• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Am I permanently fucked?

if that was his fist time smoking it would make sense being super stoned, the first time i smoked i got the "waves" that kinda out of body experience definately creeps up on you if you're not used to it...i dont even get high anymore unless i smoke chronic..haha


Active Member
Well it's actually been 3 months. I went to the doctor about a week ago, he said nothing was wrong, even though I was completely numb. They even checked my heart with an EKG. And when they ripped off the pads. I felt nothing even though it ripped of a ton of hair on my leg. I explained it them.

I ended up with a $600 bill for him to just tell me I was slightly under weight and need to start eating every 3 hours.
dude the first times i got stoned i saw so much shit when i closed my eyes, from colours spinning in circles and shapes to the world spinning on its axis while i was in space to feeling my heart beat up from my toes to my knees to my waist etc... very trippy and scarey but my mind is pretty open and i would just go to sleep with it.. it is a MIND ALTERING substance and you sound like a bit of a control freak / drug innocent (no offense).. this is not good because you will try to control the "trip" when you actually have no control because thats why people smoke it.. later on after you smoke more and become comfortable with it you can do heapsss of things like drive a car and goto work (not reccommended but its entirely different to drink driving as everyone here would know).. bottom line open your mind and let it flow if you try again if not dont bag it because it scared you.. weed is HARMLESS everyones first times are crazy hence why some people never give it ago after their first time.. me? i loved it and will smoke 4EVA.. lol peace dude and soz for rant ;)

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
dont listen to most people on here thats my advice. too many kids giving advice or trying to. you know who you are.
i can see that happening from just weed. If i smoke too much it feels a bit like a bad acid trip - it sucks, because i never used to have this problem. After having a few bad trips on acid and from staying up too long on speed, i can get that same feeling from weed. I don't hallucinate or anything, and what it really boils down to is an enhanced anxiety attack. That's probably what you're having too - bad anxiety, with extra detachment from reality brought on by the weed. The following ones that you've had are just anxiety attacks imo.
The lesson i've learned: Moderation. If you get the urge to smoke again, try a tiny hit and stop there. If you feel fine, then leave it at that. Nothing wrong with being a lightweight if you enjoy yourself.
I really don't think you've done anything permanent. Just do some deep breathing, and clear your mind if you feel anxiety coming on. You'll get past this.
whoa whoa if you knew better acid can still have effects long after it was taken and speed can worsen your motor skills dont do drugs peoples i dont do drugs i just medicate with my earthly medical marijuana


Well-Known Member
Hey. So your sister's boyfriend smoked it too and he could take care of you? Have any of you ever been around people on PCP? Not the setting, watching TV? Hell he remembers too much. I am not ruling out it being laced but you just might have gotten real fucked up high and maybe it interacted with some latent psychological issue. I have had and have seen several people have very similar experiences. He, as some people who use psychedelics are able to do, may have a great recall of what is going on within his head and the ability to describe it. I know weed is mild but with no prior experience it could be really earth shattering. I personally smoked some dank dank the first time I smoked and I had the loops he was talking about and visual distortions. I have seen people (my wife) go fetal and cry describing something not to different, not exact but a freakout all the same on there first smoke. Do it again but start really small. Like a tiny hit. 20 min later take another.


New Member
People dont realize how strong marijuana can actually be when you first try it or have a low tolerance for any reason like you havent smoked in a long time.

I remember the first time I got real high very vividly, up until that point I had never done any drugs and it was like a completely different world, unlike anything I had ever experienced before in my life. From what I heard I thought I was just gonna get happy and start laughin at everything, it was that but 10X more intense than I thought.

I like the erowid note on this: "Some authors report suspicions that their cannabis has been 'laced' (adulterated), in some cases presumably with PCP. While this is possible, readers should be aware that idiosyncratic response (hypersensitivity) to the effects of cannabis (usually higher doses) can lead some users to presume their cannabis has been 'laced'"


Active Member
Dude it sounds like you need some serious anti-anxiety meds... Im serious.. go to your doctor and tell him whats been going on minus the weed part.. tell him you start feeling really strange then all of a sudden you get all nervious and start geeking out and you think crazy thoughts

That time you had sounded like something that happened to me except i took an 8 strip of acid thinking it was fake ( plane white) Well that turned out to be the biggest underestimation of my life. I was running though the woods naked yelling I JUST PISSED MY JEANS, i rolled through a fire.. i remember thinking i was on a game show. Your lucky everyone was able to control the situation as they did. I was so out of control i was flopping like a fish out of water through the woods. I woke up in a hospital SHREADED from head to toe in lacerations ( cuts ) .. they asked me what my name was.. i told them JEANS and fell back asleep. A few hours later i was completly fine( becides pain from the cuts.. couldnt sit down at all) as the drug left my system. I do get the occasional unvolentary twiching in my arms and legs but only once in a great while and mainly when i think about it. Really its just all in my head. correction,... Actually i think i ended up with chronic pain from this *flopping like a fish* because i have been in SEVERE pain ever since that around that year.

Enough about me.. my point was i dont see that happening off of just weed. As a matter of fact i know that there is no weed that strong.. especially because of

A. It was laced with something like PCP or acid and you had a hardcore trip. Judgeing by the speed of the trip starting it could not have been acid or mushrooms... Most likely PCP.. sounds like a PCP type trip with the reapeating vision but it also sounds like any trip from robo to acid. Im ruling out acid and mushrooms right now because it hit WAY too fast.. unless smoking acid hits you super fast.. couldnt tell you but i know putting it in your eyeball still takes 20 minutes to get into your system.


B. The MJ triggered some kind of embalance you already have existing in your head. Its nothing abnormal, i know a few people who go NUTS for no apparent reason and they cant smoke any weed because it makes them freak out and they cant breath.. its all in his head but he doesnt and cant realize that. You should really see a doctor and get yourself some anti anxiety meds. Do you have anxiety problems at all when you dont smoke like while driving down a crowded highway or talking to or meeting people?


Active Member
ahaha yes you are perminetly fucked. Well if you ever hope to smoke weed as a recreational drug

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
holy shit bro wat ever u sisters bf was smokin was sum good shit damn u make it sound scary n the way you put it into detail like that i doubt you made it up def laced with sum shit the first time i ever smoked was sum og kush n wat a great day that was it was a great experience hopefully i dont stumble opon anything in relation to wat you had.


My barber of 16 years smoked with me growing up in high school for a few years and one day, he got anxiety attacks from smoking so he quit. None of us on this forum is a doctor and we all can make up conspiracy theory's why it's illegal and every one can justify smoking in a million ways because that's what a dope fiend does. In the long run, it's bad for your health. People say it's not addicting but bullshit, I've been smoking since 16, now I'm 33, still can't quit except for when I get incarcerated, just like most of us here. We all get old and will remember every delicious toke when we're bombarded with health problems. I've smoked pcp, crack, snorted coke and all types of hallucinogens and never got addicted but weed, I just can't quit, I keep coming back for more and it's the only drug that I'll spend my whole pay check on. "but, it's legal in Cali". Has California succeeded from the Union? Then it's still illegal and will never be as long as a patent can be acquired on synthesized THC for pharmaceutical companies. Your door will be kicked in by the U.S. Marshall's or the Kick-Door Jackers sooner or later, in both scenarios, you can't call police for help, plus most people snitch on themselves with either their mouth or body language and/or one's actions like texting and blogging. Times have changed and it's not worth doing anymore.
thats some deep shit man
i feel you on the addictive part. Im not gonna giv out my age, but wen i was lik 16 and 17 i would smoke everday ,ultiple times a day for weeks on end and feel this. The best way to get over it is run out of weed and force urself not to buy any. Then the next thing you do is think about everything but weed, dont even think about drugs at all n ur good. or at least its lik that for me.

I belive that this guy that started the thread only smoked weed. The first few times i smoked i felt nothing, until one summer my freshman year in high school a friend and i ditched summer skool. We smoked one dub doobie.It was some medical grapes, was not laced for sure. I had never felt anything lik it, it was the worst day of my life. I remeber first gettin tunnel vision, then i remeber not being able to walk and talk right. Then shit got crazy, i wa spanicking and having anxiety attacks and i was paaroid about completley nothing. Shit started becoming a hazy purple, everything i saw was blurry and i couldnt breathe right. My heart wa sbeeating so fuckin fast. All i could think about was how i was gonna die and death, i also had problems with time and hallicinations. I would get stuck in time, sometimes i would hallucinate that time was going backwards and i looked at my clock on my ipod and it said 945 but a second later it rewinded itself to 932. Then my friend left me all out ther alone like a douche. Some random bum kept talkin to me and i was trippin twice the balls i was trippin b4, it took me about 16 hours to come off of the weed, i awoke the next day lik i had been reset in life, it was crazy. I never wanted to smoke weed or do drugs again. Then i smoked one time again a couple years later and have had nothing but good highs sense. All this because i was worried about getting caught by my summer skool, i think this guy was worried his parents wud catch him and got abad trip. If you think bad when your high, something bad will happen in your head. And i know for a fact this weed wasnt laced with shit, cuz my friend was fine, well he was high as a mutha fucka but he was fine.

All i can say to the dude who started this is dont think about drugs at all and move on with your life, its all in your head. Hell it might even be good if you smoked again so you could feel what weeds supposed to be lik, but start slow, one hit at a time.


Sounds like you smoked pcp lased weed, if the nugs were gold you probably did. Then again when i was 17 i bought some weed from this guy at a gas station, didnt know him or anything he said it was some British Columbia Weed ( which i doubt because we payed 5 bucks for a dime sack) but it made me have some of the effects you described. I thought i was going to die i had tunnel vision and my nasal passages dried up it felt like my brain was dry and it hurt to breath eventually i threw up and passed out,absoulte horrible experience. I did not smoke weed again for almost a year and a half, IMO you will be fine i am and that was almost 4 years ago.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
to bigkill you have serious problems so you consistently get incarcerated for weed or other crimes? you act as if thats a given for all of us. your not on the same page as others on here that much is clear. everything one does daily is addictive but it seems you have mental issues as well its all about personal control dont blame the weed blame your own pych problems. also doctors half the time are quite uneducated and incompetent but i guess you respect people who have papers or titles that say there in the know you must love leo's also. save your words please.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
some people are crazy to begin with there minds are just waiting for the trigger to those i say never do lsd or shrooms.


Dude.. I agree with what most people on here said. The dude that gave you that shit is a huge douche or your just a crazy bastard and that smoking weed like put you way over the top...


Well-Known Member
to bigkill you have serious problems so you consistently get incarcerated for weed or other crimes? you act as if thats a given for all of us. your not on the same page as others on here that much is clear. everything one does daily is addictive but it seems you have mental issues as well its all about personal control dont blame the weed blame your own pych problems. also doctors half the time are quite uneducated and incompetent but i guess you respect people who have papers or titles that say there in the know you must love leo's also. save your words please.
Beautifully written.

/rant =D