I think giving up guns would be one more step towards mental slavery the government is pushing on the middle and lower class.
However, why spend thousands of dollars on a BFG (Guess the reference.) to shoot a can?
o.k im not going to argue the ins and out of it but i do have to point out the ludicrous stat form one guy who said knife crime in the u.k was 163.000. thats lies. in 2008 there were 277 knife deaths in the whole of the u.k. 277. i think if we are going to use stats to support our argument please lets not just pull random numbers out of the air in the hope nobody notices. the number 277 comes from gaurdian.co.uk and is the official number under the freedom of information act. i would post a link but i dont know how!!! ( at least im honest enough to admit to things i dont know.) if you care to look just google kevin dowling gaurdian knife crime and you will see.
ok, apparently you are going to argue the ins and outs of it.o.k im not going to argue the ins and out of it but i do have to point out the ludicrous stat form one guy who said knife crime in the u.k was 163.000. thats lies. in 2008 there were 277 knife deaths in the whole of the u.k. 277. i think if we are going to use stats to support our argument please lets not just pull random numbers out of the air in the hope nobody notices. the number 277 comes from gaurdian.co.uk and is the official number under the freedom of information act. i would post a link but i dont know how!!! ( at least im honest enough to admit to things i dont know.) if you care to look just google kevin dowling gaurdian knife crime and you will see.
No hunting?Is it also true that hunting has been banned?
Well, 400 was only the first 3 months, and it was OVER 400. It got worse as time went by. And honestly I dont give a shit about uk knife crimes. I was only trying to prove that Guns are not the enemy. People are the enemy. Dont get mad at a gun everytime a person uses it irresponsibly.doesnt 400 x 52 (weeks in a year) make 20.800? thats still 140,000 less than your first estimate. also i read the excact same article including that stat. who is chad perrin? i wonder where he got that infomation from. i also want to clarify my stance. i dont think all guns should be banned. im not anti hunting i just think it seems anyone can get a gun. also im aware there is a small knife problem in the u.k. i also think knifes of a certain type should be under liscence. i dont think a 16 year old buy should be able to go to a shop and buy a massive hunting knife.
Me, my girlfriend and my mother took a certified handgun license class a few months ago.i just think it seems anyone can get a gun..
your right i dont know why i posted here. i was intrigued as to what type of person was enthused by deadly weapons. i get enthusiastic over good food, good weed, maybe a good film. theres quite alot of things i enjoy. my intention was not to start debating and certainly not to piss people off if you look at all my posts i dont think i've been over negative or insulting in any way. the intresting thing is i'm still no closer to knowing about the people who love these guns. humour me. just out of intrest who did the "gunlovers" vote for? where are you from? what work do you do? i would just like to see if theres a pattern.
your right i dont know why i posted here. i was intrigued as to what type of person was enthused by deadly weapons. i get enthusiastic over good food, good weed, maybe a good film. theres quite alot of things i enjoy. my intention was not to start debating and certainly not to piss people off if you look at all my posts i dont think i've been over negative or insulting in any way. the intresting thing is i'm still no closer to knowing about the people who love these guns. humour me. just out of intrest who did the "gunlovers" vote for? where are you from? what work do you do? i would just like to see if theres a pattern.
I figured I'd answer some questions posed by the thread's token gun-unenthusiast:
1. I'm Chad Perrin. Thanks for asking. I found my way here because I noticed I was getting a little bit of traffic from this thread.
2. I got the statistics from a number of sources that are clearly documented at the end of the SOB entry in which I presented the statistics in the first place.
3. I'm a gun owner. I was born in the US northern midwest. I was raised there, California, Hawaii, and Florida, primarily -- and more in California than the others. In case you're unaware, CA and HI are two of the less gun-friendly states in the US. I'm ex-military, I've done private sector security (including emergency room security), and I'm currently an IT consultant, security expert, and writer. In the 2008 Presidential election, I voted for Charles Jay (of the Boston Tea Party), because basically everybody else on my state's ballot was an authoritarian jackass and a liar, including both McCain and Obama (and if you believed Obama's crap about decriminalizing weed, you should probably get some kind of disability compensation from whoever amputated your BS meter).
I hope that helps.
agreed, that was kinda weirdIt doesn't help. Please do not post in this thread again.![]()
I'll humor you - I proudly voted for Obama. I am from the Northeast but have lived all over. I was a chef, then a graphic designer, now I run a butcher shop.
I hope you find your pattern.![]()
Butcher shop huh, can I call you in about 6 weeks when I have a moose on the ground? I'm willing to share some of the primo steak for a good knife hand.