Well-Known Member
But you can prove it in real life? You have some crazy statistics that don't work online? Genius.It isn't a theory.
I can't prove it over the Net. So what?

It is a theory because there is no proof.

But you can prove it in real life? You have some crazy statistics that don't work online? Genius.It isn't a theory.
I can't prove it over the Net. So what?
As I stated before, I'm pretty much a white man myself so I don't know what your getting at? I shoul'd restate that: "Your kind".so it's ok for you to say "you whites" etc, but we'll get shanked for saying "you people"... wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
You're a fucking asshole I hope some retard trying to act cool kills someone you love in a drive by. I fucking hate insensitive pricks like you.It's called life, so deal with it. Oh and people can listen to whatever the fuck they want to, what difference is it if both parties were white or black? Sounds like you have been living in a bubble your entire life.
Pretty much. It's waaaaaay in the past and is not a recent event. I congratulate you and your people for overcoming. If you genuinly know what it is like, then stfu and help the cause man. I guess you can't because you can't feel the pain... your lineage's history no longer affects you on a day to day basis. So what is it now? Little man syndrome? Cant take the pressure of getting bullied in the past so now you join the big guys? BULLSHIT!"But those times are way long forgotten".
Why? Because bleeding hearts like yourself aren't interested in keeping it alive because it's not staring you directly in the face? Go take a drive to a reservation. You are the ones keeping this dumb shit in the forefront.
So what about the American Indian? You're white-assed ancestors brought them to the brink of extinction. Do you cry for them? That wasn't too long ago. You penned them up like animals and left the remaining few to basically self-destruct. Don't you cry for them?
There probably are more white on black hate crimes than the opposite. Blacks make up only 12% of the entire population. You do the math. Funny how you side with your government statistics on issues when it's convenient for you.
PLease, tell me about the "attempt on Obama".
You are certainly entitled to your way of thinking and it doesn't matter to me, really, what you do think.
I've read through your other posts this morning and your maturity level really shined through on some of them. I almost thought as I went to bed last night that I was engaged in an intelligent debate, only to find you resorting to name calling and telling other people you have some sort of secret connection with the black community, but I was so curious about the "Obama attempt" I just had to ask.
Really, you need to take a good hard look at yourself. Your reasoning is the real problem.
Nigger = A person from Nigeria. NIG means god in ancient African dialect also used by haters to describe a black man, period. Nigga on the other hand is a word used by black people themselves to remind them of where they came from and why they are here in the first place.Dont feel bad brother. If you are not racist yourself then by all means, feel comfortable in your own space.[/QUOT
I am not racist but do not tell me this does not make since and think about it before yoyu make conclusions, there are white people, black people and hispanic people, then there are white trash people, nigger people, and beaner people. the words are not there but the meaning is
White trash = Low income Aryan supporters (in my book)
Beaner = A hard working Mexican?
Look here, back in africa and other places whrere blacks roam, they are mostly fun loving people. Always singing and smilling. There are insurgents however that all they care about is money and power but this would have never of happened if it wasn't for "white man" influence. The great conquistadors... for god? For christianity?How about for self gain? Always taking things by force and death. This has been the way of humanity, the way of the world and some of you wish to preserve what little dignity you have left? I hope all of the ethnic groups mesh and become one. No more black or white, no latinos or asians... Get me?
You're a fucking asshole I hope some retard trying to act cool kills someone you love in a drive by. I fucking hate insensitive pricks like you.