Where are the gun enthusiasts? Part 2

I think giving up guns would be one more step towards mental slavery the government is pushing on the middle and lower class.

However, why spend thousands of dollars on a BFG (Guess the reference. :) ) to shoot a can?
I think giving up guns would be one more step towards mental slavery the government is pushing on the middle and lower class.

However, why spend thousands of dollars on a BFG (Guess the reference. :) ) to shoot a can?

Agreed. I'm (proudly) very liberal and a complete banning of firearms scares even me.
I can't speak for everyone else, but my gun only cost a couple hundred bucks and has brought me years of entertainment.
I think you can buy BFG 9000s on eBay for under a grand. Plasma rifles are even cheaper. ;)
o.k im not going to argue the ins and out of it but i do have to point out the ludicrous stat form one guy who said knife crime in the u.k was 163.000. thats lies. in 2008 there were 277 knife deaths in the whole of the u.k. 277. i think if we are going to use stats to support our argument please lets not just pull random numbers out of the air in the hope nobody notices. the number 277 comes from gaurdian.co.uk and is the official number under the freedom of information act. i would post a link but i dont know how!!! ( at least im honest enough to admit to things i dont know.) if you care to look just google kevin dowling gaurdian knife crime and you will see.
o.k im not going to argue the ins and out of it but i do have to point out the ludicrous stat form one guy who said knife crime in the u.k was 163.000. thats lies. in 2008 there were 277 knife deaths in the whole of the u.k. 277. i think if we are going to use stats to support our argument please lets not just pull random numbers out of the air in the hope nobody notices. the number 277 comes from gaurdian.co.uk and is the official number under the freedom of information act. i would post a link but i dont know how!!! ( at least im honest enough to admit to things i dont know.) if you care to look just google kevin dowling gaurdian knife crime and you will see.

You are correct, sir:

Also, there were only 42 gun related deaths in 2008:
o.k im not going to argue the ins and out of it but i do have to point out the ludicrous stat form one guy who said knife crime in the u.k was 163.000. thats lies. in 2008 there were 277 knife deaths in the whole of the u.k. 277. i think if we are going to use stats to support our argument please lets not just pull random numbers out of the air in the hope nobody notices. the number 277 comes from gaurdian.co.uk and is the official number under the freedom of information act. i would post a link but i dont know how!!! ( at least im honest enough to admit to things i dont know.) if you care to look just google kevin dowling gaurdian knife crime and you will see.
ok, apparently you are going to argue the ins and outs of it. :evil:

Next time please try to actually READ my post. Dont just skim through it and start posting away. Thats ludicris.

As I said before, knife crimes. NOT knife deaths.
Also, I didnt just a pull a number out of the air, I got it from here. 400 knife crimes each week!!! WOW

and here

and here

Thank you for playing :peace:

The highest rate is in London, where every resident has a one-in-1,100 chance of falling victim over the course of a year.

Londoners stand more chance of being stabbed or robbed at knifepoint than of being killed or seriously injured in a road accident.
Jeez! all these knife crimes in the UK!!! thats because you guys are not allowed to own any firearms if im correct? I met an English couple at the shooting range and he had bought himself at least $40,000 in weaponry, optics, ammo and add-ons! He was in heaven because he said that you cant get things like that where he is from..idk what the exact place was called. Some sort of ____shire, ____ington or ____ham town of sorts. Your city and town names over there are quite interesting lol. Is it also true that hunting has been banned?
doesnt 400 x 52 (weeks in a year) make 20.800? thats still 140,000 less than your first estimate. also i read the excact same article including that stat. who is chad perrin? i wonder where he got that infomation from. i also want to clarify my stance. i dont think all guns should be banned. im not anti hunting i just think it seems anyone can get a gun. also im aware there is a small knife problem in the u.k. i also think knifes of a certain type should be under liscence. i dont think a 16 year old buy should be able to go to a shop and buy a massive hunting knife.
doesnt 400 x 52 (weeks in a year) make 20.800? thats still 140,000 less than your first estimate. also i read the excact same article including that stat. who is chad perrin? i wonder where he got that infomation from. i also want to clarify my stance. i dont think all guns should be banned. im not anti hunting i just think it seems anyone can get a gun. also im aware there is a small knife problem in the u.k. i also think knifes of a certain type should be under liscence. i dont think a 16 year old buy should be able to go to a shop and buy a massive hunting knife.
Well, 400 was only the first 3 months, and it was OVER 400. It got worse as time went by. And honestly I dont give a shit about uk knife crimes. I was only trying to prove that Guns are not the enemy. People are the enemy. Dont get mad at a gun everytime a person uses it irresponsibly.

And yes, statistics are not always accurate. Did you check the links? or skim through again? It is also estimated that most knife crimes are not reported.

My stance on the subject is this...
A thread was opened by a person who loves guns, and called out to other gun enthusiasts.

Instead, people who dont care anything about guns, or even have a gun, read a title labeled "gun enthusiasts" and they say to themselves, Im not a gun enthusiast, but I think I will post my negative bull shit anyways.

Why? Obviously everybody is different. I respect people of different thoughts and beliefs. You dont see me on the pro california threads talking shit about them do you? :hug:

If you dont like it, dont post. Its as simple as that. :peace:
i just think it seems anyone can get a gun..
Me, my girlfriend and my mother took a certified handgun license class a few months ago.

After completing the class, all 3 applications were returned by the state for some BS reason.

My moms fingerprints were smudged.
Her background is picture perfect. They had to find a reason to reject it, she is an assistant principal for the local highschool, and her husband is a Sargent for Houston Police.
She redid her fingerprints a couple times, and they kept sending them back.
She had to do this 3 times before they accepted it.

Mine was returned because I put the wrong month of a previous home address.
I said I moved out of on old address in jan 2003. But the state said I moved in March 2003. I had to fill in the correct information before they would process my application further. Im still waiting......

My girlfriend was rejected because of a misdemeanor charge she failed to include in the application.
Even though a misdemeanor charge does not deny a license, the fact that she didnt mention it did.

It is NOT easy to get a certified handgun license. It is very hard for people who qualify for a CHL to actualy get one.

It is however, very easy to get a gun off the black market.

Which is why a gun ban wont work, like I said before. It will only take the guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, not gangs!!

Gang violence and armed robbery will not end because of a gun ban. Like I was trying to say in the first place.
your right i dont know why i posted here. i was intrigued as to what type of person was enthused by deadly weapons. i get enthusiastic over good food, good weed, maybe a good film. theres quite alot of things i enjoy. my intention was not to start debating and certainly not to piss people off if you look at all my posts i dont think i've been over negative or insulting in any way. the intresting thing is i'm still no closer to knowing about the people who love these guns. humour me. just out of intrest who did the "gunlovers" vote for? where are you from? what work do you do? i would just like to see if theres a pattern.
your right i dont know why i posted here. i was intrigued as to what type of person was enthused by deadly weapons. i get enthusiastic over good food, good weed, maybe a good film. theres quite alot of things i enjoy. my intention was not to start debating and certainly not to piss people off if you look at all my posts i dont think i've been over negative or insulting in any way. the intresting thing is i'm still no closer to knowing about the people who love these guns. humour me. just out of intrest who did the "gunlovers" vote for? where are you from? what work do you do? i would just like to see if theres a pattern.

Well Mr. wise guy. I voted for Obama, I am from Long Beach, CA, and am a full-time student. I bet you were expecting some little redneck from Arkansas, the patter you are looking for is plain stupid. Sport shooting was the way I was raised plain and simple, I have never killed or shot any human being and do not intend to. This is American culture and we love shooting guns, as for the thread this is a gun enthusiasts thread and we can all see your not one so please refrain yourself from posting on this thread.
your right i dont know why i posted here. i was intrigued as to what type of person was enthused by deadly weapons. i get enthusiastic over good food, good weed, maybe a good film. theres quite alot of things i enjoy. my intention was not to start debating and certainly not to piss people off if you look at all my posts i dont think i've been over negative or insulting in any way. the intresting thing is i'm still no closer to knowing about the people who love these guns. humour me. just out of intrest who did the "gunlovers" vote for? where are you from? what work do you do? i would just like to see if theres a pattern.

I'll humor you - I proudly voted for Obama. I am from the Northeast but have lived all over. I was a chef, then a graphic designer, now I run a butcher shop.
I hope you find your pattern. :lol:
Well, ok.
1) I voted for McCain.
2) Born in the UK, living in Alaska.
3) Retired military (24 yrs) and I run a machinery service related company.

I'm so excited - hope I fall into a good "Cubby-hole".
I figured I'd answer some questions posed by the thread's token gun-unenthusiast:

1. I'm Chad Perrin. Thanks for asking. I found my way here because I noticed I was getting a little bit of traffic from this thread.

2. I got the statistics from a number of sources that are clearly documented at the end of the SOB entry in which I presented the statistics in the first place.

3. I'm a gun owner. I was born in the US northern midwest. I was raised there, California, Hawaii, and Florida, primarily -- and more in California than the others. In case you're unaware, CA and HI are two of the less gun-friendly states in the US. I'm ex-military, I've done private sector security (including emergency room security), and I'm currently an IT consultant, security expert, and writer. In the 2008 Presidential election, I voted for Charles Jay (of the Boston Tea Party), because basically everybody else on my state's ballot was an authoritarian jackass and a liar, including both McCain and Obama (and if you believed Obama's crap about decriminalizing weed, you should probably get some kind of disability compensation from whoever amputated your BS meter).

I hope that helps.
I figured I'd answer some questions posed by the thread's token gun-unenthusiast:

1. I'm Chad Perrin. Thanks for asking. I found my way here because I noticed I was getting a little bit of traffic from this thread.

2. I got the statistics from a number of sources that are clearly documented at the end of the SOB entry in which I presented the statistics in the first place.

3. I'm a gun owner. I was born in the US northern midwest. I was raised there, California, Hawaii, and Florida, primarily -- and more in California than the others. In case you're unaware, CA and HI are two of the less gun-friendly states in the US. I'm ex-military, I've done private sector security (including emergency room security), and I'm currently an IT consultant, security expert, and writer. In the 2008 Presidential election, I voted for Charles Jay (of the Boston Tea Party), because basically everybody else on my state's ballot was an authoritarian jackass and a liar, including both McCain and Obama (and if you believed Obama's crap about decriminalizing weed, you should probably get some kind of disability compensation from whoever amputated your BS meter).

I hope that helps.

It doesn't help. Please do not post in this thread again. :peace:
I'll humor you - I proudly voted for Obama. I am from the Northeast but have lived all over. I was a chef, then a graphic designer, now I run a butcher shop.
I hope you find your pattern. :lol:

Butcher shop huh, can I call you in about 6 weeks when I have a moose on the ground? I'm willing to share some of the primo steak for a good knife hand.
Butcher shop huh, can I call you in about 6 weeks when I have a moose on the ground? I'm willing to share some of the primo steak for a good knife hand.

Mmmmm...moose meat! i would be glad to help you, but i live in the southwest part of the US and have never been fortunate enough to see a live wild moose. There are none in my state. But we have a small fraction of a buffalo herd.
youre right i was hoping for a load of red nednecks! lol. i will not post in this thread again gentleman as this is your thred to talk about guns. i would like to say i thought it was a fairly good debate considering what can happen on these forums ie. personal insults, illiterate ramblings etc. i didnt mean to sound like a gun hating liberal and im not.
Boy shoots young sister in Nevada

(11:03) A two-year-old girl is in a critical condition after being shot by her four-year-old brother at their home in Las Vegas. as a last comment did any one see this? i wonder because i live in ireland and heard it on the radio on the way to work, i was wondering if this was covered in the us. if so whats your opinion? (by the way i haven't been scouring the internet looking for dead baby storys.) this comes hot on the heels of a five year old in the same state who blew his own face off. (i know how to post stuff!) i dont expect a reply but could sopmeone tell me how to start a thread?