• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why is everyone so afraid of the word Socialism?


Well-Known Member
Simple question, why is everyone so afraid of the word socialism? For me it seems that just like communism back in the sixties, socialism is being treated like a virus thats going to sweep in and kill everyones babies. What is so wrong with the idea of socialism, what is with this huge societal stigma? It seems to be working pretty well for the Canadians. I just want to know if anyone can explain the real beef with the main principles of socialist government. Please don't attack me here I want honest and rational answers. Ready... go!


Well-Known Member
socialism takes out the free market. puts it in the government's hands. Eliminates competition... not a good thing


Well-Known Member
also mordern socialism started in 18th century and was the start of capitalism and communism read up u have lots to learn.....


Active Member
If your talking bout the USA, in my opinion it is because this country runs on greed now. The corporate market is completely fuc*ed up. Everyone is back stabbing everyone and there is no ethics left, just people trying to reap in the cash. Most of the people in politics are very wealthy, why would they approve of Socialism when they are wealthy? Socialism would not benefit the wealthy at all so that is why America is so against it. CEO's are afraid of losing their Ferarris and Lambos.


Well-Known Member
If your talking bout the USA, in my opinion it is because this country runs on greed now. The corporate market is completely fuc*ed up. Everyone is back stabbing everyone and there is no ethics left, just people trying to reap in the cash. Most of the people in politics are very wealthy, why would they approve of Socialism when they are wealthy? Socialism would not benefit the wealthy at all so that is why America is so against it. CEO's are afraid of losing their Ferarris and Lambos.
But CEO's aren't America, the US citezens are America. I don't understand why the middle class is so against it, it would only benefit them. Allow me to quote wikipedia here:

Socialists mainly share the belief that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital, creates an unequal society, and does not provide equal opportunities for everyone in society.

What sounds so bad about that? Sounds like a fair statement. Why are people so gung ho about capitalism? It seems to cause a lot of problems...


Well-Known Member
But CEO's aren't America, the US citezens are America. I don't understand why the middle class is so against it, it would only benefit them. Allow me to quote wikipedia here:

Socialists mainly share the belief that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital, creates an unequal society, and does not provide equal opportunities for everyone in society.

What sounds so bad about that?
It's an imbecilic plan that relies upon theft, coercion, and forcing people to take care of imbeciles, retards, and maggots that are too lazy, incompetent, or dumb to get up off their asses and take care of themselves.

It is a system of slavery, that relies upon a coercive state to force people to pursue actions that are unnatural, and often against their own best interests (such as being able to easily get Dental Care.)

It is a system that obligates free men to be slaves for the lazy and gluttonous.

Under welfare instead of a rational system where the government provides a hand up, it provides hand outs, and thus leads to dependence (which is a mental disorder) upon the government.

It is a sociopathic system only benefits bureaucrats, politicians, lawyers and parasites, not free men who desire to stand upon their own two feet and meet life's challeneges head on.

It is an ideology for weaklings, and pansies.


Well-Known Member
the more socialist we get.. the more tyrannical we get. It makes the country more poor as a whole with just a very little percentage extremely rich. Most people refer to them as the "elite". When money = power... The elite will rule. (more than they already do)


Well-Known Member
It's an imbecilic plan that relies upon theft, coercion, and forcing people to take care of imbeciles, retards, and maggots that are too lazy, incompetent, or dumb to get up off their asses and take care of themselves.

It is a system of slavery, that relies upon a coercive state to force people to pursue actions that are unnatural, and often against their own best interests (such as being able to easily get Dental Care.)

It is a system that obligates free men to be slaves for the lazy and gluttonous.

Under welfare instead of a rational system where the government provides a hand up, it provides hand outs, and thus leads to dependence (which is a mental disorder) upon the government.

It is a sociopathic system only benefits bureaucrats, politicians, lawyers and parasites, not free men who desire to stand upon their own two feet and meet life's challeneges head on.

It is an ideology for weaklings, and pansies.
and sycophants, oh my. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
the dankness if you read the whole wiki story on socialism u know that its filth,,,,dony just put the line that concurs with wat u say put the whole article up and this thread will be done,,,,because it will answer your question in its entirety,,,the one line i put up on response #4 answers your question


Well-Known Member
Because it does not work, period.

If you don't have incentive (you get paid the same no matter what, and don't pay the bills) you don't care. Some might, but most won't.

They did studies showing how the farmers would do a really good job with the outside of the field so that the government officials could drive around to make sure that they were doing well, but the inside would not be tilled/planted so yeilds would suck.

Since here a farmer will not make money if they don't do their best planting to get the max off of it they always do the best they can.

Also since people did not pay their electricity bills (government did) then they would have no reason to shut off lights in factories and would just leave using an insane amount of electricity for nothing.

Another interesting thing is that their allocation of goods was poorly developed so some communities would have a bunch of surplus, while others would have nothing. And they were not allowed to just send it because then the government would get pissed (and in the USSR that usually meant death or prison).

They would have to get permission to paint different colors on the equipment, so if a company that made tractors had buckets of green paint, but it had to be red and they ran out they would have to wait for approval from the government before they could paint it green, meaning that the people that needed the tractors would have to wait sometimes years to get them.

Basically a nightmare. Which leads to corruption (if I pay you to look the other way so I can take more/better kind of thing). Imagine every purchase you make in a year, toothpaste, brushes, gas, every single food item, on and on, the government would have to price it. Insanity.


Active Member
But CEO's aren't America, the US citezens are America. I don't understand why the middle class is so against it, it would only benefit them.
But politics in America is the wealthy, at least in my opinion....for example many presidents are linked into other industries...like how George Bush was with the oil business.

Also I know you say the US citizens are America but I think that the people who are deciding what bills are passed and such are sitting in the House and Senate and are of an older generation and are affiliated with diff corporate industries.

This is nothing new it has been going on for awhile. Think about prohibition in the US. Alcohol is legal because its the biggest money maker in America. Tobacco has been proven to have more ill effects then Cannabis, yet it remains legal. This is all because of money. The government does not care about the citizens, if it did, it would make Tobacco illegal, but see this conflicts with the Capitalist market. The Tobacco industry is a form of business and therefore we allow it because it generates revenue for people. If America was the US Citizens, then Cannabis would be legalized. If America was the US Citizens then we would have more say in our taxation. No taxation without representation, we need to start remember this because we are not being represented TRUTHFULLY anymore.

Not everyone in the House and Senate is corrupt but a lot of them are. A lot of them are afraid to say anything against their peers views. A lot of them are afraid to stray from their political parties viewpoint. But the ones who do are the ones that are trying to save this country and I pray for them.

Again this is all my opinion, no disrespectful stuff please.


Well-Known Member
If we become more socialist the examples will only get worse, baked.

Edit: America was the US citizens in 1776. As america becomes more Corporate... the "America the citizens" is slowly dying


New Member
Socialist countries produce disincentives to excel, achieve and produce. Capitalism does just the opposite, and that's why over the long haul, America, with 5% of the worlds population produces 25% of the output. The wealth we have created as a nation has brought much of the world out of the Dark Ages. We have set most of Europe free from the totalitarianism of Fascism, Asia from Japanese imperialism, and now the Middle East with Iraq. The wealth created by the productive workers in the U.S under capitalism has allowed Americans to be the most generous people on the face of the earth. The wealth created under capitalism, over the past 100 years, has lifted the American middle class to enjoy a living standard only dreamed of by most populations world-wide.

Now, this is not to say that capitalism is a completely moral economic system ... only that it is the most successful, AND the most moral out there.



Well-Known Member
Now, this is not to say that capitalism is a completely moral economic system ... only that it is the most successful, AND the most moral out there.

exactly, there isn't a "perfect" system out there. Capitalism is def the most reliable and still secures civil liberties


if you ask most poeple in this country

people think we are socialist... when we arent

we are facist

mussolini defined facism as

"the merger of state and corporate powers"

1. Gov takes over mortgages

2 Gov. takes over the banks

3. Gov takes over the big auto companies

4. Gov. Takes over healthcare (in the works)

facism at its finest


you IDIOTS saying Socialism is good

your fucking stupid

you do realize that in a socialist nation, YOU OWN NOTHING

you have no personal property at ALL.....EVER

do you UNDERSTAND that?


Operation 420

Well-Known Member
It's a simple philosophy. Keep the people down and dependent on the government. Instead of assistance programs to train people for job's and help people find them, we keep giving them a free lunch. We are already to some extent, a socialist country. We even give Social Security checks to illegal immigrants. They don't want you to excel and make money, because money equals power.

Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he can eat forever (and won't need the governments handouts)


Well-Known Member
if you ask most poeple in this country

people think we are socialist... when we arent

we are facist

mussolini defined facism as

"the merger of state and corporate powers"

1. Gov takes over mortgages

2 Gov. takes over the banks

3. Gov takes over the big auto companies

4. Gov. Takes over healthcare (in the works)

facism at its finest
Fascism (National Socialism) is just a form of Socialism. Whether Government provides everything, and controls everything, or allows quasi-private institutions that take their marching orders from the government to have some control, the end result is the same.

Government control of everything, because those entities that are granted the monopolies are still under the dictatorial control of the government.


Fascism (National Socialism) is just a form of Socialism. Whether Government provides everything, and controls everything, or allows quasi-private institutions that take their marching orders from the government to have some control, the end result is the same.

Government control of everything, because those entities that are granted the monopolies are still under the dictatorial control of the government.
can we agree that a republic is way better?


Well-Known Member
can we agree that a republic is way better?
IF you mean Rule by Law, yes, I can agree that a Republic is infinitely better, but if you are confusing the term Republic with the term Democracy, then I can only disagree.

The price of the mobocracy that caters to the lowest common denominator is keenly felt by me every two weeks.