Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey


Well-Known Member
many thanks for your thoughts and your visit. I am in love with this girl. And it would seem she has a real predisposition to this structure. I wish I was in a better circumstances to keep this girl going because she is a very very sweet. I love the stone, the scent, the visual, she's an alaround pleasing girl. And I guess at the least, I can consider myself VERY fortunate to have had such an amazing phenotype of a group of plants now grown .... I am beginning to get that feeling of ...what it like to notice the minor nuances and barely visible differences in traits and their expression. I took great pleasure in this aspect of breeding horses .... what traits are expressed, is the mare or the stallion more prepotent. I loved that life. I will have it again soon.


Well-Known Member
tahoe is pimpin, since been pimpin, since been pimpin... Well done mate! You are gonna be chillin on that main cola for a month or so... I wanna say 2 z's on the main cola alone


Well-Known Member
ya think ... cool ... I justr don't have the experience to say what reality might be ... but she just keeps gitin phatter n'phatter .... many thanks for your thoughts! Walk On!!~~~~:peace:
tahoe is pimpin, since been pimpin, since been pimpin... Well done mate! You are gonna be chillin on that main cola for a month or so... I wanna say 2 z's on the main cola alone


Well-Known Member
hehehehehehe .... they be gone ..... and pics have been taken, and plants have been admired ..... and tokes have been had ..... and relaxation is in total swing. I don't need to say it but I am so thrilled with this girl ...... just keeps packing on the buddage. She feels to be peaking a little now .... idk ..... I guess I'll just keep watching. Any thoughts out there .... some guesstimates for finishing her up?

T....fucking great looking man!

I bet she smellls sooooooo fucking good.


Well-Known Member
Many thanks for the positive feedback bro!!

oh yea .... and every day a lil'more stanky she does become. We've also been having a (relative) heat wave. lotsa 85-90F, and the BBox being in the garage is mostly ok .... but even with these temps is jacks up my temp max recorded to 88F - its generally been up to about 80 and low of 65 most of the time. And meanwhile the top44 still keeps cranking out the buddage ..... no real strong signs of easing off on the growth. Fuk I'm running out of smoke .... I timed it WAY too close.

One of the other three girls that were just admitted to flowering might be showing male (Vortex).

On the otherhand, the BlackDomina is still suggesting female.

The other two (DairyQueen and MissMystery) are not giving any hints.

I'll just keep watching, and keep posting pics .... and one of these days .... she'll be in the bowl .... ready to be torched! :peace:
T....fucking great looking man!

I bet she smellls sooooooo fucking good.


Well-Known Member
hey man sorry. When I took the pics the other night she was looking a little unhappy so I let her be. Today she looks a lot better, and I should have a moment tonight to take and post some pics of these other girls. No worries for asking again .... Its all good:peace:
I think you're being very modest. I know i've already asked but... BD pics?


Well-Known Member
hahahaha .... rep man ... u gave me my first laught of the morning ... many thanks to the westerlies from over da pond ... walking n' walkin n' walkin on man!!


Well-Known Member
and its picture time again ..... This girl ..... this girl ..... I tell you ..... I'm just not sure if/when she's gonna stop ..... phatter, phattenester, phatterestener .....

1. the BBox and its inhabitants.
2. The BlackDomina
3. side buddage
4. Buddage of main cola
5. side buddage
6. side buddage
7. side buddage

ooohhhh yyyaaaaa yaaaaa, I'm luvin' it! :blsmoke:




Well-Known Member
masny thanks go out the the HerrDoktor .... and his fabulous twins ... I mean topsyturvy .... btw - is the other twin married or hooked up ..... I be liking HI with half a twin ... hehehehe! (No DisRespect ..... my bad)