Obama the messiah


Active Member
hes a marxist, he bows to muslims, he obviously could care less about the well being of america, wants old ppl to die cuz he wants socialized medicine, wants to tax things that don't exist like co2 emmisions that dont contribute to global warming, used stimulus bill to pass leftist propaganda, in my opinion, he is nothing but trouble for this country, him and pinko pelosi and harry reid, and the rest of his communist regime. If they keep pullin this shit, stuffs gonna get nasty real quick, and ill be the first to go out and fight for that. OBAMA is a muslim! He doesn't care if terrorists come into our country through mexico, hes more concerned about terrorist prisoners being happy than the american ppl. I hope he fails so miserably, hes a muslim, communist, terrorist who will attempt to end democracy as we know it. So be ready for the armed revolution.its coming

hater hurter

Active Member
i believe around 9 years ago we were the ones who had a problem with YOUR president.
he's not a marxist, terrorist, or any of that, you're just mad your president lost and with sarah palin on the ticket you kinda fucked yourselves on that one. i mean, sarah palin? weren't there any retarded monkeys available? it would have been a better choice.

and to say you love your country, yet want this man who is trying to make it better to fail is not only hypocritical but treasonous. you should never want anything bad to happen to your country regardless of who is the president.
just like with traffic, slower minds move to the right.


Well-Known Member
and in most communist countries dissent, or (free speech), is treason and they either kill your wife or rape your daughter the only role the us government has in my life is to protect my LIBERTIES -THAT"S IT

obama is is not my fucking dad and I think his ideas are FUCKED, none of them has benn revolutionary remedies for our condition that will be remembered for ever, and i don't have to even listen to his bullshit, let alone agree with it

what is happening in the name of change is that the greatest government of all time <the envy and and role model of the world, is being dismantled systematically with no regress

a leader may be an imbecile ,george bush is not a nobel laureate but he did follow the rules

obama is setting very dangerous precedents


Well-Known Member
Bush was bad enough. Everything thiing is in place, and Obama has the same policies on STEROIDS. Supreme Leader Obama comming soon to a city near you.

pot scott

Well-Known Member
Leftists will play this game till obamas presidency is over. Every problem obama causes they will blame on bush. Its that simple. Leftists hypocrisy is off the charts. They will condemn any republican for almost anything, but never there own kind. If you've ever watched fox news, u would actually see all the corrupt bullshit obama and his polocies are causing. And the republicans on fox news have also said they were discontented with some of bush's choices. So u can't say that republicans have this obssesive love for bush, cuz its not true. Time will show that bush was a great president compared to obama. Obama is making jimmy carter look GOOD!


Active Member
Leftists will play this game till obamas presidency is over. Every problem obama causes they will blame on bush. Its that simple. Leftists hypocrisy is off the charts. They will condemn any republican for almost anything, but never there own kind. If you've ever watched fox news, u would actually see all the corrupt bullshit obama and his polocies are causing. And the republicans on fox news have also said they were discontented with some of bush's choices. So u can't say that republicans have this obssesive love for bush, cuz its not true. Time will show that bush was a great president compared to obama. Obama is making jimmy carter look GOOD!
only decision of your savior bush that i ever agreed with was to eat the pretzel.

hater hurter

Active Member
watch fox news? yeah and also get your news from the daily show if you're a liberal. they are both extremely biased and so are you if you think even half of what fox news says is true. i mean sarah palin is only leaving her job cause she dosesn't want to be a lame duck according to fox. hate to tell you but after half of one term you can't be considered a lame duck, she's leaving cause of all the investigations and any other reason they give is alie cept maybe to start campaigning for presidency. also, i hope to god she does run, so she can lose again.


Active Member
you know, it would be an ideal scenario to get ron paul in the white house. if obama's approval rating was in the shitter and his repugnican opponent was palin?

hater hurter

Active Member
you know, it would be an ideal scenario to get ron paul in the white house. if obama's approval rating was in the shitter and his repugnican opponent was palin?

well, if things keep going like it looks like they will, maybe in 2012!!

pot scott

Well-Known Member
Obviously ignorant,

Fox news bring in both sides, rep. and dem. Hmmmmm, don't see that anywhere else.....and bush isn't my savior, all i said is that time will show him to be a much better pres. than obama bin laden


Active Member
you might get more consideration if you didn't constantly confess to suckling the teet of rupert murdock.