Anyone Tired of all these cali people thinkin cali is so great?

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fried at 420

Well-Known Member
i skateboard i have been like forever not one of those rampy doods im more a street skater its like surfing in a way ive always wanted 2 surf
n we should get a frontal view of that pic lol jp


Well-Known Member
Cali is great,,been there and met and smoked with fdd,,don't get much better than that

by the way,,I'm from Canada

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
i skateboard i have been like forever not one of those rampy doods im more a street skater its like surfing in a way ive always wanted 2 surf
n we should get a frontal view of that pic lol jp
I used to be an am skater, skated from age seriously good...awesome(not trynna brag)...and I somehow just lost my passion for it...and not skating anymore was the truly the biggest mistake ive ever made:cry:
i could be making a living right now off it if I just would have stuck to it...

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
n no this debate will never end as long as some fuckin east coaster steps up and says no
Which will be my stubborn ass but lets change the view to a more pics thing i want to see some of the stuff everyone is smoking
so post sum pics already!


All it takes is someone who knows how to grow and order seeds. GREAT weed can live anywhere.

But we have weed stores with 30+ strains and edibles and concentrates. So enjoy the east coast!

Oh and it's legal for me. Cali isn't better, you're right.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
guess this will never end but if i get a license ill be in the same position you are in benassi
smokin in front of a police station.But they dont do things like that in boston but if theres a site i can get one from


Well-Known Member
exactly left or right pick a dirction there is no middle road

fuck that BULLSHIT im from the midwest, its tatted on my body. im not east coast or west coast. i visit cali and love it when im there. but the midwest is my home. chitownesmoking should back me up on this one, we are our own part of the country.

and i want to go on record as saying i never dissed cali or thier weed, i just said we grow plenty of great dope elsewhere. we just cant be as open or proud about it as cali.

fuck, to each thier own.


Well-Known Member
Broke economy,gang problems, hot as fuck, and weed thats the same as what I have my hands on, meh. Ill stick to canada. :hump:
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