First time xtc quadstack

Best DRUG EVER !!! I have a very high tolorence for drugs, so the first time I did a single and it did nothing. I drunk alot of water and nothing I ended up taking another and about 10 minutes later whew... I fucked all night i had to be at work at 6am got there on time. I felt well rested but had no sleep. Ppl say it brings out what ever emotion ur dealing with, well everybody was complimenting me on how nice I was that day. That blew my mind because I thought I was nice everyday lol. At the time I waorked as a phlbotomist and I know what i'm about to say is fucked up but all that day i was trip'n to my self. Everytime I drew blood I would make bets with myself about how it would go in, if it'll hurt... shit like that. My best friend who I worked with came to me and said she wanted what ever i was on. I felt normal but happy. I refuse to take x now because that is something that I def can't afford to take on the reg. I know ppl that pop all day. Constantly gritting their teeth. If there was a way to make at home i'd continue to do it. Have you heard of ways of making them ay home?

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
ecstasy dose come in waves and it sounds like a typical roll. id say you got some "good shit". do you know what symbol or color it was
I've done ecstasy pills probably close to 100 times and molly close to 20. The only times I felt it come in waves (and wasn't also tripping on something else) was when I was disappointed and thought it was some random chems. If it's good, it always seems to be like 25-35 minutes after eating and then I notice it come up in like a 1-3 minute period, almost instantly. Usually notice light reflection brighter or lights brighter then in the next minute I go to just about peak. Peak tends to be later if I eat more than 2 right away. I'll peak for a few hours (5+ depends on amount and if spread apart) and then come down. If I'm tripping I will notice waves but just MDMA alone I never notice them. It's all the same, just your mind can be more into it or a little less at any time.

P.S. 2 days = not MDMA. Unless it was just you being worn out which some people get devestated by it but if you're still rocked from it then not MDMA. Maybe just threshold amount with like 5 other things


Oracle of Hallucinogens
im all too sad to let you know that MDMA(ecstasy) isnt a whip-it-up-at-home kind of thing. sorry.:hug:
Depends on whos home you are in, I mean, Shulgin whipped it up at home ;-). For the most part I agree, unless you're an undercover clandestine chemist, leave the MDMA synthesis to the "pros".


Well-Known Member
A new revitalized opinion for you all:

Stacks do have some sort of meaning... and the essence its that they do have some sort of weight reference such as .1, .2, .3 etc... but this doest mean that the pill consist of 100mg mdma.. it simply means the whole pill equialavent weights out that much, which includes filler, binder, and adulterants of course! The bigger is not the better in some cases... stacks are usually lessed pressed and may be the reason why they are most of the time pure! But test kits are vital in todays trade of ecstasy... ecstasy doesnt have a standard stamp anymore... ecstasy to many dealers means: amps, piperazines, ketamines, 2c's etc... anything to push the pill would be the main objective.