Cfl flower lighting and heat please help


Active Member
I just strated to flower with 8 23w cfl's for 2 plants on a 12/12. the heat during veg was at 84 now the temp is at 87-88. is this a normal temp for for a grow box of 2x2x4? I have a top vent airing out the box and a bottom one to bring in fresh air. Any help on temp range would be appreciated. I am growing hydro and affraid that the water temp may get to high. I have an extra ac but there is no window in that room to put it in Any help on the heat issue would be very much appriciated

Illegal Smile

Yes, that's too much heat. You basically have to find a way to cool it down or that just isn't a suitable grow space this time of year (sorry). I'm guessing the easiest (but not easy or cheap) method would be a portable AC that vents out a window, and then you have to take it through the wall. I can't think of another solution. If the air in the space is too hot, it won't matter how much you circulate it.

bam bam

Active Member
How do you hang your lights? are all your CFL lights at the top of your grow box?

If yes, then there might be a way. You can try using a glass shield to prevent the heat from your CFL lights from coming down into your plants. The glass shield will let light past through it but will keep most of the heat from getting down to your plants.

your grow box is what 2x2x4?, so Iam guessing a glass shield of about 2x2 should be enough. Install the glass shield about 1" below your lowest CFL light bulb.

If you dont want to use glass, you can use a plastic called "LEXAN XL10" its made of plastic, but very transparent, it has 88% light transmission. You can buy it at home depot, they have it in various sizes, I think the smallest is 11"x14" and it costs about $8?

If you want to know what this LEXAN XL10 looks like.

Intalling a glass shield is easy. Just go to micheals or a hobby store and pickup some thin peices of wood, 1/2"x1/4" that is about 24" long. Drill small holes on both sides of your grow box and mount 2 peices of wood there one on each side, you can also tape it if you want, the Lexan XL10 are light. the Lexan XL10 sheet will now have something to sit on.

The Lexan XL10 glass shield should be able to bring the temps in your grow box down by 10F, Iam assuming you have a fan exhausting the hot air from your lights.
i have a similar setup myself and the temp seems to reach about the same when the door on my box is closed. i just leave the door cracked open a bit while the lights are on and it tends to do the trick and i close it up right before the lights are set to go off. Also i hung a 8" fan inside the box and i have it pointing directly at the light bulbs, this method helps alot too it keeps the bulbs pretty much at room temp. Try that out if possible.


Well-Known Member
How do you hang your lights? are all your CFL lights at the top of your grow box?

If yes, then there might be a way. You can try using a glass shield to prevent the heat from your CFL lights from coming down into your plants. The glass shield will let light past through it but will keep most of the heat from getting down to your plants.

your grow box is what 2x2x4?, so Iam guessing a glass shield of about 2x2 should be enough. Install the glass shield about 1" below your lowest CFL light bulb.

If you dont want to use glass, you can use a plastic called "LEXAN XL10" its made of plastic, but very transparent, it has 88% light transmission. You can buy it at home depot, they have it in various sizes, I think the smallest is 11"x14" and it costs about $8?

If you want to know what this LEXAN XL10 looks like.

Intalling a glass shield is easy. Just go to micheals or a hobby store and pickup some thin peices of wood, 1/2"x1/4" that is about 24" long. Drill small holes on both sides of your grow box and mount 2 peices of wood there one on each side, you can also tape it if you want, the Lexan XL10 are light. the Lexan XL10 sheet will now have something to sit on.

The Lexan XL10 glass shield should be able to bring the temps in your grow box down by 10F, Iam assuming you have a fan exhausting the hot air from your lights.
Thats a good idea with the glass but realize that 10% of your lumens will be reduced when the light has to pass through it.