Whats Killing Her?


Active Member
Here is a little up date on how my plants are doing. they seem to be getting worse. or better idk. some are doing ok some slowly keep getting worse.
any input? hopefully temps will go down. anyone think it looks like im haven a ph problem? what symptoms are my plants showing us



They look to be the start of what happened to a few of mine. Here's some pictures of the damage:

What I did, was took a gallon of tap water, and let it sit for 24+ hours. Let gravity try and pull some of the larger pieces of material in the water, to the bottom of the jug. I stopped using nutrients at this point, and was just using plain tap water (that sat, of course)
And here was my result:

EDIT sry huge pictures ha


Well-Known Member
This is a plant that has been grow in MG soil. It has been overfed chemicals from the MG. Flushing a sick plant in MG soil usually makes thing worse because of all the WATER SOLUABLE fertilizer chemicals. MG can work very well for growing MJ, but only if you know aht you are doing with it. Most new growers have TONS of problems using MG soil. The MG organic does work really well for certain plants not all plants. UNfortunately I'm not sure what you can do to fix but I am pretty sure that soilmix in generall is the cause. In the latest set of pictures it looks like they have maxxed out on the macro's and are probably deficient in some micro nutrients. Mg and Ca
MAYBE. They Are far from dying but they are going down hill looks like. Have you ever given them epsom salts? 1-2 teaspoons per gall will fix a MG and /or Ca Def in a matter of days. And if its not that I dont think it will hurt one bit.


Well-Known Member
IF it's MG fert burn, the affected foliage will mostly shrivel and die off, but the plant will recover, and be stronger (more chemical tolerance) for the error.


Active Member
well i will have to pick up some of that salt and start adding it to the water. from what i read mg is really hard to flush and u end up just way way over feeding so i think that would be hard to accomplish.


Well-Known Member
You need to transplant to better soil and only give tap water for atleast 2 weeks until they get though all the hell you have ran them though LOL


Well-Known Member
You need to transplant to better soil and only give tap water for atleast 2 weeks until they get though all the hell you have ran them though LOL
Probably not a bad idea.
Look into using Superthrive too. It's B vitamins and plant hormones. It's proven to grow healthier plants that can more easily withstand less than ideal conditions. Perfect for transplants, rooted cuttings, and general maintainance. :joint::peace:


Yeah I was told it was a magnesium def. But that was months ago. Plants grew till harvest after that little escapade they put on.


Active Member
how would i transplant a plant thats alrdy in 12Inch pot? remove the soil away from all her roots? and if im going to go that far. i want to make sure i have the perfect soil mix er what ever before doing so.


Well-Known Member
Probably not a bad idea.
Look into using Superthrive too. It's B vitamins and plant hormones. It's proven to grow healthier plants that can more easily withstand less than ideal conditions. Perfect for transplants, rooted cuttings, and general maintainance. :joint::peace:
We talking the same stuff they have at walmart??? What concentration would you use? Im interested in it if it would help mine.


Well-Known Member
yeah Superthrive. They probably do have it at Wal-mart. A drop a gallon will do ya for regular maintainance. I get the small bottle comes with an eyedropper. You can use more for transplants. 1 teaspoon a gallon is a lot, but you cant use too much I dont think. It would just be a waste. Its not expensive though. But dont use it during flower. They say it makes the buds fluffy. (its GROWTH hormone not flower or fruiting hormone). Theres a lot of info floating around about it, and little to none of it is bad so, I been using it since my 1st grow and something has been working for me LOL.


Active Member
Hey, are the leaves as leathery as they look in the pictures? If so, the heat is mostl likely your problem. In all my research, the temp is best in the realm of 70-79 degrees or so.


Well-Known Member
yeah Superthrive. They probably do have it at Wal-mart. A drop a gallon will do ya for regular maintainance. I get the small bottle comes with an eyedropper. You can use more for transplants. 1 teaspoon a gallon is a lot, but you cant use too much I dont think. It would just be a waste. Its not expensive though. But dont use it during flower. They say it makes the buds fluffy. (its GROWTH hormone not flower or fruiting hormone). Theres a lot of info floating around about it, and little to none of it is bad so, I been using it since my 1st grow and something has been working for me LOL.
Yeah it is there, I figured since they had it, it wasn't worth a shit. I told my wife well if wallfuck carries it then it's shit LOL Guess I was a little wrong, thanks for the nfo!


Well-Known Member
Quote: " I figured since they had it, it wasn't worth a shit."
I follow your logic completely! LMAO I dont shop at walmart. Walmart is bad for everyone. :(