This has turned into the classic "my drug is better than your drug". Potheads/trippers think heroin users are scum, Heroin users think drinkers are scum, and drinkers think all drug users are scum. However, we all agree that Ritalin Boy is scum. When i read "put the powder and H2O in the syringe and shake it", i almost shit myself. Whoever told him that likes him about as much as we do! lol! It's obvious he's a high school delinquent hard-up to fit-in and impress his friends. I won't talk smack about shooting up because i do it. To each his own. The drugs a person does doesn't define them. There are some heroin users with very high values and some straight-edgers that are pure evil. For example, Dr Join Hopkins IVed morphine for the last 60 years of his life, Adolf Hitler on the other hand started out as a vegetarian, never drank, and was a faithful husband (he did turn into am addict later in life though). Of all people, RIU members should be the last to criticize a persons' drug use. Unless ofcourse, you want to IV Ritalin. It's beyond pathetic, it's a cry for help. The kid probably isn't even old enough to purchase syringes. And if I knew his parents, I would totally snitch on him.what a sad, attention starved, likely impotent, sexually confused boy. Ladies be warned, this is what happens when you share needles with the mentally handicap. The poor boy caught mongloid fever.