too long..... the oils saturated the leaves..... givem a shower (just water) in the evening time when there is a good breeze (so they aren't water logged)....... pick off all dead growth (but not necessarily the entire sun leaf ;), just the dead part) keep em dry outside of their shower ;)


Well-Known Member
ok well i had been outside for th elast hour watering and pickin out the fukd up leaves they were almost fallin off at the stem just from touch so they were no good. thatd make sense about the neem oil prob did too much. im hopin it got rid of the bugs then too haha. but ya i sprayed all the plants down with a decent rinse and the sun should dry em up quick. prob shouldve waited til later but im goin out so not really a choice. thanks tho! hopefully this fixes the prob.

also the two in pots are flowering underneath the canopy and same with the stunted plant in the garden box so i gotta start my bloom tea asap