Northen Lightes grow


Active Member
Hey, this is my first grow. I decided to go with two 30 gallon rubbermaid buckets for top and bottom.

I spray pained the outter top Black inner White. I also used mylar around the entire side.

I'm using two 4inch heavy duty fans I bought from Walmart that Im using for my intake and out take I got them screwed in the top and bottom you will see the pictures.

I started with 3 sprouts I germinated them 3 days and planted them into two rockwhool cubes. I think I just so egar and excited that i over watered them both and they rotted out. but in between them both I had a little cup with all perlite with holes in the bottom. after my sprouts died was clearing them out and knocked over that one so i took it and placed it in a rockwhool cube which worked i think its looking good but tell me your opions..

the temp stayed 87 today mostly all day would that be stressful on the plant for odd hott days i cant help that but would misting it keep it cooler?

i was going to LST and veg for 7 weeks and then 12/12 what do you think about the outcome of it all ill probably do minor things to it when i start flowering for light redution and invest in a carbine filter



Active Member
i got them from a friend i worked with that ordered them offline they're femenized he said and gave me 5 of them if that helps you sorry i cant provide where he acutally got them possible out of high times


Well-Known Member
Hey, this is my first grow. I decided to go with two 30 gallon rubbermaid buckets for top and bottom.

I spray pained the outter top Black inner White. I also used mylar around the entire side.

I'm using two 4inch heavy duty fans I bought from Walmart that Im using for my intake and out take I got them screwed in the top and bottom you will see the pictures.

I started with 3 sprouts I germinated them 3 days and planted them into two rockwhool cubes. I think I just so egar and excited that i over watered them both and they rotted out. but in between them both I had a little cup with all perlite with holes in the bottom. after my sprouts died was clearing them out and knocked over that one so i took it and placed it in a rockwhool cube which worked i think its looking good but tell me your opions..

the temp stayed 87 today mostly all day would that be stressful on the plant for odd hott days i cant help that but would misting it keep it cooler?

i was going to LST and veg for 7 weeks and then 12/12 what do you think about the outcome of it all ill probably do minor things to it when i start flowering for light redution and invest in a carbine filter

im starting a northern light x white widow and i will get pics up asap im going to check on this one


Well-Known Member
I grow nl and i doubt you'll need a carbon filter for 1 plant. NL gives off very little odor, especially with one plant if you have good air circulation. Try to keep the heat down and you should do well.


Active Member
The heat normally stays pretty cool between 70-80 today it was just really hott and muggy out but the brown tips on some of the leaves are scarying me so i raised my light up which is 1 100watt cfl i may go and buy another fan someone said i could funnel the air cirulation and make it 4x cooler


Active Member
im texting him now to see where he got them from he may be sleeping though so check back tomorrow for that one ill keep a journal or something with plant progress for you guys


Active Member
nah its something i got from home depote its a beam or something they had two sizes but that one was 20 dollars alone so i just slipped it on and went to the check out self lane it said item was to heavy and i started freaking out but i got away with it ha ha


Well-Known Member
is that a trash can lid for a reflector?

lol thats a clamp light, I have one right now on my lowryder with a 68 watt(actual) screwed in to it. I had to modify it slightly to allow the bulb to screw all the way in lol. The clamp light I bought was the more expensive $12.97 one which has a porclein socket and heavier cord. The bulb cost me more than the fixture lol


Active Member
ha ha yeah it came with a really small clip but they had another bigger fixture which i just opened up took the lid and bounced out does it work good for you im only growing one plant just for the practce but once i get a successful good grow i wanna make something bigger