Ever been addicted to a drug?


Well-Known Member
I used to be addicted to Adderall, sadly. for about a year and a half. Now, a year later, I have made what feels like a full recovery. I picked up this new hobby, which really has my heart now. Anyone who doesn't know, Adderall is amphetamine based, and I took them on a daily basis, unprescribed, for almost 2 years. Dosages anywhere from 20mg to 120mg, usually the XR(extended release). Cheap, relatively easy to access, but kills your mind and body faster then you think you can fix it. I am just posting to celebrate the fact that I am not a prisoner anymore, and can do the things I love. :joint:

I know dozens of people here have had that monkey on their back, and many still have it. Put down the bananas :cry:


Well-Known Member
Bravo to you. Amphetamines are a motherfucker. Hitler is a good example of what they can do to you.

Should I ask what your new hobby is? Nah, I think I know.


Well-Known Member
i was "addicted " to sleep meds that the docter gave me(insomnia),,,didnt know i was addicted until i ran out and started withdrawin the next day,shit hurts,,,,so i decided im no junkie,,,and rode out the symptoms for two weeks.....actually thought i was dying,,,but i remembered imma hard dread to dead


Well-Known Member
ya last year i was an E-tard, i also have recovered

i do battle with opiates here and there
here and there? what kind of opiate? I have a friend that's I've known since Kindergarten and has been on the methadone clinic for almost 2 years. He smokes methamphetamine nowadays, on top of his methadone, and also snorts coke when his nose can find it, and smokes crack when one of his old man friends has it. Terrible. :peace:


Elite Rolling Society
I did meth everyday for two years, in 1970 and 71, and almost died. Marriage and Fatherhood straightened me out.

I got addicted to Cocaine in 86 and 87, but Jesus saved me.

I'll never be addicted again, never, ever.


Well-Known Member
i was "addicted " to sleep meds that the docter gave me(insomnia),,,didnt know i was addicted until i ran out and started withdrawin the next day,shit hurts,,,,so i decided im no junkie,,,and rode out the symptoms for two weeks.....actually thought i was dying,,,but i remembered imma hard dread to dead
you're hard dread to dead? haha what does that mean?


Well-Known Member
here and there? what kind of opiate? I have a friend that's I've known since Kindergarten and has been on the methadone clinic for almost 2 years. He smokes methamphetamine nowadays, on top of his methadone, and also snorts coke when his nose can find it, and smokes crack when one of his old man friends has it. Terrible. :peace:
you said it.

i do pills, like perks, when i can find them or they find me, but i try not to depend on anything anymore

but i was into ecstasy for a long time, at my worst id wake up after an all night roll still fucked up, id blow some Gs up and sell more so i could do more.

i was selling them so i was making so many free pills it was hard to stop. glad to say its been a little over a year since then

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Pnuggle, I feel your pain. I actually was prescribed Adderall Xr for 2 years. I was on 60 milligrams / day.
I lived only to take my meds. couldn't wake up without one and couldn't make it past noon for the other.

I lost my job and the insurance stopped and I had no choice but to quit cold turkey.

It was the most horrible 2 weeks of my life. I'm proud of you for quitting as I personally know how hard that truly was.



Well-Known Member
from 15- about 18 i was a real hardcore drinker. i would drink on a nightly basis. and sometimes i would get drunk before school and even at school. now a days im a much bigger pot head. but drinking gave me alot of problems. partly sent me to rehab. tore apart my family. and i stopped playing sports. but oddy enough i managed to get good grades. i was actually pretty hung over when i took my act's. now a days i drink way less and when i do its under control. i no longer have the physical and psychological NEED to drink. but i still do. hell im actually having a few beers right now.


Well-Known Member
you said it.

i do pills, like perks, when i can find them or they find me, but i try not to depend on anything anymore

but i was into ecstasy for a long time, at my worst id wake up after an all night roll still fucked up, id blow some Gs up and sell more so i could do more.

i was selling them so i was making so many free pills it was hard to stop. glad to say its been a little over a year since then
damn, so you were making money while you were able to be messed up all the time? that's a tall tale sign that... it's going to be hard to quit. great job man! I personally have only rolled twice, but taken "ecstasy" 5 or 6 times, if you know what I mean haha. amphetamine based drugs are terrible as well man :peace:


Well-Known Member
Pnuggle, I feel your pain. I actually was prescribed Adderall Xr for 2 years. I was on 60 milligrams / day.
I lived only to take my meds. couldn't wake up without one and couldn't make it past noon for the other.

I lost my job and the insurance stopped and I had no choice but to quit cold turkey.

It was the most horrible 2 weeks of my life. I'm proud of you for quitting as I personally know how hard that truly was.

and I am proud of you back, Joe! it is a demon, it sucks your family, money, and plans right out of you. did you finally tell your doctor that you are done one day?


Well-Known Member
from 15- about 18 i was a real hardcore drinker. i would drink on a nightly basis. and sometimes i would get drunk before school and even at school. now a days im a much bigger pot head. but drinking gave me alot of problems. partly sent me to rehab. tore apart my family. and i stopped playing sports. but oddy enough i managed to get good grades. i was actually pretty hung over when i took my act's. now a days i drink way less and when i do its under control. i no longer have the physical and psychological NEED to drink. but i still do. hell im actually having a few beers right now.
thats hardcore man

having a few beers is fine, dont go back to drinking at all times man. my friends a full blown alcoholic at 19. kid never has money but he manages to get a big bottle of poland springs vodka every day


Well-Known Member
ive been addidcted to chewy granola bars for about a two years, now the withdrawl simptoms are horrible, when im done eating one i just need another, and if i dont get them i decide to hurt people


Well-Known Member
ive been addidcted to chewy granola bars for about a two years, now the withdrawl simptoms are horrible, when im done eating one i just need another, and if i dont get them i decide to hurt people
dude you need to quit, do you know the dangers of granola?


Well-Known Member
thats hardcore man

having a few beers is fine, dont go back to drinking at all times man. my friends a full blown alcoholic at 19. kid never has money but he manages to get a big bottle of poland springs vodka every day

yeah man i never wanna go back to how i was. i was constantly depressed. i totaled my sisters car with a dui. luckily my mom took the blame. ive passed out behind the wheel too. in front of the cop station. luckily my friend was in the car with me. my mom lost her job cuz of me. i caused her so much stress she said she couldnt concentrate at work. i got in physical fights with my girfriend. ive ruined friendships. ive been arrested. i remember one mothers day i was out getting drunk and when i said it i sincerely meant it. i said "i love beer more than my mom." thats one of the few things i regret in my life. it may not seem like a big deal but i feel real bad for saying it and meaning it.


Well-Known Member
from 15- about 18 i was a real hardcore drinker. i would drink on a nightly basis. and sometimes i would get drunk before school and even at school. now a days im a much bigger pot head. but drinking gave me alot of problems. partly sent me to rehab. tore apart my family. and i stopped playing sports. but oddy enough i managed to get good grades. i was actually pretty hung over when i took my act's. now a days i drink way less and when i do its under control. i no longer have the physical and psychological NEED to drink. but i still do. hell im actually having a few beers right now.
as long as you really don't have the psychological NEED of it.. you said that you were addicted to drinking, and then you recovered. so I am trusting you would know if you really thought you had things under control, or were just fooling yourself.. great job man. my mom used to be an alcoholic. it's not pretty. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I used to take pills for about a month solid, ravin days!
Sniff for the pub, i fucked all that shit off long time ago.
Now i stick to my homegrown and cider!