

I want to grow Ak-48, the name kind of says it all.... this plant can finish as early as 48 days (doubt that) should I tun this plant on a reg scheduel, like 24/7 light for 2 weeks, 18/6, for about 3 weeks, and 12/12 for the rest, OR should I just do 12/12???

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
go 18/6 for a month then switch to 12/12 is what i do. You can do what you want though if u go 12 12 from the start the plant wont grow as big so u will lose out on yield. Tell us what you want them we can help you. If you dont care about yield and want some bud as quick as possible go 12 12 from the start. If you want bigger yield dont care about how long it takes till its ready then veg for a month or more on 18 6. Then switch to 12 12 I wouldnt advise vegging 24 0 it works but the dark period helps root development i think could be wrong.



go 18/6 for a month then switch to 12/12 is what i do. You can do what you want though if u go 12 12 from the start the plant wont grow as big so u will lose out on yield. Tell us what you want them we can help you. If you dont care about yield and want some bud as quick as possible go 12 12 from the start. If you want bigger yield dont care about how long it takes till its ready then veg for a month or more on 18 6. Then switch to 12 12 I wouldnt advise vegging 24 0 it works but the dark period helps root development i think could be wrong.


I want to have the plants more short than tall, but a decent yield would be nice.... I want atleast a little yield....but i dont want a plant that is 5' ++

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
I want to have the plants more short than tall, but a decent yield would be nice.... I want atleast a little yield....but i dont want a plant that is 5' ++
You can top the plant to make it have two main colas this can help with yield and also keep the plant a bit shorter.

Then you can tie ur plants down this will promote side growth and get more bushy than tall plants.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
this is my ak 48 vegged for 5 weeks and topped, this shit is unreal rock hard buds and yeah it does finish in about 7 weeks

got 4 oz off the biggest and 3.5 off the smallest

happy growing!


Well-Known Member
he got great results. i got ak 48 from nirvana and 6 weeks into flowering i only got independent pistols. like the thing didnt really flower. i grew 10 seeds got 6 males and 3 hermaphrodites and the final one turned out to be a dud.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
he got great results. i got ak 48 from nirvana and 6 weeks into flowering i only got independent pistols. like the thing didnt really flower. i grew 10 seeds got 6 males and 3 hermaphrodites and the final one turned out to be a dud.
Shit that's bad luck i bought papaya seeds from nirvana all turned out male. I'm not a big nirvana fan lol wasted my money.



Well-Known Member
well i will say my snow white from nirvana was great fucking great in fact. but the ak i got sucked.


Well-Known Member
now i only grow with feminized seeds. so i dont realy worry about male or female. have you tried Attitude seed bank. they have everything. just type in google the attitude. "the attitude" and the seed bank should come up.