2x90w LED UFO 24 plant SOG closet


Active Member
sounds like you have a nice setup you sead you changed your resevoir every 12 days and the long wait can cause root rot and there is pretty much no way to save the plants i would change your resevoirs 1 too 2 times a week and i would also buy aqua shield and put it in a spray bottle and spray the inside of your resevoir it will kill any bacteria you can have a succesful grow without it but root rot can come anytime and theres realy no way to stop it


Well-Known Member
Very interesting grow...

I'm subscribed... and +rep for doing a good/clean job with your set up...:clap::clap:

root rot can come anytime and theres realy no way to stop it
Sure there is...

I use non-organic nutes and H2O2... it will prevent AND cure root rot... at the correct dosage....


Well-Known Member
haha i told you sfcali that you needed to speak to gypsy. hes got the flood and drain nailed. as for the 400hps be being less effective then those led is a rediculous thing to think. i once thought that too cause the ads were so convincing but after i used them on 2 or 3 grows i saw pretty quickly that these things dont compare. the veg stage is pretty good but once they hit flower those lights just cant produce alot of bud. i got like 50 g off 2 of the ufos from 21 plants then i switched to bubbleponics with 6 plants and still the flower just doesnt match that of hps. i hope you can show me different sfcali.


I had some root rot with a few of the plants, but now that I added aquashield, it seems to be preventiing and correcting any browning roots. My plans are changing since I've moving in 5 weeks so I'm going to continue to veg them until I move. Once I get situated at the new place, I'll have much more room to spread these out and let them get bigger. I'm going to have to transplant them into bigger pots most likely, but all the plants are looking very healthy right now. Can anyone recommned a good transition cycle for the nutrients and lights when going from veg 18-6 to flower 12-12? I'll keep adding more pics. I think that pictures speak louder than words so I'm trying to do my best to take as many as possible. My 2 bulb 2' CFL light will be coming this week. I may end up using this light for a mother grow room. The GDP's and Shiva Skunk are loving the setup and they are very bushy and tall. All of the growth on the plants is lush green! The nutrients are up to 680 ppm. The yellowing leaves in the pics are only on the clippings that I took from the perpetrator which I'm trying to root. I don't think they are gonna make it. Once I move I'll have plenty of room to do a proper clone chamber with a dome and a mother tent with 2-3 mothers. I'm really enjoying this grow!


Well-Known Member
if you keep veggin those your gona make them too big and your lights wil have a very difficult time covering the whole area with effective quality light. im speaking from experience with these lights and the space to cover needs to be small during flower with the lights hung closely to the plants. if you spread them out more and allow them to keep vegin then your gona have to trim for yield and light penetration which means take alot off the bottom half. other wise start over at your new place with fresh healthy clones and veg for a couple weeks then start flower and i believe you will have better results.


Well-Known Member
SF, if you want to do a true SOG... it would probably increase your yields... considerably...

Keeping your plants as short as possible (and keeping as many plants as possible) will give you the best yields possible, as more of each plant will be closer to the light...

There are few ways to grow more efficiently than a true zero veg SOG... but none as simple...

Are you familiar with Al B. Fuct and his threads...?


Get a harvest every 2 weeks

And this may help explaining the "short plant" (zero veg) thing...



I guess I should change the title from SOG to just closet grow. I'm thinking that I'll end up buying more CFL's so I can support bigger plants. I know that I probably should've already started flowering if I wanted a true SOG setup, but I'm thinking I'll end up expanding this to a space about twice as large so I'll get more lights and maybe a dupicate ebb and flow system setup. Looking at that light chart...I'm definitely gonna move the lights closer still to the plants. Thanks for all the great input! I'll be updating with pics almost every day so stay tuned! Edit from before... The clippings now have roots popping out of the rockwool cubes so they'll be transplanted into the ebb and flow system in a week or two once the roots get more defined. I think that the clippings should be able to take the 680 ppm nutes since the strain has proven to be very strong.


Well-Known Member
Why go with bigger plants? if you can get a faster, more productive op out of SOG'ing it..

You could easily chop your next generation of clones from these, and have nice short SOG plants again... without wasting your veg time... you have a bunch clones..

Just a thought...

It seem you want to stay with low intensity lighting.. so I will keep suggesting lots of small plants...


Gypsy, I may consider chopping the plants down to go back to SOG and have clippings, but I want to let them get a bit larger before doing that. If I cut them down, I want to have the topped plants around 10-12" tall and have good clippings with a high probability of surviving. I have a bubbler system that could support the clippings but I'll give it another 2 weeks before topping them.


Well-Known Member
10" to 12" are MY tallest clones under a 600HPS...

You wanna do 6" at most... especially with the Sativa strains...

A 5" clone can produce up to 1 oz under a 600HPS...

Tall plants put the top and the bottom in different "light zones" (remember the drawing?)...

Short plants however, are able to reside entirely in the most intense light... you just gotta have more of them...;-)


10" to 12" are MY tallest clones under a 600HPS...

You wanna do 6" at most... especially with the Sativa strains...

A 5" clone can produce up to 1 oz under a 600HPS...

Tall plants put the top and the bottom in different "light zones" (remember the drawing?)...

Short plants however, are able to reside entirely in the most intense light... you just gotta have more of them...;-)
I plan on lollipoping all the plants to take the light penetration into account. I lowered the lights another 3-4" and now the tallest ones are less than a foot away. We'll see how the plants react.


Well-Known Member
I plan on lollipoping all the plants to take the light penetration into account. I lowered the lights another 3-4" and now the tallest ones are less than a foot away. We'll see how the plants react.
You are keeping your LEDs a foot away???

Wow... I keep my aircooled 600 HPS 6" above my plants...

I imagined LEDs would have to be really close to have any intensity.. guess I'm wrong...


You are keeping your LEDs a foot away???

Wow... I keep my aircooled 600 HPS 6" above my plants...

I imagined LEDs would have to be really close to have any intensity.. guess I'm wrong...
Ya I've had the lights almost 2 feet from the plant, but I know now that was too far. The branches are thickening nicely since I moved the lights closer.


Well-Known Member
My guess is that you (along with the CFL crowd) want your light as close as possible to the plants...

Use the back of your hand to determine distance...

If it does not feel too hot on the back of your hand, it's ok for the plants...

Think "nice warm day at the beach"...

Light intensity is very important...


And uh...

I am just trying to help.. you can tell me to shut up anytime...:lol: this is your grow...

Cheers bro!



Well-Known Member
i using ufos myself they need to be as close as possible thats the whole point, i keep mine inches away and the growth is robust and buff just make sure they get enough water... just my two cents