Well-Known Member
Burnt out?
Yeah... it's like a part time job trying to do all this stuff. And it's not like I'm getting paid. I get herb and I'm happy about that, but the rest... it's not like I have anyone to share it with. No where to sell it. So it's for my own personal enjoyment, and I have enough EVERYTHING for about a year. Seriously, I will be smoking the hash I made for another few months at least. The herb would last me till next june, and the brownies/ butter.... I'll never use it all, never.
If I had pot smoking buddies or something it might be a little different.
I guess I don't see the point, other than just to do it.
I wish it was legal... I could sell it all, make a bunch of money and be very motivated. Oh well.
And yeah I can try to sell some herb to the stores to make 'some' money, and I'm going to try that at some point... I'm just skeptical on them giving me enough to make it worth it for me. I don't want to sell my stuff for $150 an oz or something and I worry they won't even offer that. We'll see, just another thing I have to do. Stuff still doesn't smell good enough for the store. I don't know if I loaded them with too many nutes or what. I flushed forever but things still don't smell like 'chronic' it smells different. I don't know what I"m doing/ have done wrong. Maybe I didn't let things get dry enough... could that be?
Hey... Oakland CA passed a bill to tax the stores there. If they get out of their budget woes from that... look for other CA cities to do it. Then for CA... and once CA turns it's horrible economy upside down from pot... here come other states.
Last thing... got this from someone's signature... don't remember who, sorry:
Watch this... it's trippy: http://www.dafun.de/Senju_Kannon_3294