• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

** addicted to the evil codein**

Big P

Well-Known Member
Big P, I second your motion on the Green Dragon. That shit is bombastic, and gives some real pain relief. I'm a drinker, and usually mix mine with a beer because it hits harder and faster for me that way. It does occassionally produce some green squirts. I'm not sure about using it to combat the physical ramifications of opiate withdrawal, but it does work wonders for nerve pain and musculoskeletal pain. Works great for spasms too!

ya the only negative i see from it is that its makes your tolerence real high

i had 3 shots last time just to get super doped up off it. 3 shots = 3 grams of top shelf weed.

i used to only need 1 shot / 1 grams worth to get the same effect,

but man also the munchies on that shit is smothin fierce.

picture your munchies when you are just high from smoking. on green dragon the munchies are 10 fold more powerful!! and so is the high!

lol we usually have pounds of ribs we put in the oven on slow roast and then we dose.

then a few hours later we have a crazy blackin out feast:hug:

i might make some today too that shit is fun. my last dose was on thursday so im hopin i have waited long enough to take 3 shots again and still get blasted


Well-Known Member
Wow buddy, sounds like you in a little deep and want out. I've seen this numerous times with many friends and loved ones. I've even been to the pain management (ie legal dope dealers) docs for low back pain and a catastrophic knee injury. From my experience, the best way to come off it by yourself is to tell those that are closest to you. I wouldn't let it be known to people I work with or my employer. Next you must reduce your dosage. You are wrecking your digestive tract, liver, and stomach, brain, etc; but you know this already. Now you need to reduce your dosage again. Keep doing it until you are off the meds. I don't know how bad your pain is, but it is nothing like the pain that I've seen narcotic (opiate) addiction bring upon individuals and families first hand.

In my opinion, the withdrawal is WAY worse than the pain that is experienced. Trust me, once you are off the meds for a period of time, you may come to find that your pain was amplified by your addiction. When your opiate receptors are constantly occupied by meds, as soon as the medication titer decreases the pain comes in full force as a rebound effect. What I'm saying is that you don't even know if you are experiencing true pain or an opiate decline induced pain phenomena.

DO NOT TRY AND QUIT THESE PILLS COLD TURKEY WITHOUT THE SUPERVISION OF A COMPETENT, LICENSED, MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. Opiate withdrawal is serious!!! My personal experience involved going from codeine, to vicodin, and eventually dilaudid. After a couple of years on the pharmaceutical roller coaster, I'd had enough. I told my wife and best friends I wanted off these meds. I slowly decreased my daily dosage, then went to taking the lowest dose every other day, to once or twice a week as needed, to nearly never taking it. I did this without medical supervision. Without going into too much detail, I have the neccessary training and education to understand what was happening in my body. I've tried to put into very lay terms for you here.

Just back your dose off, then back it off some more. Try and live with the increase in pain until you can clear your body of the opiates. Your opiate receptors have been occupied for 7 years bro! You are going to vomit, the sheets on feet will feel like hot coals, stay close to the toilet b/c when the fire water comes it doesn't wait, stomach cramps, sweats; it's not going to be fun. However it will be worth it to have your mind and body clear. Get yourself a support team that cares about you, and understands your desire to rid yourself of this.

I'm not saying some of us don't need opiate medications, but MD's and the pharmcos have been very irresponsible with these medications. It is up to you to decide whether or not you need these meds. However, you are not in a position to determine your medical need at this time. You don't even know if you still hurt. Your need for these meds is likely primarily a physical addiction that cannot be avoided at your current dose. At those doses, I can tell you over time nothing good comes out of it. I've had friends, family members, and collegues all pass way before their time.

I'm not a big proponent of rehabs, but sometimes, especially with opiates, they are neccessary. I just don't jive with all the "you are powerless" BS that these facilities insist that you subscribe to. I do not think you are powerless. You have the power to make the decision to change your life today. I know it's anonymous, but you took a small step in posting this in an open forum. I'm pulling for you buddy. If you even need any encouragement or someone to talk to, shoot me a PM. You could also use the PuffDeeCee signal, but you will have to get the light from the commissioner. I hope I've given you some encouragement. Take care buddy...PDC
You won't find better advice then this. I'm about 2 years out of beating an addiction to oxycodone (an opiate just like codeine) that started after I was injured - I was in a bad state emotionally too then and admit that I abused them enough to become psychologically and physically addicted before I knew it...

You can do it - thousands do every year. But you will need some support - and preferably a lot of support from friends/family. Check out this link:

You can get help and support there at any time day or night. There are also a lot of experienced people there that can also answer questions.

Good luck man - get your life back.


Well-Known Member
You will not be in as much pain when you stop the meds. See your doctor and find a support group. Good luck.
i just want to remind some readers, i am trying to kick a habbit, not start another 1 wich doesnt sound appealing to me, thanx for ur efforts about the green gragon but ive already stated that i want a smoke that kills pain but doesnt smash u to much, i have a very week tollerence and cant smoke much, i want a strain thats realy mellow and not to intence but good at killing pain.

please keep this thread about the title and not different ways to get super doped up, please dont take offence, thanx guys n girls, peace out to all.
You will not be in as much pain when you stop the meds. See your doctor and find a support group. Good luck.
how do u figure that?? i suffer chronic pain in my lumber spine and knee.

i have tried stopping before and the pain was horrific, something i know i cant live with unless i have pain relief or learn another way to manage it wich im trying to do, also trying to find a good strain to self medicate with.

thankyou. :peace:


Well-Known Member
how do u figure that?? i suffer chronic pain in my lumber spine and knee.

i have tried stopping before and the pain was horrific, something i know i cant live with unless i have pain relief or learn another way to manage it wich im trying to do, also trying to find a good strain to self medicate with.

thankyou. :peace:
The problem is, one of the reasons that opiates are so effective at controlling pain is because the opiates activate the receptors that control your feelings of well-being. They just make you feel 'good' if not euphoric - and your *perception* of pain is diminished because of this. Bring dependence or addiction into the picture and your brain is no longer capable of producing enough of the neurotransmitters needed to make you feel 'good' any longer. That becomes almost completely controlled by the presence or absence of the opiates. So your perception of pain begins to increase as the levels of opiates in the bloodstream decline... prompting you to want to take more opiates to feel normal to euphoric... and the cycle goes...

So it becomes hard for long-term pain sufferers on opiates to distinguish the actual amount of pain they are experiencing while opiates are in the picture.
i understand totaly what ur saying, but i am in a certain amount of pain whilst on them but 100x worse when i try to stop taking them!!!!!!!!!!

do u speak from personal experience with codein phosphate???? thankyou

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I read your post and skipped to this, one word Tramadol! That will replace the codeine and get you off. You can probably order it online if insurace a prob cuz your doctor will be happy to get you off the codeine, or replace it with the tramadol. It has helped me get thru withdrawls. I am a pain patient now, for three years, and I have leveled off finally with the help of weed at safe doses of my narcotics.

But I have run out early and besides taking imodium and benadryl tramadol will get you off, or let you go without codeine enough to restore your tolerance and begin taking regular doses again.

It is possible to stay on pain pills for a long time, forever, and regulate your doses. A lot of self will, like if something goes wrong, or you are bored, or in a headache, not to take an extra codeine;) and take only when you have to. I like to randomly break up my supply and put it into different places, "hide it" as an exercise so I dont become dependant like I started to. Although In my defense and yours the pain is real and I walk like a cowboy/pirate when I am not loaded! I turned to weed so I could offer myself not as a total dependant. I am actually getting happy, I hope you can too.:)
i can get tramadol off my gp 2. had it many maby times over the yrs. i find theyr not so good as codein and they make me feel sick, i also thaught tramadol was in the opioid family???????????????


Well-Known Member
I was on codeine for a bit but then put on oxycodone (Oxycontin ER) which became my opiate of choice - they are both opiates however and generally work the same way for controlling pain and dependence/addiction possibilities.

I don't doubt your injuries are painful and even more so with no pain control. Let me put it another way: especially with opiates - your body enters a depressed/stressed state when the level of opiates in your blood stream drop to a certain level - as in you've waited too long to take a dose or you are withdrawing... the brain increases your perception of physical pain when in this depressed/stressed state. In this way the opiate is controlling your perception of physical pain (increasing it). So until your brain is able to repair itself and restore homeostasis (proper production) to all the natural neurotransmitters in your brain which make you feel content or happy you have no natural defense against pain.


Well-Known Member
Don't touch Tramadol. It's addictive and the addiction is considered worse than other opiates with regards to depression. It's a pseudo-opiate-like synthetic (if you will) that functions in the same way true opiates do. If you take Tramadol you may as well take your drug of choice instead (codeine). You don't want to have to deal with a Tramadol addiction.

Go talk to a doctor - they really will be able to give you better help with getting through withdrawal. Consider antidepressants to help through withdrawal as well. It's a little contreversial but they worked wonders for me in the weeks after stopping.
thanx, ive tried anti depressants, they made me feel off it, as if i was on speed, didnt agree with me at all!!!!!

im just gunna wean off as much as i phisicaly can before being in 2 much pain.

appreciated guys.


Active Member
Right, I only read the first post. So I may have missed something.

If your addicted to a painkiller, experement with meditation and alternative healing. As soon as you can control the pain, then quitting the painkillers should come relatively easy.

I don't want to sound like a crazy coot, but I have much experience in using meditation to stop my own back pain which stops me from sleeping unless I meditate about it.

If your interested but dont have much of an idea where to start, I would be more than happy to offer help.

Personally I dont even take paracetamol becuase of it's man made manufactured process, Don't even get me started on anti-depressants. The tools to heal yourself are inside your own head and/or accuring upon the earth naturally. Smoking a big hefty blunt would be the natural paracetamol, but clearly you need something stronger, ie meditation!

Can't stress enough how well it works..

Hope this is helpful in some way shape or form


Well-Known Member
I hear you - I eventually replaced the antidepressants with marijuana about 6 months after withdrawing (less side effects).

I'd rather see anyone smoking pot than taking an opiate anyday. The important thing is deciding on a plan and to take the steps to get where you want to be. Some taper down, some quit cold turkey, some do a combination... but find what you think will work for you.

If I can ever be of help - don't hesitate to ask.
Tramadol has been been used with some success to get people off opiates. However, there is a trade off. Tramadol can cause havoc on your kidneys if you are predisposed to stones or infections or if taken for extended periods of time. I like the tapering down to a safe level idea. I don't think anyone is saying that you are not in pain. Only that lowering from your current dose will increase your perception of pain to a greater degree than if you had never been on such a high dose. Over time, as your body readjust to lower doses, your pain perception will decrease. I'm certain of this. Good luck...PDC
you gp knows your an addict and keeps feeding you these dosages without question ?
yes my g.p knows my dosage as he prescribed me them, the problem is thats how much i need to manage my pain as its not normal aches and pain, its CHRONIC PAIN.

i think some people posting dont realize that im on a very high dose and stopping is gunna be very hard not only coz il be in more pain but the cold turkey will be extreme!!

most people take 120mg max a day for pain , i take 120-150mg 4 x times a day for pain, i have admited to the doc that i have a problem and am now waiting 2b seen in a pain manegement clinic!!!!

more weed less man made shite:peace: