• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

** addicted to the evil codein**

**addicted to codein**


hi, i had a bike accident in 02 and a car crash in 07, been on codein for 7yrs and its spyraling out of control.

i started on the recommended dose wich was 2 x 30mg as needed, wich then was like twicw a day, that was ok as that was well in the safe range!!

as time went on and pain got worse i started taking more and more until finaly i built up a tolarency to the codein, sadly i am now taing 4 x 30mg 4 sometimes 5 times a day!!!!:cry:
thats 120mg 4times a day.

ive tried just stopping them completely and fuck i was a wreck and in a real bad way, i had stomach cramps behond believe, my shite was like water, my legs felt like they had been hit with sledge hammers, massive headaches, feeling sick, insomnia.

what im trying to get at here is i have a little boy and value my life so i wanna come off these evil tablets, i just dont know how im gunna cope with the pain with my knee and back and i also dont know how to come off them safely and succesfully.

does any1 have simular or the same problem???? any1 else addicted to codein??

thanx guys n girls, some input would be amazing, am i alone or i am not?


Well-Known Member
I had an accident and was prescribed hydrocodone 7.5's. 2 pills every 6 hours. That dosage got me hooked and I had to wean myself back slowly. I take about 3 a day now instead of 7 or 8. When I miss a dose now, it doesnt even bother me other than my chronic pain.

magilla gorilla

Well-Known Member
I used to be into condeine pretty heavily as well. Even was extracting large amounts of the 8mg codeine 500mg paracetamol just so it was cheaper >.< i quit with a 3 pronged attack.
1. i had a really bad experience involving ALOT of codeine.. the exact amounts i cannot remember.. along with most of that night. lots of vomiting.
2. Took up a better, much healthier habit. Our lovely herb friend.
3. Support network. I told my close friends and family about my situation and used their assisstance to help.

in closing... that shit is fucked and the longer you do it the more you'll need it so start today.


Well-Known Member
i personally dont have any issues.. but i do have a very good friend that has a huge problem with scripts...

he fucked up his back at work and ended up having 2 seperate surgeries.. 1surgery replaced 2 vertibrea (terrible speller.. i know) in his neck with cadaver bones... the second one they did the same thing in his lower back.. both were within a month of each other...

anyways dudes still in a ton of pain.. they are talking about spinal taps and taking samples from his spinal cord to send in to get examined and all sorts of other shit... this last monday he got prescription for 90 instant release oxycodones.. they were gone in 3 days.. he averages 20 perkosets a day... 80 to 160 miligrams of oxycotin (assuming he can get them).... plus he'll pop 7 to 10 vikes at any given time.. these all get mixed and compounded as he needs.. and the sad part is he is still in pain...

scripts are evil things.. its a way for the government to get people addicted to shit they will profit from... they dont profit so much from heroin addicts and meth heads and shit (unless its from the shit they re-sell on the streets).. but scripts can easily mean a lifetime of income from one person.. if that makes sense... its like how methadone is 10 times more addicting than the drug that its supposed to help you kick.. makes no sense..


Well-Known Member
You should seek professinal help, if you are as seriouse as you say you are go talk to a doctor and have him fill out a script for methadone and follow it. Do not relaps while you are on it, for it will be very bad. I know the position that you are in, and I know how hard it is.
Best Wishes


Well-Known Member
**addicted to codein**


hi, i had a bike accident in 02 and a car crash in 07, been on codein for 7yrs and its spyraling out of control.

i started on the recommended dose wich was 2 x 30mg as needed, wich then was like twicw a day, that was ok as that was well in the safe range!!

as time went on and pain got worse i started taking more and more until finaly i built up a tolarency to the codein, sadly i am now taing 4 x 30mg 4 sometimes 5 times a day!!!!:cry:
thats 120mg 4times a day.

ive tried just stopping them completely and fuck i was a wreck and in a real bad way, i had stomach cramps behond believe, my shite was like water, my legs felt like they had been hit with sledge hammers, massive headaches, feeling sick, insomnia.

what im trying to get at here is i have a little boy and value my life so i wanna come off these evil tablets, i just dont know how im gunna cope with the pain with my knee and back and i also dont know how to come off them safely and succesfully.

does any1 have simular or the same problem???? any1 else addicted to codein??

thanx guys n girls, some input would be amazing, am i alone or i am not?
I feel your pain. I used to be a firefighter until I fell off of a ladder and broke 2 vertebrae. I am now medically retired from firefighting and had similar problems with hydrocodone (which is basically synthetic codeine). You have to ween off of the pills slowly. It is one of the toughest things I've ever done. These f*&%#ing pills will destroy your life and can kill you!!! I think weed helped me to get off the pills but you have to set goals for yourself. Cut your dose by one pill per week (or something like that). Know in advance that as you cut your dose you will feel more pain for a little while (this is because the body doesn't make as much endorphin while on opiates). Your body will try to fight you but it won't be as bad as going cold turkey, and eventually you will start making endorphins again. I sincerely wish you the best of luck and if you need some support just send me a message my friend.


Well-Known Member
i was never addicted to pills i cant stand them , but i did have a downward spiral of alcohol it was a wake up and sleep process for me everyday, and i kicked thats habit in 2008 , but i do still drink once in a while instead of like 24/7 like i used to i use to work and drive an everything while intoxicated, it was like a normal part of my life , but now if i drink a certain amount i just pass out lol
Wow buddy, sounds like you in a little deep and want out. I've seen this numerous times with many friends and loved ones. I've even been to the pain management (ie legal dope dealers) docs for low back pain and a catastrophic knee injury. From my experience, the best way to come off it by yourself is to tell those that are closest to you. I wouldn't let it be known to people I work with or my employer. Next you must reduce your dosage. You are wrecking your digestive tract, liver, and stomach, brain, etc; but you know this already. Now you need to reduce your dosage again. Keep doing it until you are off the meds. I don't know how bad your pain is, but it is nothing like the pain that I've seen narcotic (opiate) addiction bring upon individuals and families first hand.

In my opinion, the withdrawal is WAY worse than the pain that is experienced. Trust me, once you are off the meds for a period of time, you may come to find that your pain was amplified by your addiction. When your opiate receptors are constantly occupied by meds, as soon as the medication titer decreases the pain comes in full force as a rebound effect. What I'm saying is that you don't even know if you are experiencing true pain or an opiate decline induced pain phenomena.

DO NOT TRY AND QUIT THESE PILLS COLD TURKEY WITHOUT THE SUPERVISION OF A COMPETENT, LICENSED, MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. Opiate withdrawal is serious!!! My personal experience involved going from codeine, to vicodin, and eventually dilaudid. After a couple of years on the pharmaceutical roller coaster, I'd had enough. I told my wife and best friends I wanted off these meds. I slowly decreased my daily dosage, then went to taking the lowest dose every other day, to once or twice a week as needed, to nearly never taking it. I did this without medical supervision. Without going into too much detail, I have the neccessary training and education to understand what was happening in my body. I've tried to put into very lay terms for you here.

Just back your dose off, then back it off some more. Try and live with the increase in pain until you can clear your body of the opiates. Your opiate receptors have been occupied for 7 years bro! You are going to vomit, the sheets on feet will feel like hot coals, stay close to the toilet b/c when the fire water comes it doesn't wait, stomach cramps, sweats; it's not going to be fun. However it will be worth it to have your mind and body clear. Get yourself a support team that cares about you, and understands your desire to rid yourself of this.

I'm not saying some of us don't need opiate medications, but MD's and the pharmcos have been very irresponsible with these medications. It is up to you to decide whether or not you need these meds. However, you are not in a position to determine your medical need at this time. You don't even know if you still hurt. Your need for these meds is likely primarily a physical addiction that cannot be avoided at your current dose. At those doses, I can tell you over time nothing good comes out of it. I've had friends, family members, and collegues all pass way before their time.

I'm not a big proponent of rehabs, but sometimes, especially with opiates, they are neccessary. I just don't jive with all the "you are powerless" BS that these facilities insist that you subscribe to. I do not think you are powerless. You have the power to make the decision to change your life today. I know it's anonymous, but you took a small step in posting this in an open forum. I'm pulling for you buddy. If you even need any encouragement or someone to talk to, shoot me a PM. You could also use the PuffDeeCee signal, but you will have to get the light from the commissioner. I hope I've given you some encouragement. Take care buddy...PDC


Well-Known Member
scripts are evil things.. its a way for the government to get people addicted to shit they will profit from... they dont profit so much from heroin addicts and meth heads and shit (unless its from the shit they re-sell on the streets).. but scripts can easily mean a lifetime of income from one person.. if that makes sense... its like how methadone is 10 times more addicting than the drug that its supposed to help you kick.. makes no sense..
I'm gonna go into stoned ramble, tell me if it makes sense.

I'm going to have to agree and disagree with you at the same time....?!? The goverment surely is profitting from the addiction, but the addiction and ones self will is the real problem. Many people choose to abuse "pills" and indirectly form an addiction many do not.

Don't forget, alot of these pills dont actually come from the U.S., alot come from Mexico illegaly.

And please dont get me started on the doctors, they are a large contributing factor imo

/end stonedramble :confused:
Oh, I'd also like to say that even though my post count is low; I have been a member on this board for over 2 years under a different name. Security reasons, ya know. So none of this Mr. 8 post stuff from the gallery. Peace...PDC


Well-Known Member
its lame how the government can illegallize happy drugs and give people drugs that are 10x worse at the same time. dont accept a script of OCs from your doctor, its prescribed heroin, and the oppisite of what you need

first off you should tell your doc you want a script of 5mgs instead of 30. 5s are a low dose when your addicted and wouldnt do jack for you right now, so go as long as you can without, face the withdrawal symptoms and pain head on, and after vomiting and shivering and being bitchy for 2 days 5 mg will numb your pain.

some one else sugested methadone, i dont fully agree with methadone, but i have seen it help many an addict. it will kill any withdrawral symptoms
You should seek professinal help, if you are as seriouse as you say you are go talk to a doctor and have him fill out a script for methadone and follow it. Do not relaps while you are on it, for it will be very bad. I know the position that you are in, and I know how hard it is.
Best Wishes
hi where im from the doctor is the one who prescribes them m8, i take 120mg 4 times a day wich is a massive dose, ontop of 15mg diazepam to relieve muscle spazm.
the bad thing is i dont pay for them and im in so much pain its hard to stop, when i cut down im in 2 much pain to cope with day to day life, sorry if i seem like im moaning but it pisses me off:-?

im gunna wean off the tabs and start getting super stoned with some sick strain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:joint::joint::joint::twisted::joint::joint::joint:
I feel your pain. I used to be a firefighter until I fell off of a ladder and broke 2 vertebrae. I am now medically retired from firefighting and had similar problems with hydrocodone (which is basically synthetic codeine). You have to ween off of the pills slowly. It is one of the toughest things I've ever done. These f*&%#ing pills will destroy your life and can kill you!!! I think weed helped me to get off the pills but you have to set goals for yourself. Cut your dose by one pill per week (or something like that). Know in advance that as you cut your dose you will feel more pain for a little while (this is because the body doesn't make as much endorphin while on opiates). Your body will try to fight you but it won't be as bad as going cold turkey, and eventually you will start making endorphins again. I sincerely wish you the best of luck and if you need some support just send me a message my friend.
thats my plan exactly, plus more weed.

great words, some realy mellow cool people on here, nice to know im not alone.

crazy thing is tho i still ride a yam r6 now n again:-? only for 20mins tho then i cant walk for a day or 2, its the only pleasure i get outa life , oh ye plus a nice big fat joint, peace and thanx to all who posted and lifted my day, :joint::peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
hi where im from the doctor is the one who prescribes them m8, i take 120mg 4 times a day wich is a massive dose, ontop of 15mg diazepam to relieve muscle spazm.
the bad thing is i dont pay for them and im in so much pain its hard to stop, when i cut down im in 2 much pain to cope with day to day life, sorry if i seem like im moaning but it pisses me off:-?

im gunna wean off the tabs and start getting super stoned with some sick strain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:joint::joint::joint::twisted::joint::joint::joint:
It's a double edged sword. There is no magic fix for this problem. You have to be determined to kick the shit and take yourself off of the pills slowly. There are different techniques you can use to help with the pain such as meditation, yoga, accupuncture etc. Perhaps try taking something non narcotic to help ease the pain after you decrease your dosage. I hope this helps.
Wow buddy, sounds like you in a little deep and want out. I've seen this numerous times with many friends and loved ones. I've even been to the pain management (ie legal dope dealers) docs for low back pain and a catastrophic knee injury. From my experience, the best way to come off it by yourself is to tell those that are closest to you. I wouldn't let it be known to people I work with or my employer. Next you must reduce your dosage. You are wrecking your digestive tract, liver, and stomach, brain, etc; but you know this already. Now you need to reduce your dosage again. Keep doing it until you are off the meds. I don't know how bad your pain is, but it is nothing like the pain that I've seen narcotic (opiate) addiction bring upon individuals and families first hand.

In my opinion, the withdrawal is WAY worse than the pain that is experienced. Trust me, once you are off the meds for a period of time, you may come to find that your pain was amplified by your addiction. When your opiate receptors are constantly occupied by meds, as soon as the medication titer decreases the pain comes in full force as a rebound effect. What I'm saying is that you don't even know if you are experiencing true pain or an opiate decline induced pain phenomena.

DO NOT TRY AND QUIT THESE PILLS COLD TURKEY WITHOUT THE SUPERVISION OF A COMPETENT, LICENSED, MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. Opiate withdrawal is serious!!! My personal experience involved going from codeine, to vicodin, and eventually dilaudid. After a couple of years on the pharmaceutical roller coaster, I'd had enough. I told my wife and best friends I wanted off these meds. I slowly decreased my daily dosage, then went to taking the lowest dose every other day, to once or twice a week as needed, to nearly never taking it. I did this without medical supervision. Without going into too much detail, I have the neccessary training and education to understand what was happening in my body. I've tried to put into very lay terms for you here.

Just back your dose off, then back it off some more. Try and live with the increase in pain until you can clear your body of the opiates. Your opiate receptors have been occupied for 7 years bro! You are going to vomit, the sheets on feet will feel like hot coals, stay close to the toilet b/c when the fire water comes it doesn't wait, stomach cramps, sweats; it's not going to be fun. However it will be worth it to have your mind and body clear. Get yourself a support team that cares about you, and understands your desire to rid yourself of this.

I'm not saying some of us don't need opiate medications, but MD's and the pharmcos have been very irresponsible with these medications. It is up to you to decide whether or not you need these meds. However, you are not in a position to determine your medical need at this time. You don't even know if you still hurt. Your need for these meds is likely primarily a physical addiction that cannot be avoided at your current dose. At those doses, I can tell you over time nothing good comes out of it. I've had friends, family members, and collegues all pass way before their time.

I'm not a big proponent of rehabs, but sometimes, especially with opiates, they are neccessary. I just don't jive with all the "you are powerless" BS that these facilities insist that you subscribe to. I do not think you are powerless. You have the power to make the decision to change your life today. I know it's anonymous, but you took a small step in posting this in an open forum. I'm pulling for you buddy. If you even need any encouragement or someone to talk to, shoot me a PM. You could also use the PuffDeeCee signal, but you will have to get the light from the commissioner. I hope I've given you some encouragement. Take care buddy...PDC
greately appreciated my friend, i am trying my best, already started cutting my dose, slowly but surely.

thankyou very much.:joint:
tried the pins in the back (no good), tried hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, shock treatment, still no good, im gunna wean off slowly, go to the pain clinic and learn to live with the pain somehow if i possible can, plus like i said smoke a lot more weed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
look into non narcotic pain killers like lyrica and.... well the only other one i can think of is acetaminophen, which dont do shit.... but there must be more out there

Big P

Well-Known Member
im serious i know what will cure you.

sounds crazy but have you ever tried green dragon or weed brownies?

follow the below recipt for greendragon

1 gram to 1 shot is how i make it. but dont forget u mix in 50% water with 50% pure dragon or it will burn your throat drinking it

anyway man u can dose green dragon an you will be a zombie and fun mode.

this will be a good substitute for any other narcotic or drug

I know cuz thats how I helped save my friends life who was a severe alcholic.

after he survive a 50 50 chance of death in the hospitol form drinking. I began making him green dragon but I used olive oil to make it for him cuz he was an alcohalic

anyway we weened him off the alcahol by givin him the dragon

its better than any other drug i ever tried. PM me if you need pointer making it

it will make you forget about your pain trust



Well-Known Member
Well bb, you have done the 1st step to any recovery and that's admitting you have a problem. I would suggest you see your local GP and explain to him your situtation and hopefully they will help out.

However if your not ready yet to go to your local GP, I do have a solution for you which has helped many heroin/opiate addicts to ween themselves of the drug without seeking professional help.

I would suggest you use start to use kratom, Kratom has been used for many years and has helped hundreds and thousands of people with opiate addictions.

The only problem with seeking pro help is that your substituting one drug with another drug such as methadone can make you reliant on the mephedone as well.

Good Luck

P.S I can send you an email with someone who can help you with sourcing kratom at quite a cheap price.
Big P, I second your motion on the Green Dragon. That shit is bombastic, and gives some real pain relief. I'm a drinker, and usually mix mine with a beer because it hits harder and faster for me that way. It does occassionally produce some green squirts. I'm not sure about using it to combat the physical ramifications of opiate withdrawal, but it does work wonders for nerve pain and musculoskeletal pain. Works great for spasms too!