So says the limp wristed, self hating, white guilt tripping, pussy.
I've met loads of people like you. If a black man wanted to fuck you in the arse you'd let him, out of fear that he would call you a racist if you didn't.
And most race hate crimes are not white on ethnic, they're ethnic on white.
And nobody is more one sided than ethnic minority groups. The fact that you don't realise this is proof positive that you don't know shit.
Fuck you! Let me tell you something. It seems that your the ignorant fuck around here. As per the FBI and their official web page:, it seems that you have your shit all wrong. Look under "Hate crime statistics" and reassure me that there are more anti-white killing vs anyone else. 69.3 percent were motivated by anti-black bias. "18.4 percent stemmed from anti-white bias"; and this was in 2007 alone (no statistics from 2008 or 2009 yet). Like I said before "So fucking one sided you whites are. Disgusting. FAIL!"
Tell me a little about KKK and their initiation rules; how long have they been around? Shit, how long you been around Peckerwood? You didn't answer my question you piece of shit. You know your white and a supremacist at that. I'm an educated individual and since I am a minority, I know my way around. If I was in prison, the Blacks wouldn't touch me and if they did, they would regret it for the affiliation I may have. So don't tell me shit about nothing you snot nose punk. Besides, your probably an urban monky that has never been to the south and seen real black hate crimes where it still happens today. It's true that many whites are getting gunned down but your daughters are loving that big black cock. LMAO! Now thats entertainment.
Edit: no offence to the brothas and the brothers in these forums, I just like shutting like shutting ignorants up with a touch of no-class