Clone Lighting?


Well-Known Member
Wat r d schools of thought on Lighting 4 Clones? Is it best 2 leave d lights on 24/7 wen allowing them 2 Root, or just give them the old 18/6?
I'm using Fluro tubes, Cfl lamps, rockwool and a heat pad.
Any help appreciated cheers.

Fallen Buckshot

ive been cloning outside better humidity and constant warmer temps. seems to be working for me so far


Well-Known Member
Well it's Winter here in Oz, so unfortunately that's not much help 4me. I can keep my temp and humidity constant with my heatpad, my question is just with the duration of light.
I'm guessing not 24hrs tho since u do them outside and that's not 24hrs.


Well-Known Member
on clones mostley. I still run 24hr on veg and either up the cfl's or use mh. will post a pic of my cfl veg when I get back.


Active Member
I use cfls and keep the lights on 24/7 for two weeks then switch to 18/6 i also use cfls for veg


Well-Known Member
24/0 for clones (2wks at most), and 24/0 for veg (1st month) . 2' flouro for clones and 4' flouro for veg, then switch to 18/6 under 400mh. Gives very very high % of F to M.


Well-Known Member
One plant. One 100w cfl. FYI the tubes in back are not on. sorry bout it being sideways.

mom cfl 002.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hmm, a candle is definately creative, but im ok 4 warmth as i have the heat pad. I think il put them on 18/6 as from wat iv been reading, it all works.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's been a week n a half, n only one of them has rooted.. i peeled some of the rockwool back n had a look, then put them in a cup with sum clay balls. Im hopeful the other will strike.
They r in 1inch rockwool cubes - is it normal 2 not b able to see roots coming out the side after this period?