Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!

Damn I despise government lap dogs. What a disgusting, inbred, crap eating little species it is. All ball licking and barking. I'd have to say, they're almost more despicable than there government masters; almost. Hell, it may be a tie...disgusting. :neutral:
Yeah that is a good example. They did basically fire him, put the company in bankruptcy which is was heading for anyway (but allowed the workers to keep their jobs about 6 months extra through the bailout), saved hundreds of thousands of jobs inside and outside the company, after the bankruptcy they have backed off and put it back in the hands of the CEO and investors.

They very much treated it like a bankruptcy of a bank (been going on for a long time now new phenom) come in take it over sell it to a company that will keep it open, step away.

This way the economy that depends on it can not just collapse.

But that being said do we really need the big three? That is debatable. I would have liked to seen GM get turned into a totally different type of manufacturer, say solar panels that they could mass produce improve the technology and corner a new emerging world market, but that is just me.

Gee, you forgot to mention dictating which cars they can build, screwing the bondholders who stood behind GM during the rough times (the Chinese are watching all this), and forking over a huge chunk of the Corp. to the unions directly (an honest group for sure :roll:).

It was not the same as bankruptcy AT ALL...... I don't know where you ever got that idea.
damn hannimal I know a sucker when I see one

and you sir are a real sucker if your suckin all that shit up from your presi pres

that guy shits on you guys, he dont care if you like being shitted on or not, hes shitting either way:hump:

so you can pretend its all good, or you can actually be honest with yourself and take a good long look in the mirror.:joint:
Gee, you forgot to mention dictating which cars they can build, screwing the bondholders who stood behind GM during the rough times (the Chinese are watching all this), and forking over a huge chunk of the Corp. to the unions directly (an honest group for sure :roll:).

It was not the same as bankruptcy AT ALL...... I don't know where you ever got that idea.

damn hannimal I know a sucker when I see one

and you sir are a real sucker if your suckin all that shit up from your presi pres

that guy shits on you guys, he dont care if you like being shitted on or not, hes shitting either way:hump:

so you can pretend its all good, or you can actually be honest with yourself and take a good long look in the mirror.:joint:

So how does using the word Niglet make you racist!!!!

Damn I despise government lap dogs. What a disgusting, inbred, crap eating little species it is. All ball licking and barking. I'd have to say, they're almost more despicable than there government masters; almost. Hell, it may be a tie...disgusting. :neutral:

I love how with all your nutball facts you get spoon fed from the media and blogs are bullshit, and when you get told it you decide screw it I will just talk down and call people weak and mindless drones. When you didn't think for yourself to get these ideas in the first place.

You are the lapdog suckers. You jump on w/e is being spewed and take it as the gospel. I am saying think for yourself. With everyone trying to screw everyone else what happens is you end up in the middle. That is how our government works people. Look at the actual facts, there is still a lot of stuff to flip out about, but the people you listen to are just too stupid to figure out what it is anymore.

And your ignorance makes it ok for them to disregard it. This is why our news sucks today, this is why on cnn they don't even try anymore and just force you to watch twitter, on fox it is just a conspiracy channel, why msnbc attacks anything that comes close to the market, because they lost touch with how to do anything else.

At least Crackerjax poses tough questions though. Even if it doesn't matter if I do answer, since you will just ignore the rational and acuse me of drinking the koolaid. When really I am just trying to get the reasons why it is a good idea, or faulty information that your sources of information could careless to tell you since your ignorance is better for them.

Dictating which cars gets made is not in the government realm. If you listen to the people in charge of the companies (which you will just say are in the pocket of the government or too afraid to speak out, which would have merit, but that would just be a guess) they have picked which cars they will carry and produce, also which dealerships to close.

The government set the guidelines for things like fuel which is not a bad thing. If you want to buy a guzzler so be it, but I for one am pissed that if I want to break 50mpg I cannot buy an american car. Which is why the foreign autos are and have been doing so well in sales. It is not the government telling americans what to buy, it is the people that have been telling the companies by not buying their cars.

Again come up with your own ideas. Educate yourselves. Things to think about, if your on a website and they cut up quotes or paraphrase, chances are they are manipulating the facts to cater to their readers. And if it is that way, read up on the full quotes, or get the real information and formulate your own thoughts.
If you think the governments energy plan isn't intertwined with them deciding which cars GM will manufacture, you need to wake up.
Like I said, all ball licking and barking.

Right and the fact you have not went back to defending your post about the insurance company, and instead go right back to that just helps prove the case.

If you think the governments energy plan isn't intertwined with them deciding which cars GM will manufacture, you need to wake up.

So your opposed to us not using as much oil? I think that you would even say that the painting roofs is evil and an Obama business proposal that will give Acorn dominant control through the sale of white shingles right? Using the same electricity with far less costs to the enviroment and our pockets does not sound bad to me.

But I am sure Rush will say that anything done is a bad thing. Progress should be kept at a minimum.
Right and the fact you have not went back to defending your post about the insurance company, and instead go right back to that just helps prove the case.

Progress should be kept at a minimum.

Say what? And is that an Obama quote?:neutral:

"Progress should be kept at a minimum."
i cant believe someone asked how using niglet would be considered racist lol.

No more racist than honkey,redneck,cracker,wigger and on and on.

And i cant belive your such a fuck head to think it really is.It is a fucking word moron.

Words have no power at all,only what people with thin skins make them out to be.
So your opposed to us not using as much oil? I think that you would even say that the painting roofs is evil and an Obama business proposal that will give Acorn dominant control through the sale of white shingles right? Using the same electricity with far less costs to the enviroment and our pockets does not sound bad to me.

But I am sure Rush will say that anything done is a bad thing. Progress should be kept at a minimum.

No, I'm opposed to Goldman Sachs having a 10% stake in the matter. Check out how much they're making from the European cap and trade.

Obama received campaign dollars from them and now he's paying them back.
oh so you admit niglet is a racist term thanks for clarifying that for me. lol

Actually no i do not deuce bag.
Just like i do not think any of the words i listed are either.Used them to show you that they are words.The only meaning they have is when dick heads like you make them so.
you should read your own posts you said no more racist than those other words. therefore in your own words you stated that those are racist terms.
Say what? And is that an Obama quote?:neutral:

"Progress should be kept at a minimum."
No it is not, I was making at joke at peoples expense that are so opposed to things like hybrid cars being made by the big 3 just to be anti all things Obama.

No, I'm opposed to Goldman Sachs having a 10% stake in the matter. Check out how much they're making from the European cap and trade.

Obama received campaign dollars from them and now he's paying them back.
So now your saying that private companies should not make profits in things that save us money? And especially ones that paid us back money (14billion we made 1.4billion off of that loan).

No more racist than honkey,redneck,cracker,wigger and on and on.

And i cant belive your such a fuck head to think it really is.It is a fucking word moron.

Words have no power at all,only what people with thin skins make them out to be.
So you get pissed when people correctly say 'niglet' is racist? but your saying thin skin? I think you need to get help.

To the people that have fought so hard against Obama, those are the people that get you deemed racists (mostly wrong I know, people can have differences of opinion) when you follow people like that, or agree with it. The same tired, irrational, and wrong things you keep posting are the same arguments that are made by the racists out there.

This 'information (or misinformation)' then gets picked up by other media and pushed as truth. http://www.chimpout.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=86 If you want to not believe it click on that sick fuck of a website and see what conspiracies they are talking about.

Keep on your toes guys, and again think for yourselves. And if you actually are a racist, fuck you have a right to say what you want, but just know it is ignorance and they are using your stupidity for their own purpose. You are as bad as any of the terrorists that don't realize why they are about to blow themselves up.
No it is not, I was making at joke at peoples expense that are so opposed to things like hybrid cars being made by the big 3 just to be anti all things Obama.

So, embracing things like hybrid cars is just to be pro Obama? Or, when you embrace Obama, you must embrace hybrid cars, and government run health care, and cap and tax, and bigotry, and the like? Sounds like a pimp to me.
i know but its fun playing with them they mostly sink there own ships if you know how to bait properly like shooting fish in a barrel. some of these old dogs need to learn new tricks. the old rhetoric is well getting old so to speak.